Institute of Evolution and Ecology (EvE)

Evolution in a Box

The project “Evolution in a Box” aims to develop and provide teaching materials for school lessons on the topic of “evolution”. The finished box contains 12 games that can be played by 2-4 players in 15 minutes. Each game deals with a different aspect of evolutionary biology and is reinforced with a corresponding worksheet. The games are also suitable for non-specialist teachers, e.g. for stand-in classes and can be played from the 7th grade onwards.

The games were passed on to interested persons in school. Unfortunately, there are no more games available.

This is how "Evolution in a Box" came about

In the summer semester of 2013, 30 secondary school teaching degree students dealt with the playful teaching of aspects of evolutionary biology under the direction of Susanne Weller. Accompany us on the different stages of development of “Evolution in a Box”:

At the beginning, the students revised the most important concepts of evolutionary biology and worked through the current textbook literature.

Using various newspaper articles and secondary literature, the students discussed the topic of “creationism”. Thanks to the various secondary subjects, such as theology and philosophy, many different points of view could be examined.

While developing the games, we examined the following questions:

First prototypes were examined over and over again…

After a busy final phase, the finished games and worksheets were presented and evaluated.

The finished games were intensively revised graphically by Verena Lohmüller and then printed. Students, institute staff and volunteers worked together to pack individual parts into the boxes and label them.

The special commitment of the students made this project possible and we would like to give special thanks for the kind support to

Tefa cardboard packaging (

Additional material

These classroom activities were designed specifically for the lower grades as an introduction to evolution. Each activity takes approx. 20 minutes and is accompanied by a worksheet.

Note: The following corresponding files are only available in German.


Fitness: Fithoch2 (Fit to the power of 2)

FIT2_instructions (PDF)

FIT2_worksheet (PDF)

FIT2_worksheet sol. (PDF)

FIT2_material_questions (PDF)

Partnerwahl: Die Qual der Wahl (Choosing a partner: Spoilt for choice)

Die Qual der Wahl_Arbeitsanleitung (instructions) (PDF)

Die Qual der Wahl_Arbeitsblatt (worksheet) (PDF)

Die Qual der Wahl_Arbeitsblatt_LSG (worksheet sol.) (PDF)

Die Qual der Wahl_Hilfskarten (aid cards) (PDF)

Die Qual der Wahl_Kärtchen (little cards) (PDF)

Die Qual der Wahl_Übersichtsfolie (overview slide) (PDF)

Selection: Food Fight

FoodFight_Material_Wertung (material_scoring) (PDF)

FoodFight_Arbeitsblatt (worksheet) (PDF)

FoodFight_Arbeitsblatt_Lösung (worksheet_solutions) (PDF)

FoodFight_Material_Geschichte (history) (PDF)

FoodFight_Material_Spielvorbereitungslegende (game prep legend) (PDF)

FoodFight_Material_Vogelkärtchen_Löffel (little bird cards_spoon) (PDF)

FoodFight_Material_Vogelkärtchen_Stabilo (little bird cards_pen) (PDF)

FoodFight_Material_Wortpuzzle (word puzzle) (PDF)

FoodFight_Spielanleitung (How to play) (PDF)

Stammbaum: Was bin ich? (Pedigree: What am I?)

Wasbinich_Arbeitsblatt (worksheet) (PDF)

Wasbinich_Arbeitsblatt_Lsg (worksheet solutions) (PDF)

Wasbinich_Material_Infoblätter (information sheets) (PDF)

Wasbinich_Material_Amphibien (amphibians) (PDF)

Wasbinich_Material_Fische (fish) (PDF)

Wasbinich_Material_Reptilien (reptiles) (PDF)

Wasbinich_Material_Säugetiere (mammals) (PDF)

Wasbinich_Material_Vögel (birds) (PDF)

Wasbinich_Material_Tierkarten (animal cards) (PDF)

Wasbinich_Spielanleitung (How to play) (PDF)

Variation: Kein Ei gleicht dem anderen (Variations: No two eggs are the same)

KeinEigleichtdemanderen_Arbeitsblatt (worksheet) (PDF)

KeinEigleichtdemanderen_Arbeitsanleitung (instructions) (PDF)

KeinEigleichtdemanderen_Lösungsblatt (solutions sheet) (PDF)

KeinEigleichtdemanderen_Material (PDF)

Züchtung: Hundezüchter (Breeding: Dog breeder)

Hundezüchter_Arbeitsanleitung (instructions) (PDF)

Hundezüchter_Arbeitsblatt (worksheet) (PDF)

Hundezüchter_Arbeitsblatt_Lsg (worksheet sol.) (PDF)

Hundezüchter_Entwicklungskarten (development cards) (PDF)

Hundezüchter_Generationenplan (generation plan) (PDF)

Hundezüchter_Hunderassen (breeds of dogs) (PDF)

Hundezüchter_Overheadfolie (overhead transparency) (PDF)

Hundezüchter_Zuordnungskarten (assignment cards) (PDF)

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