First you must register in the Geo Excursion Manager to be able to access the courses. (You need to be within the University network or use the VPN Client provided by the ZDV.)
Once registered, you can log in to see the excursions and mapping courses offered with the basic information (dates, costs, destination, etc.). You can also see how many students have already registered for a course. This will help you to see which courses are popular and oversubscribed.
You must then register separately for
- Mapping courses (internal link)
- Excursions, including the stratigraphisches Geländepraktikum (internal link)
Please note the different deadlines!
You can change your registration at any time until the deadline.
For each MAPPING COURSE you choose from one of four options:
- I absolutely need to go to this mapping course (*).
This means you must go to this one and cannot go to any other course that is offered. - I would like to go to this course.
- I could go to this course if necessary, but I prefer another one.
Some courses are oversubscribed and then some students will have to transfer to another course. - I absolutely cannot go to this course (*).
If your preferred mapping course is oversubscribed, you cannot be transferred to this course.
(*) If you choose options (1) or (4) you must provide a brief reason. This could be that you attended this course before, for example.
We do our best to provide every student with their preferred options, but cannot always satisfy everyone's wishes. Note that only one mapping course is compulsory for BSc-students in Geosciences. You can only do an extra second one if the course leader agrees to this, but you have no right to a second course and will be lowest priority.
For each EXCURSION you choose from the following options:
- I absolutely need to go to this excursion.
This means you must go to this one for some reason and you need to explain why. - I would like to go to this excursion.
- I don't want to go to this excursion.
Some excursions are oversubscribed. It is therefore good to register for one or more "backup" excursions. Excursion leaders of oversubscribed excursions will do their Vorbesprechung first and select the students that can go on their excursion. Please note that if you already have enough excursion days for your module, you have lowest priority!