Department of Computer Science

Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Andreas Geiger

Head of Department

Email Website

Dr. Timm Lichte

Head of Department

Email Website

Prof. Dr. Philipp Hennig

Dean of Studies

Email  Website

Dr. Verena Seibold

Coordinator for studies and teaching

Email  Website

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Kohlbacher

Head of Department

Email  Website

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Lensch

Head of Department

Email Website


Examination boards

More information on the examination boards of the bachelor and master programs hosted by the Department of Computer Science can be found here:
Boards of Examiners Department of Computer Science

Student association

More information on the student association of the Department of Computer Science can be found here:

Website of the student association of computer science
Webseite of the student association of cognitive science

Study Commission

The study commission is responsible for the affairs of study and teaching. Here, among other things, curricula are drawn up and the courses offered are discussed. The study commission is composed of the dean of studies, three professors, two representatives of the scientific service and four students. The members are elected by the faculty council. There are study commissions for computer science (including bioinformatics, media informatics and medical informatics), the teaching profession for computer science and cognitive science.

Study commision Computer Science: fsi-studkommspam
Study commission Cognitive Science: kogni-studkommspam

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