Institute of Evolution and Ecology (EvE)

Further publications

Teixeira S, Foerster K, Bernasconi G, 2009. Evidence for inbreeding depression and post-pollination selection against inbreeding in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia. Heredity 102: 101-112.

Weiß BM, Poggemann K, Olek K, Foerster K, Hirschenhauser K, 2008. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite marker loci in the greylag goose (Anser anser). Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 1411-1413.

Kempenaers B, Peters A & Foerster K, 2008. Individual variation in plasma testosterone levels - causes and consequences. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London B 363: 1711-1723.

Foerster K, Coulson T, Sheldon BC, Pemberton JM, Clutton-Brock TH & Kruuk LEB, 2007. Sexually antagonistic genetic variation for fitness in red deer. Nature 447: 1107-1110.

Foerster K, Valcu M, Johnsen A & Kempenaers B, 2006. A spatial genetic structure and effects of relatedness on mate choice in a wild bird population. Molecular Ecology 15: 4555-4567.

Kunc HJ, Foerster K, Vermeirssen ELM & Kempenaers B 2006. Experimentally elevated plasma testosterone levels do not influence singing behaviour of male blue tits (Parus caeruleus) during the early breeding season. Ethology 112: 984-992.

Poesel A, Kunc HP, Foerster K & Kempenaers B 2006. Early birds are sexy: male age, dawn song and extra-pair paternity in blue tits Parus caeruleus. Animal Behaviour 72: 531-538.

Foerster K & Kempenaers B, 2005. Effects of testosterone on male-male competition and male-female interactions in blue tits. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 57: 215-223.

Foerster K & Kempenaers B, 2004. Experimentally elevated plasma levels of testosterone do not increase male reproductive success in blue tits. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 56: 482-490.

Taborsky B & Foerster K, 2004. Female mouthbrooders adjust incubation duration to perceived risk of predation. Animal Behaviour 68: 1275-1281.

Foerster K, Delhey K, Johnsen A, Lifjeld JT & Kempenaers B, 2003. Females increase offspring heterozygosity and fitness through extra-pair matings. Nature 425: 714-718.

Foerster K, Poesel A, Kunc H & Kempenaers B, 2002. The natural plasma testosterone profile of male blue tits during the breeding season and its relation to song output. J. Avian Biology. 33: 269-275.

Poesel A, Foerster K & Kempenaers B, 2001. The dawn song of the blue tit Parus caeruleus and its role in sexual selection. Ethology 107: 521-531.

Kempenaers B, Foerster K, Questiau S, Robertson BC & Vermeirssen ELM, 2000. Distinguishing between female sperm choice versus male sperm competition: A comment on Birkhead. Evolution 54: 1050-1052.

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