Center for Gender and Diversity Research

Members of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Abels
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Institute of Political Science

Prof. Dr. Regina Ammicht Quinn
International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Prof. Dr. Karin Amos
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Institute of Education

PD Dr. Gero Bauer
Center for Gender and Diversity Research (ZGD)

Dr. Christiane Bomert

Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Department of Education

Prof. Dr. Sara Y. Brucker
University Hospital
Department of Women's Health/ Research Insititute for Women's Health

Dr. Karin Bürkert
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Ludwig Uhland Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

Prof. Dr. Birgit Derntl
University Hospital
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Prof. Dr. Marcus Emmerich
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Department of Education
Tübingen School of Education

Prof. Dr. Carolin Führer

Faculty of Humanities
Institute of German Language and Literatures

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Bani Gill

Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Department of Sociology

Prof. Dr. Rita Haverkamp
Fakulty of Law
Endowed Chair for Crime Prevention und Risk Management

PD Dr. Jessica Heesen
International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Dr. Nicole Hirschfelder
Faculty of Humanities
Institute of English Language and Literatures

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Hotz-Davies
Faculty of Humanities
Institute of English Language and Literatures

Dr. Gesa Ingendahl
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Ludwig Uhland Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Johler
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Ludwig Uhland Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nadja Klopprogge

Faculty of Humanities

Institute of Contemporary History

Prof. Dr. Sigrid G. Köhler
Faculty of Humanities
Institute of German Language and Literatures

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jacky Kosgei

Faculty of Humanities

Institute of English Language and Literatures

Prof. Dr. Barbara Lange
Faculty of Humanities
Institute of Art History

Prof. Dr. Marion Müller

Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Department of Sociology

Prof. Dr. Boris Nieswand
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Department of Sociology

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ursula Offenberger
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Teaching in Methods of Empirical Social Science Research

Prof. Dr. Karin Polit
Faculty of Humanities
Department of Oriental and Asian Studies
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology

Prof. Dr. Monika A. Rieger

University Hospital

Institute for Occupational and Social Medicine and Health Service Research

Dr. Esther Christiane Rind

University Hospital

Institute for Occupational and Social Medicine and Health Service Research


Prof. Dr. Schamma Schahadat
Faculty of Humanities
Department of Slavic Languages and Literature

Prof. Dr. Monique Scheer

Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Ludwig Uhland Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

Dr. Gabi Schlag
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Department of Political Science

Prof. Dr. Monika Schrimpf
Faculty of Humanities
Department of Oriental and Asian Studies
Department of Japanese Studies

Prof. Dr. Michael Schüßler
Faculty of Catholic Theology
Department of Applied Theology

Prof. Dr. Ruth Scoralick
Faculty of Catholic Theology
Department of Old Testament

Prof. Dr. Barbara Stauber
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Department of Education Science

PD Dr. Benjamin Steinhilber

University Hospital

Institute for Occupational and Social Medicine and Health Service Research

Prof. Dr. Martina Thiele

Faculty of Humanities
Institute of Media Studies

Prof. Dr. Tanja Thomas
Faculty of Humanities
Institute of Media Studies

Prof. Dr. Fahimah Ulfat

Center for Islamic Theology

Prof. Dr. Saskia Wendel

Faculty of Catholic Theology
Department of Fundamental Theology

Prof. Dr. Birgit Weyel
Fakulty of Protestant Theology
Department of Applied Theology