Student theses in the Plant Ecology group
PhD in progress:
- Alashoush, A. since 2023: , SAGE project
- Allouzi, M. since 2022: Restoration of degraded rangelands by means of long-lived seed banks/Jordan, SAGE project
- Al-Hmoud, R. since 2022: GIS mapping of urban biodiversity on green roofs in Amman, Jordan (factors that may improve green roof biodiversity), SAGE project
- Ananbeh, Y. since 2022: Developing indicators for tipping points in rangelands in the Jordan River region under climate change and land use change, SAGE project
- Daval, A. since 2023: Ecological modeling of rangelands in context of climate change, SAGE project
- Handal, E. since 2022: Developing indicators for tipping points in rangelands in the Jordan River region under climate change and land use change, SAGE project
- Moes, M. since 2022: Plant Community Response to Climate Change and Grazing in Middle Eastern Rangelands, SAGE project
- Mujahed, S. since 2022: Urban green space management under climate change, SAGE project
- Gresse, J. since 2021: Plant traits as determinants of population and community stability
- Koch, F. since 2021: The paradox of the bryozoans: unravelling the relation between structure and stability of (benthic) competition networks
- Pagano, N. since 2019: Connecting the green and the grey world - an experimental approach to separating climate, vegetation and geochemical effects on nutirent cycling along a climate gradient
- Amputu, V. since 2019: Primary production dynamics along gradients and within the experimental studies using UAV-based remote sensing, NamTip project
- Hinneberg, H. since 2019:
- Braun, L. since 2014: From land management through habitat heterogenity to biodiversity in grassland ecosystems: A combined theoretical and experimental approach
- Hoch, E. M. since 2012: The role of biotic interactions in determining phenotypic and genotypic variation in metal hyperaccumulation and hypertolerance in two model Brassicaceae species.
Completed PhD Theses:
- vd Brink, L. 2022: ChileEarthShape: Connecting the green and the grey world - an experimental approach to separate climate, vegetation and geochemical effects on nutrient cycling along a climate gradient
- Ratzbor, R. 2021: Hedge - 2 From land management through habitat heterogenity to biodiversity in grassland ecosystems: A combined theoretical and experimental approach
- Mohiley, A. 2019: The role of biotic interactions in determining phenotypic and genotypic variation in metal hyperaccumulation and hypertolerance in two model Brassicacear species
- Gibson- Forty, E. 2018: Intraspecific variation in plant-animal interactions of the Brassicaceae family along a steep rainfall gradient in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin
- Nesongano, C. 2018: Effects of climate and elevated CO2 on the balance between woody and herbaceous plants in African savannas
- Herberich, M. 2018: Coupled Modelling of Vegetation - Hydrology Dynamics
- Zhang, R. 2017: Intraspecific facilitation: generality, mechanisms and effects
- Shi, J. 2016: Admixture, local adaptation and inbreeding depression in invasive plants
- Hänel, S. 2014: Rapid in situ adaptation to changed precipitation in annual plant species.
- Hanoteaux, S. 2014: The role of indirect plant-plant interactions via shared pollinators: a combined experimental and theoretical study in species-rich temperate grasslands.
- Rysavy, A. 2013: Biotic and abiotic effects on species interactions in a water stressed ecosystem: the effect of precipitation and grazing on the survival and establishment of the Mediterranean dwarf shrub Sarcopoterium spinosum.
- Tomiolo, S. 2013: Investigating the role of biotic interactions in determining the degree of local adaptation and thus the potential response of plants to climatic change.
- Segev, U. 2012: The effect of granivory by harvester ants on response of plant communities to climate change: an experimental approach. In cooperation with Prof.s J. Kigel (HUJI, Israel) and Y. Lubin (Ben Gurion, Israel)
- Joshi, S. 2011. The danger of re-introduction of invasive plants: A novel experimental test with Lythrum salicaria from introduced and native range.
- Lampei, C. 2010. Annual plant populations under global climate change: their adaptations to aridity and potential for evolution.
- Metz, J. 2010: The sensitivity of Eastern Mediterranean plant communities to variations in rainfall and their vulnerability to global climate change.
- Schiffers, K. 2008: Plant community response to small-scale disturbances - lessons from a molehill meadow.
- Tschöpe, O. 2007: Managing open habitats for species conservation: the role of wild ungulate grazing, small-scale disturbances, and scale.
- Petrů, M. 2006: Life history expressions of annual plants in unpredictable environments: from theoretical models to empirical tests.
Master theses in progress
- Kohl, J. since 2022: Asynchrony and stability of winter annual communities along a steep environmental gradient in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin
- Krüger, L. since 2022: Invenstigating the structure-stability relationship in competitive networks with an individual based model
- Kirchner, J.: Waldentwicklungsphasen der Bannwälder Baden-Württembergs
Completed Diploma / Master theses:
- Breit, M. 2022: What determines heavy metal hyper-accumulation efficacy of Arabidopsis halleri more? – Plant or soil biogeochemistry?
- Schumann, J. since 2020: RSR and optimum distances to neighbours in cold environment
- Weyerer, F. 2022: Studying the eco-evolutionary response of plant-pollinator systems to declining pollinator population
- Koch, F. 2021: The complex dance of competition: hierarchy promotes stability in benthic competition networks
- Fauß, J. 2021: Prey selection in metal hyperaccumulating plants
- Weides, S. 2021: Where does the water come from, plant water uptake
- Gotterbarm, S. 2020: Heterospecific plant soil feedback strenght in relation to phylogenetic distance
in grassland communities - Mailänder, S. 2020:
- May, A. 2020: Can metal hyperaccumulating plants differentiate between neutral (rocks) vs. green share (competition) for metal hyperaccumulation?
- Nuglisch, C. (Staatsexam) 2020: The effect of activated water on plant performance- a solid experimental assessment
- Schädle, J. (Staatsexam) 2020: The impact of precipitation reduction on soil water content
- Schlücker, V. 2020: Vergleich von Biotopkartierungen in Baden-Württemberg - eine methodische und naturschutzfachliche Analyse
- Tegetmeyer, I. 2020: Unraveling eco-evolutionary responses of heterocarpic plants to fragmentation
- Gelaudie, H. 2019: Herbivory induces clonal foraging for nutrients in plants
- Kühnl, S. 2019: Identifying feedback patterns in empirical vs. randomized systems of interference competition
- Ritter, H. 2019: Observation based spatial modeling of interference competition in benthic bryozoan assemblages
- Hinneberg, H 2019: Response of Perennial Plants and Collembolan Communities from Temperate Grasslands, the Role of Diversity
- Ndunge, C 2017: Assessment of Wood plants and grass responses in savannas using reciprocal transplants along a rainfall gradient
- Ferenc, V 2017: Adaptatipns of mixed mating systems in winter annual crucifers along an emvironmental Gradient
- Leonova, A 2017: The role of soil biota in the invasive success of Impatiens glandulifera.
- Wedegärtner, R. 2017:
- Dornbach, J. 2016:
- Hener, C. 2015: Induced chemical defense in Lythrum salicaria
- Sroka, M. 2015: Einfluss der Habitatheterogenität auf die Artendiversität einer heimischen Wiesengemeinschaft.
- Laaser, T. 2015: Herbivory induced root foraging in the heavy metal hyperaccumulator A. halleri
- Huberty, M. 2015: testing the EICA and SDH below ground for a range expanding invasive species: Rorippa austriaca
- Slowik, F. 2015: Responses of plant Climatic Niche Groups to climate and grazing manipulations in Canada
- Lechner, N. 2015: Influence of habitat heterogeneity on plant species diversity in a native grassland community
- Birkhold, F. 2014: The influence of identity and blossom density of neighbouring species on selfing versus outcrossing in two self-compatible plant species.
- Ratzbor, R. 2014: A population viability analysis and management recommendations for the endangered plant species Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum.
- Herberich, M. 2013: Importance of environmental variation and life history for the spatiothemporal variation of population growth rate in riparian perennials.
- Köhl, S. 2012: Testing the shifting defence hypothesis with Lythrum salicaria.
- Hirth, A. 2012: The effect of molehill disturbance on the species composition of calcareaus grasslands under different management types.
- Hofmann, E. 2012: The effect of patch-grazing on carbon and nitrogen fluxes in a moderately species rich grassland. In cooperation with Prof. J. Isselstein (Göttingen).
- Hoch, E.M. 2012: The influence of density and spatial pattern on the „Magnet Species Effect“ (Facilitation) in two pollination Systems.
- Lutz, M. T. 2011: The economic value of mesic Mediterranean landscape under global climate change: a case study in the Jordan River basin.
- Wegerer , R. 2011: Is resistance to herbivory in invasive Lythrum salicaria maternally inherited?
- Pehl, A.K. 2011: Evaluating the genetic basis of invasiveness in Impatiens glandulifera from the native and invasive range.
- Mund, E. E. 2010: Effects of land use intensity on soil carbon storage in riparian forests in Brazil.
- Seyfang , H. 2010: The role of indirect facilitation via pollinators on selected plant species in calcareous grasslands along a productivity gradient.
- Gaul, N. 2010: Evaluierung von Managementmaßnahmen zum Erhalt der pflanzlichen Biodiversität in Kalkmagerrasen auf der Schwäbischen Alb.
- Wiedmann , A. 2009: Populationsgefährdungsanalyse der seltenen und bedrohten Pflanzenart Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum (Karlszepter) am Federsee.
- Obergfell, T. 2009: Simulationsstudie zum Einfluss der globalen Erwärmung auf die Populationsdynamik des Neohpyts Helianthus tuberosus L.
- Jochum, T. 2009: Climate change in the arctic: an experimental assessment of temperature increase on selected tundra plant species. In cooperation with Prof. B. Graae, Schweden).
- Horstmann, H. 2008: Is there facilitation in central European grasslands? A search for patterns.
- Zapf , S. 2008: Ist naturschutzfachliche Bewertung objektivierbar? Evaluierung für Halbtrockenrasen im Regierungsbezirk Tübingen.
- Siewert , W. 2008: The dispersal dormancy trade-off in annual plants: putting model predictions to the test.
- Schmid, A. 2007. Die Dynamik europäischer Wiesengemeinschaften entland eines Produktivitätsgradienten – der Einfluss individueller Wechselbeziehungen, Düngung und der Artenherkunft. In cooperation with Prof. R. Hampp, Tübingen.
- Finkenbein, P. 2007: Comparative demography of Lythrum salicaria in its native and introduced range: a test of conceptual models of invasion success.
- Eberhart , A. 2006: Do siblings avoid each other? An empirical test of the sibling competition hypothesis along a steep climatic gradient.
- Fehling , B. 2006: Modellierung des Wachstums von Gerste und Mais in einer Hochoase im zentralen Hohen Atlas (Süd-Marokko) mit DSSATv.4.0.
- Häckel , D. 2006: Gefährdungsanalyse von Primula farinosa im Donauried.
- Schloz-Murer, D. 2005. Effect of small-scale disturbances on European grassland community dynamics along a productivity gradient: molehills as a case study.
- Daniel, F. 2003: Einfluss von Maulwurfshügeln auf die Pflanzendiversität im Auengrünland.
- Schiffers, K. 2003: Interactions of annual plants: empirical investigations along a climatic gradient in Israel.
- Seifert, B. 2003: Methodenerprobung und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Konkurrenz zwischen Grünlandarten verschiedener Wuchsform.
- Hoth, D. 2002: Populationsbiologische und -ökologische Untersuchungen am Lungen-Enzian (Gentiana pneumonanthe) auf ausgewählten Feuchtstandorten im Land Brandenburg.
- Deutschewitz, K. 2001: Landschaftsstruktur und Verbreitungsmuster invasiver Pflanzengruppen-Untersuchungen zu Beziehungen zwischen Landschaftsstrukturparametern und dem Vorkommen fremdländischer Pflanzenartengruppen im mesoskaligen Bereich mit Methoden der Geoinformation und Statistik..
- Troppens, A. 2001: Der Einfluss von Beweidung und Mahd auf die saisonale Vegetationsdynamik in Phalaris arundinacea / Agrostis stolonifera-Mosaiken an der unteren Havel.
Bachelor theses in progress:
- Böhm, C.:
- Draaijer, S.:
- Eisele, C.: Comparing short- vs. long-term effects of different plastic fragment concentrations and soil types on plant performance.
- Geisbusch, M.: Evaluating the vegetation development of restored peatlands located in the Nationalpark Bavarian Forest, Germany
- Hummler, A.-L.: Adaptation of local herbivores on the invasive plant, Senecio inaequidens (DC.) with time since introduction
- Scheiner, C.: Differences in the expression of maternal effects in seeds of annual heterocarpic species
- Shcherbinina, E.:
- Wagner, A.:
- Werner, S.:
Completed Bachelor theses:
- Barth, L. (2022): Land degradation assessment using Residual Trend Analysis of Enhanced Vegetation Index(EVI), soil moisture and rainfall in Great Waterberg Landscape
- Benedikt, J. (2022):
- Ebenslander, M. (2022): The interaction of experimental drought and herbivory on plants along a climate gradient
- Groß, K. (2022):
- Regen, A. (2022): HEDGE Project 2: The role of beta diversity in ecosystem functioning
- Schreiner, P. (2022): Changes in the diaspore-ratio in response to drought in three heterocarpic annuals from an aridity gradient
- Block, L. (2021): Phenology of five grassland species under competition – focusing the biotic impact of global change
- Drohm, M. (2021): Evaluation of the Bunte Wiese meadows
- Heckhorn, C. (2021): The influence of different microplastic fiber types on two soils using the example of Arabidopsis thaliana
- Kelemen, A. (2021): Nutrient limitation of plants along a climate gradient in the chilean coastal cordillera
- Kramp, R. (2021): Functional responses of plant communities to extreme climate events
- Krehl, A. (2021): How is the ability of soil to retain water under drought conditions affected by different concentrations of microplastic?
- Saul, L. (2021): Resistance and resilience of grasslands to extreme drought – the role of clonality
- Sautter, L. (2021):
- Schoellkopf, U.-M. (2021): Do different sizes of micro-mesoplastic affect growth of Arabidopsis under drought?
- Schubert, J.:
- Stroetmann, S. (2021): Seed and seedling responses to parental drought exposure of grassland species from the Swabian Alb, Germany
- Merkle, M. (2020): Effect of competition on plant phenology
- Palmer, M. (2020): Hydrological niche differentiation increases stability of plant communities in the face of extreme drought through asynchrony in population responses
- Schuster, E. (2020): Resistance and resilience of the forest herb layer to extreme drought as a function of light
- Fiedler, S. (2019): The insurance hypothesis - a matter of response variable
- Fink, L. (2019): Recilience after extreme drought in forests and grasslands on the Swabian Alb
- Hämmerle, C.L. (2019): Resistance of plant community productivity and composition towards extreme drought in forests and grasslands
- Mengel, A. (2019): Historische und Landnutzungseffekte auf Grünlanddiversität - eine Pilotstudie am Spitzberg
- Merkens, L. (2019): Wiesendrusch als Alternative zu Einsaat? Ein experimenteller Test
- Rein, T. (2019): Can plants remember their future?
- Roller, S. (2019): Priming in plants - a method for increasing resistance to pathogens?
- Schratt, K. (2019): Larch tree stand dynamics along environmental gradients at the North-Eastern treeline in Siberia
- Weides, S. (2019).: Functional vegetation responses along grazing gradients in drylands
- Wesenberg, L. (2019): Effects of stimuli on Voldrox aureus and Euglena gracilis as basis for future Pavlovian experiments
- Hillenbrand, S. (2018): Associative learning in Arabidopsis thaliana: Coupling of gravitational stimulus and light induced stomatal opening
- Reußwig, M. (2018): Wachstumscharakteristika von Graslandarten unter verschiedenen Habitatbedingungen
- Reinhardt, M. (2017):
- Fischer, J. (2017):
- Tiggemann, L.H. (2017): Establishing multispectral imaging techniques to monitor vegetation characteristics in a semi-natural grassland at Heuberger Tor
- Klingenfuß, S.M. (2017): The heterogeneity - diversity relationship in cultivated grasslands and a closer look on agricultural practices and their impact on plant species diversity
- Peters, R. (2017): Herbivorous Damage Along a Latiduninal Climate Gradient in Chile
- Nübold, J. (2016): Wurzelbeimpfungen mit VAM-Sporen, Bodenbakterien und organischen Düngemitteln an Mostbirnen im Vergleich.
- Ferenc, V. (2014): Combined Impacts of Water and Nutrients Levels on Mycorrhiza Dependency in Different Plant Species
- Bruder, J. (2014): Germination experiments with Namibian seed
- Gebauer, Sarah (2014): Effects of plant population admixture on herbivore resistance and plant performance in the invasive plant Lythrum salicaria.
- Groß, Dorothee (2014): Decision making in plants: Fight or flight in response to light competition.
- Bihler, Nadine (2014): Clonal growth of invasive and native populations of the range expander Rorippa austriaca.
- Schmid, Lisa (2014): Heritability of life history traits in annual plants.
- von Oppen, Jonathan (2013): The interplay of interactions and parental effects on the performance of a semiarid annual plant species along an aridity gradient.
- Roser, Fabian (2013): Ausbreitung von Neophyten aus dem Botanischen Garten Tübingen: Untersuchung der Spontanvegetation der Rosenau und der näheren Umgebung.
- González-Escolano, Flavia (2013): Allelopathy as a plastic response: can it be induced by competition?
- Stutzmann, S. 2012: The influence of neighbours on the self-pollination of Centaurea jacea, Knautia arvensis and Scabiosa columbaria.
- Reck, R. 2012: Bestimmung der Konkurrenzfähigkeit von drei annuellen Pflanzenarten aus Israel nach neun Jahren Regenfeldmanipulation mit Hilfe des spezifischen Blattflächenindex. eine Untersuchung zur plastischen und evolutiven Anpassung von Pflanzen an den Klimawandel.
- Lechner, N. 2012: Phenology shifts in annual plants – distinguishing between plastic response and genetic changes.
- Laaser, T. 2012: Does facilitation promote persistence of maladapted ecotypes in stressful environments? A test with dryland annuals.
- Glöckner, N. 2012: The role of heterospecific flower density in determining reproduction success of two native species in an agricultural landscape.
- Zieger, S. 2012: Mechanisms of plant invasion: allelopathic effects of native and invasive Impatiens glandulifera.
- Huberty, M. 2012: Testing the EICA and the SDH for the example of a range expanding species: Rorippa austriaca.
- Beck, L. I. 2011: The effect of molehill disturbances on grassland diversity of the Swabian Alb under two different management regimes: Mowing and grazing.
- Binder, E. 2011: How molehills affect diversity on the Swabian Alb.
- Eberlein, H. 2011: Adaptation of a specialised herbivore: Celastrina argiolus on Lythrum salicaria.
- Gerschwitz, M.L. 2011: The role of molehill disturbance in maintaining grassland diversitiy under different management regimes.
- Kugler, D. 2011: Der Effekt von Regenmanipulationsexperimenten auf das Keimungsverhalten von mediterranen Pflanzen.
- Schmid, M. 2011: Determining the water use efficiency of three plant species after 9 years of rain manipulation in Israel using the carbon isotope composition.
- Schnee, L. 2011: Plant diversity on public areas in Tübingen.
- Weber, B. 2011: Intraspezifische Unterschiede in Linum strictum und Linum corymbulosum nach neun Jahren Niederschlagsmanipulation?
- Eberhardt, B. 2011: Effect of molehill disturbances on grassland biodiversity under different management regimes.
- Zeug, B. 2010: Lokale Anpassung an verschiedene Standorte bei der invasiven Pflanzenart Impatiens glandulifera.
- Ritter, E. 2010: Pflanzen auf Maulwurfshaufen zeigen aufgrund höherer Lichtverfügbarkeit eine geringere Wuchshöhe.
- Müller, G. 2010: Adaptation to positive interactions in Crithopsis delileana.
- Daum, S. 2010: Pflegekonzeption zur Offenhaltung des Naturschutzgebietes 'Buttenhausener Eichenhalde' mit Ziegen- Folgeuntersuchung zur Entwicklung der Gehölzvegetation.
- Eitel, S. 2010: Productivity, disturbances and the species pool: how molehills affect diversity of grasslands on the Swabian Alb.