Chinese Studies


Research Colloquium and Public Lecture: Marriage migrants in Taiwan

by Prof. Hsia Hsiao-Chuan, 3 Feb 16h and 5 Feb 12h, Keplerstr. 2 and online

Monday, Feb 3, 16 – 18 c.t. 

Research Colloquium: From ‘Social Problems’ to ‘Social Assets’: Geopolitics, Discursive Shifts in Children of Southeast Asian Marriage Migrants, and Mother-Child Dyadic Citizenship in Taiwan

Wednesday, Feb 5, 12 – 14 c.t. 

Public Lecture: The Tug of War over Multiculturalism: a reflection on the politics of ethnicities and the dialectic process of empowering marriage migrants in Taiwan

Join us at Keplerstr. 2, Room 1.81, or on Zoom 987 1722 3673

Hsiao-Chuan HSIA, Professor at the Graduate Institute of Social Work, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, the first scholar studying marriage migration issues in Taiwan. Her publications analyze issues of immigrants, migrant workers, citizenship, empowerment and social movement.

Hsia is a praxis-oriented researcher striving for the empowerment of immigrant women and the making of im/migrant movements. She initiated the Chinese programs for marriage migrants in 1995, leading to the establishment of TransAsia Sisters Association of Taiwan, spearheading the movement for marriage migrants’ rights and welfare in Taiwan. She has served as an officer of various regional and international organizations, including Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants, Alliance of Marriage Migrants Organizations for Rights and Empowerment and International Migrants Alliance.


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