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Members of TüCeDE can become postdoctoral researchers of the University of Tübingen or cooperating institutions (with an official cooperation agreement) who are doing research in the field of digital education.
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The members form the basis of TüCeDE. All researchers, holding a PhD and who are employed by the University of Tübingen, or cooperating institutions who conduct research in the field of digital education, can become members.
Membership in TüCeDE offers numerous advantages. As a member, researchers benefit from a dynamic network that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration. For example, as a member you have access to innovative projects in the field of digital education and you can support the integration of scientific findings into educational practice. Members have the opportunity to participate in the selection and direction of research projects, elect the codirectors, and promote young researchers. In addition, membership enables an intensive exchange with renowned experts and institutions, strengthens visibility in the specialist community and supports diverse expertise in the field of digital education.
Saeedeh Babaii
Saeedeh Babaii works as a postdoctoral researcher at the International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW).
Her research focuses on philosophy and ethics of technology and specifically AI, AI in psychology, human/AI interaction, medical humanities, and ethics of care.
Iris Backfisch
Management of the TüCeDE
Iris Backfisch organises and coordinates the projects of TüCeDE and is the contact person for young academics and public relations.
Christoph Bareither
Professor of Emprical Cultural Studies
Christoph Bareither's research and teaching focuses on the ethnographic analysis of digital everyday cultures, combining the perspectives of Empirical Cultural Studies (EKW) with those of Digital Anthropology.
Thorsten Bohl
Director Tübingen School of Education
Thorsten Bohl's research interests are primarily in the area of classroom and school research.
Taiga Brahm
Professor for Economic Education
In her research, Taiga Brahm investigates the development of subject-specific and interdisciplinary competencies of learners in different educational institutions. She is interested in the possibilities and effects of digitization in schools and universities.
Birgit Brucker
Birgit Brucker is the scientific coordinator of the Mixed Reality and Multi-Touch Labs in the Future Innovation Space at the IWM. Her research focuses on how visualisations and innovative interaction media (e.g. virtual realities and multi-touch tables) improve understanding in various content areas, as well as on the potentials and risks of artificial intelligence (AI) in writing scenarios.
Jan-Philipp Burde
Junior Professor for the Didactics of Physics
Jan-Philipp Burde is particularly interested in electricity theory, context orientation and digital media in physics education.
Ulrike Cress
Director of the Leibniz-Institute für Wissensmedien (IWM), Co-Director LEAD
Ulrike Cress conducts research on media-supported learning and knowledge communication in learning and information environments and is a member of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (SWK).
Kateryna Derkach
Kateryna Derkach is a Postoctoral Researcher at the TEIFUN Postod-Kolleg (Technology-supported innovations in subject-specific teaching settings) working on the technology-assisted development of listening skills in foreign language learners. She has a PhD in Applied Linguistics (Second Language Acquisition) from the University of Cambridge, as well as experience in teaching English and in publishing English Language Teaching materials.
Michael Derntl
Head of the Dr. Eberle Center, Head of the Digital Humanities Center
Miachel Derntl seeks to advance the use of digital tools and methods in teaching and research across disciplines at the University of Tübingen.
Claudia Duttlinger
Coordination of the DLTPT1 work area of the Hector Institute for Empirical Educational Research. DLTPT is a platform for digitised placement tests in C-test format and practice systems. It is currently available for nine languages:
Claudia Duttlinger was previously coordinator of the DLTPT project at the LEAD Graduate School & Research Network and head of the Foreign Language Centre at the University of Tübingen. She is a member of the Scientific Commission of UNIcert®, a certification system for the training and testing of foreign languages at universities.
1 Digitalised Language Teaching & Proficiency Testing
Thérése Eder
Thérése Eder investigates how digital tools can be used in education, especially in the field of assessment and computer-based feedback. She uses process-oriented data (e.g., eye and emotion tracking) to record cognitive and affective-motivational outcomes.
Hanno Ehrlicher
Professor at the Chair of Romance Philology (Literary Studies)
Christian Fischer
Junior Professor of Educational Effectiveness
Christian Fischer's research is guided by a mission to improve teaching and learning processes in STEM education, with a particular focus on digital technologies.
Ulrike Franke
Head of the Transfer and Professionalisation Department at TüCeDE
Ulrike Franke coordinates the joint project MINT-ProNeD at the Tübingen location. In addition, her research focuses on professionalisation processes among teachers in the area of teaching and learning with digital media as well as in the area of teachers' experiential knowledge.
Carolin Führer
Professor of German Philology and Didactics of German Literature
Carolin Führer is interested in aesthetic learning in a post-digital world as well as digital didactics of reading and writing.
Tim Fütterer
Tim Fütterer is a post-doc at the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology.
His research interests relate to the professionalization of teachers and links (online) teacher professional development, digitization and digitality, applied artificial intelligence in educational contexts, teaching effectiveness, and teachers’ reflections.
Peter Gerjets
Professor for Empirical Teaching-Learning Research, Head of the Multimodal Interaction Research Group at the Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM), Board Member of the LEAD Network.
Peter Gerjets is interested in the design and optimization of innovative digital learning opportunities for in-school and out-of-school contexts (e.g. multi-touch environments, virtual realities) as well as in the use of Artificial Intelligence in educational contexts (e.g. sensor-based real-time capture of learner states for adaptive learning environments, creativity tools).
Tilman Gocht
Managing Director of the Cluster of Excellence Machine Learning for Science
Tilman Gocht has been working in science management since 2010 and is mainly interested in strategy development and internal organization of large collaborative research projects.
Richard Göllner
Professor for Educational Effectiveness/Educational Trajectories
Annika Goeze
Professor for Professional and Continuing Education
Bernd Grewe
Professor of History Didactics, Head of the Institute for History Didactics and Public History
Bernd Grewe is interested in how historical education can be designed and improved with the help of digital media ( To this end, he is developing his own digital learning media:
Thomas Grote
Member of the Cluster of Excellence Machine Learning for Science
Marc Halfmann
Head of the Software Development Department at TüCeDE
Marc Halfmann's work focuses on the development of multi-user interfaces for multi-touch monitors. As part of the research project "Personalising Oncology via Semantic Integration of Data (PersOnS)", he is working on a touch-based user interface for an interdisciplinary tumour conference.
Jessica Heesen
Head of the Research Focus Media Ethics and Information Technology at the International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW).
Jessica Heesen's research focuses, among other things, on questions of media literacy in a digital society, children's safety in online communication, children's right to privacy and self-determination in digital (learning) environments, and an ethics of artificial intelligence.
Anne Herrmann-Werner
Professor of Medical Education, Senior Physician, Teaching Physician
Anne Herrmann-Werner holds the unique professorship for Medical Education with a focus on medical didactics. In addition, she is the director of TIME - Tübingen Institute for Medical Education, which was founded in July 2022 and comprises the interdisciplinary training and simulation center DocLab, the area of medical education research and the competence center for university didactics in medicine.
Emely Hoch
Emely Hoch is a postdoc at the Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien and is responsible for the scientific coordination of the Tübingen Digital Teaching Lab (TüDiLab).
Her research focusses on learning processes in digital learning environments and metacognitive processes in learning and problem solving.
Nicolas Hübner
Professor of School Education at the Institute of Educational Science
Nicolas Hübner is a junior professor of school pedagogy at the Institute of Educational Science with a special focus on quantitative research methods.
Patrick Klügel
Public Engagement Manager
Patrick Klügel coordinates, among other things, the AI Makerspace in addition to the public engagement strategy of the AI research network Cyber Valley.
Olaf Kramer
Professor of Rhetoric and Knowledge Communication, Head of the Research Center Presentation Competence
Andreas Lachner
Professor of Educational Science, Head of the Center for Research and Transfer: Digitization in Teacher Education (TüDiLB)
Andreas Lachner investigates the effectiveness of educational technology and the professional development of teachers in the context of educational technology.
Carmen Lipphardt
Postdoc at the Seminar for General Rhetoric
Carmen Lipphardt's research and work areas include rhetorical evidentialisation techniques, presentation rhetoric and the promotion of presentation skills, and rhetoric and presentation in the educational system.
Detmar Meurers
Professor of Computational Linguistics, Head of the ICALL Research Group, Board Member of the LEAD Network
Detmar Meurers focuses his work on computational linguistic methods in research on educational and second language acquisition and is involved in the Cluster of Excellence Machine Learning for Science.
Kou Murayama
Professor of Educational Psychology
He works in the field of motivation science, doing empirical research to answer the fundamental question both in basic science and applied disciplines: "Where do our motivation come from?".
Walther Paravicini
Professor of Mathematics and its Didactics
Walther Paravicini is interested in digital formats for mathematically gifted students, for mathematically challenged students - for example in vocational education - and also for future mathematics teachers.
Wolfgang Polleichtner
Senior Academic Counsellor, Didactics of Classics (Latin and Greek) at the Philological Seminar.
His interests include the use of digital media for improving the classroom experience for both learners and teachers.
Martí Quixal
Research Associate at TüCeDE, Transfer and Professionalisation Unit.
Dr Quixal's focus is on developing materials and strategies to promote a co-constructive dialogue between schools and research institutions and to facilitate the transfer of research findings into school practice.
Christoph Randler
Professor for the Didactics of Biology
Using digital media in outdoor biology to combine classroom activities with extracurricular learning is one of Christoph Randler's areas of interest.
Tobias Renner
Medical Diector of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University Hospital Tübingen
Nicole Rieber
Nicole Rieber is a psychologist and media scientist and works as Senior Project Manager for the Berghof Foundation.
In her work, she focuses on digital peace education, particularly in phenomena like mis- and disinformation, hate speech and conspiracy theories, and what influence those have on individuals and (democratic) societies.
Malte Ring
Postdoc for Economic Education and Economic Didactics
Malte Ring's research interests include the assessment and modelling of competences in dealing with economic representations, the effect of support measures with regard to the understanding of (multiple) representations and the support of student teachers in developing high-quality explanatory videos for teaching economics.
Fabian Ruth
Postdoc in the Presentation Research Unit at the Research Center for Science Communication.
His research focuses on secondary school students' presentation competence (i.e., how to present with digital media in STEM subjects) and teachers' professionalism in the project Youth Presents. Fabian Ruth investigates the implementation and effectiveness of digitally supported teaching-learning arrangements in students' and teacher trainings.
Caroline Schmidt
Coordinator of the AI Makerspace
Caroline Schmidt coordinates activities within the Federal Artificial Intelligence Competition and the AI Makerspace.
Sabrina Schmitz-Zerres
Postdoc at the Institute for History Didactics and Public History
Sabrina Schmitz-Zerres´ research focuses on historical and (history) didactic textbook research, digital historical learning, and the theory of historical consciousness and historical culture(s).
Josef Schrader
Professor of Adult Education/Further Education, Scientific Director/Board Member of the German Institute for Adult Education
Stephan Schwan
Stephan Schwan is head of the Realistic Depictions lab and Deputy Director of the IWM and member of the executive board of the foundation “Medien in der Bildung”.
His research focus is on cognitive processing and comprehension of dynamic audiovisual media and the role of digitial media and authentic objects and places for informal learning.
Kathleen Stürmer
Professor for Effective Teaching and Learning Arrangements, Deputy Director Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)
Kathleen Stürmer's research interests include the use of technology to map and promote teaching and learning processes in the classroom.
Marcus Syring
Professor of Educational Science with a focus on school pedagogy.
Marcus Syring is interested in diversity and heterogeneity in classrooms and schools as well as in the didactics of digital learning.
Ulrich Trautwein
Director of the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology, Co-Director LEAD
Digital tools play a central role in Ulrich Trautwein's research on issues including educational effectiveness, teaching quality, motivation and personality, and gifted education.
Fahimah Ulfat
Professor of Islamic Religious Education, Head of the Institute for Islamic Religious Education Research.
Fahimah Ulfat focuses her research on VR experiences related to Holocaust education.
Luise von Keyserlingk
Assistant Professor for Learning and Instruction at the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology
Luise von Keyserlingk uses multiple data sources to better understand how motivation, self-regulated learning, and contextual factors contribute to successful learning and performance of students.
Bob Williamson
Professor of Machine Learning Systems
Bob Williamson studies some of the theories underlying machine learning, including mathematical theories about data that go beyond traditional probability theory.
Theresia Ziegs
Research assistant at TüCeDE, AI Makerspace
Theresia Ziegs is the link to the AI Makerspace, an extracurricular learning space for innovative technologies, where she works on the development of AI-supported methods for adaptive teaching in the MINT-proNeD project in the Future Innovation Hub.