Tübingen Center for Digital Education

Future Innovation Space

at Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen

The Future Innovation Space is an experimentation, testing and meeting place for student teachers and teaching staff, where they can come into contact with pioneering innovations for the future of digital education and exchange ideas with experts from academia. The aim is for both sides - research and practice - to learn from each other and to develop the use of digital technologies for the teaching of the future in a practical way.

Within the framework of the Future Innovation Space, primarily adaptive teaching offers are realized through technical approaches to knowledge transfer. Through different technical possibilities (e.g. VR and AR headsets, tablets, laptops, multi-touch tables, AI applications), teaching content can be presented through different forms of representation and technologies (e.g. 2D, 3D, Mixed Reality). This involves working with the material through different forms of interaction (mouse, touch, gauze, gestures in virtual space). This allows to make the access to the educational material more diverse.

The Future Innovation Space is a joint initiative of the Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media, where it is also located, and the University of Tübingen, and it includes a digital teaching lab (TüDiLab), a multi-touch lab and a mixed reality lab. The Future Innovation Space is funded, among others, by the BMBF within the joint project MINT-ProNeD coordinated by TüCeDE, as well as the joint project KuMuS-ProNeD.

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