Tübingen Center for Digital Education


TüCeDE brings together a dynamic and diverse team to shape the projects of the research areas. People from various disciplines and backgrounds are cooperating in these projects, from teacher training to psychology and software development. They work together in five areas to integrate digital education into practice and develop cutting-edge educational technologies.

Tobias Appel

Coordinator of research area innovative educational technologies.

tobias.appelspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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Iris Backfisch

Managing Director

Iris Backfisch develops and organizes the operational workflows and projects in agreement with the co-directors and steering board of TüCeDE. In addition, she is the contact person for young scientists and public relations.


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Sara Becker

Coordination of the research area Innovative Educational Technologies

Sara Becker’s research interests include the investigation of innovative educational technologies for adaptive learning, especially in STEM education. To this end, she takes into account both the product and process perspective by incorporating innovative technological measurement approaches (e.g., log files, eye tracking).

sa.beckerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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Stephen Bodnar

Coordination of the research area Software Development
Stephen Bodnar's software development activities specialize in supporting research that informs our understanding of how humans learn in an instructed setting, with a focus on second and foreign language learning.

stephen.bodnarspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Marcel Capparozza

Research Associate, Department of Transfer and Professionalization

Marcel Capparozza synthesises research on issues related to technology and teachers' professional learning. He also investigates how teachers learn online about empirical findings on technology integration in education.

marcel.capparozzaspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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Petra Ebert

Petra Ebert is responsible for the administrative processes in TüCeDE. As part of the management board, she is also responsible for public relations.

petra.ebertspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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Thérése F. Eder

Head of the Transfer and Professionalisation department

Thérése Eder researches and establishes transfer strategies between science, school and teaching practice in teacher training. Thérése Eder's other research interests include teaching and learning psychology issues with process measures such as eye-tracking and computer-based feedback.


Ulrike Franke

Head of the Transfer and Professionalization Department

Ulrike Franke coordinates the joint project MINT-ProNeD at the Tübingen site. In addition, her research focuses on professionalization processes among teachers in the area of teaching and learning with digital media as well as in the area of teachers' experiential knowledge.

ulrike.frankespam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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Marc Halfmann

Head of the Software Development department

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Jana Kemmler

Research Associate, Research Area Transfer and Professional Development

Jana Kemmler deals with media pedagogical and media ethical questions regarding teaching and learning with digital media.

jana.kemmlerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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Ting-Yu Liu

Research associate, Innovative Educational Technologies department

Ting-Yu Liu has been a research associate in the research area Innovative Educational Technologies since September 2023. Her focus is on Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and the development of adaptive learning systems.

ting-yu.liuspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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Runa Marold

Research Associate, Transfer and Dissemination Unit

Runa Marold works on dissemination and design concepts for the MINT-ProNeD project and the Tübingen Center for Digital Education. She also prepares teaching and training materials for the use of digital media, which are made freely available as Open Educational Resources (OER).

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Martí Quixal

Research associate, Research area Transfer and Professional Development

Martí Quixal works on developing transfer strategies to promote a co-constructive  cooperation between schools and research institutions. Martí has an extensive experience in the application of language processing technologies to build educational applications in real-life instruction settings.

marti.quixalspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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Anneke Schmidt

Coordinator of the Transfer and Professionalization Department

Anneke Schmidt is responsible for the coordination of the joint project MINT-ProNeD as well as the coordination of the sub-project at the Tübingen site.

anneke.schmidtspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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Franziska Tschönhens

Research associate, Research area Transfer and Professional Development

Franziska Tschönhens' research focuses on the promotion of digitization-related competencies of (pre-service) teachers. As part of the Transfer and Professionalization work area at TüCeDE, she is responsible for preparing research syntheses for school and teaching practice. She is funded by the Zentrum für Digitalisierungsbezogene Vernetzung und Transfer im schulischen Bildungswesen.

franziska.tschoenhensspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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Salome Wagner

Coordinator of research area Transfer and Professional Development.

Salome Wagner researches and establishes transfer strategies of science, school and teaching practice in teacher education. Further research interests of Salome Wagner are teaching and learning with educational technologies and computer-based feedback.

salome.wagnerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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Luisa Wellert

Research Associate, Innovative Educational Technologies Unit

Luisa Wellert has been a research assistant in the Innovative Educational Technologies Department since September 2023. Her focus is on media pedagogy, media didactics and research into adaptive learning systems.

luisa.wellertspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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Benedetta Zagni

Guest researcher

Developmental and Educational Psychologist. Trainer and PhD candidate in Psychological Sciences (DPSS – University of Padua) in collaboration with the Centro Studi Erickson. Her research focuses on cooperative learning and social and emotional skills in primary and middle schools. She works on school well-being and inclusion too.

Theresia Ziegs

Research Associate, KI Makerspace

Theresia Ziegs coordinates the contributions from the KI Makerspace, an out-of-school learning space for innovative technologies. As part of the Future Innovation Hub in the MINT-proNeD project, it is about developing AI-supported methods for adaptive teaching.

theresia.ziegsspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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