Department of Geosciences

Master's Thesis Topics in Geoecology

Recent research topics geoecology students have focused on in their Master's thesis, sorted by work groups (year)

Animal Evolutionary Ecology / Prof. Nico Michiels

  • Assessing species' avoidance reactions towards landscape features - A case study of Corn bunting nest sites (2022)
  • Feuersalamander Monitoring in Tübingen (2023)
  • Processing wildlife tracking data from Automated Radio Telemetry Systems (ARTS): A framework and example application (2023)

Animal Physiological Ecology / Prof. Heinz Köhler, Prof. Rita Triebskorn

  • Moduliert Mikroplastik die akute Toxizität von Thiacloprid bei Zuckmückenlarven (Chironomus riparius)? (2021)
  • Stresstoleranz des Bachflohkrebses Gammarus fossarum oberhalb und unterhalb von Kläranlagen (2021)

Biogeology / Prof. Hervé Bocherens

  • Modelling the distribution of the Pleistocene Mammoth Steppe vegetation based on the bioclimatic limits of modern analogues (2022)
  • Charakterisierung von Dünensubstrat der Namibwüste mit Bezug auf Standort und Hydrologie (2022)

Comparative Zoology / Prof. Katharina Foerster

  • Modelling Species Distribution Patterns of Romania's Herpetofauna (Amphibians and Reptiles) (2021)

Environmental Biotechnology / Prof. Lars Angenent

  • Establishing a base-editing tool in Clostridium ljungdahlii based on CRISPR/Cas12a (2021)
  • Impedance measurements and process optimization in an electrochemical cell designed for biomethanation (2021)
  • Assessment of spatial demand and protein yield of a power-to-protein system in Ethopia (2023)

Environmental Mineralogy / Prof. Stefan Haderlein

  • Etablierung von quantitativen Analysen für Quarz und Cristobalit (2021)
  • Impact of biochar ash content on contaminant transformation in the presence of Fe and persulfate (2021)

Environmental Systems Analysis / Prof. Christiane Zarfl

  • Eco-evolutionary dynamics in two-species mutualistic system: One-sided population decline triggers joint interaction disinvestment (2022)
  • Spatial dynamics affect local eco-evolutionary feedback within a mutualistic metacommunity - and vice versa! (2022)
  • Erfassung und Bewertung der Ökosystemleistungen Biodiversität und Kohlenstoffbindung im urbanen Raum (2023)
  • Investigating the structure-stability relationship in competitive networks with an individual-based model (2023)
  • Eco-evolutionary plant resource allocation in response to herbivory and pollination and its implications for plant diversification (2023)
  • Assessment of spatial demand and protein yield of a power-to-protein system in Ethopia (2023)

Environmental Toxicology / Prof. Beate Escher

  • Cytotoxicity as a proxy for particle-associated and dissolved organic contaminant loads in rivers during storm events (2022)

Evolutionary Biology of Invertebrates / Prof. Oliver Betz

  • Structure and function of the skeletomuscular ovipositor system of the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina heterotoma (Cynipoidea: Figitidae) (2022)
  • Diversität und Abundanz blütenbesuchender Bienen und Schwebfliegen auf Projektflächen der" Blühenden Naturparke Baden-Württemberg" (2022)
  • Ökologie und Phänologie der Rot- und Grünwidderchen (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae) aus dem Val d'Agnielles, Hautes-Alpes, Frankreich (2023)

Geomicrobiology / Prof. Andreas Kappler

  • The biogeochemical impact of historical submarine copper mine tailings on the Repparfjord, Northern Norway (2023)
  • Impact of humics-coated biochar particles on electron transfer between Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and ferrihydrite (2023)
  • pH-dependence of different nitrate-reducing Fe(II)-oxidizers (2023)
  • The Influence of salinity increases on methane and carbon dioxide emissions from Wadden Sea marsh sediments (Schleswig-Holstein) (2023)
  • Fe und N cycling in the anoxic sediment of an acidic mine drainage river (Río Tinto, Spain): Effect of pH, salinity and heavy metals on the microbial community (2024)

Micropaleontology / Dr. Annett Junginger

  • Grain size analysis as a tool for reconstruction of climate driven sediment provenance changes from the Marathousa MAR18-1A core, Megalopolis basin, Greece (2022)
  • Adaptation of diatom assemblages to water quality change over time in an artificial lake in southern Germany (2023)

Near-Surface Geophysics / Prof. Reinhard Drews

  • Investigation of Infiltration Behaviour and Groundwater Recharge at the Lauswiesen Site (2023)

Petrology and Mineral Resources / Prof. Gregor Markl

  • Ökologie und Phänologie der Rot- und Grünwidderchen (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae) aus dem Val d'Agnielles, Hautes-Alpes, Frankreich (2023)

Plant Biogeochemistry / Jun.-Prof. Marie Mühe

  • What determines intraspecific variability in heavy metal hyper-accumulation efficacy of Arabidopsis halleri? - Plants traits or soil biogeochemistry? (2022)

Plant Evolutionary Ecology / Prof. Oliver Bossdorf

  • The effects of grazing and mowing on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in Trifolium pratense L. (2020)

Soil Science and Geomorphology / Prof. Thomas Scholten

  • Development of soils and vegetation in the Güglinger state forest over the last nine decades (1932 - 2021) (2022)
  • Assessing the transferability of satellite-based soil organic carbon models: A case study of cropland soils in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria (2022)

Terrestrial Palaeoclimatology / Prof. Madelaine Böhme

  • Die Obermiozäne Karpoflora der Hammerschmiede (2023)

Vegetation Ecology / Prof. Katja Tielbörger

  • Prey selection in metal hyperaccumulating plants (2021)
  • Survival and biomass allocation in adult plants and seedlings under varying levels of climate stress in the Scandes (2022)
  • Land Degradation Risk Assessment in Dryland Savannah (2023)