Tübingen Center for Digital Education

Promoting research-based learning in MINT education by embedding generative tasks and retrieval practice (GRAIL)

Institute for Educational Sciences

In this project, research findings from cognitive research and science (physics) education are brought together to investigate the effectiveness of generative and retrieval activities in inquiry-based teaching. The main aim is to find out a) whether the combination of generative activities (explaining, drawing) and retrieval activities (retrieval practice) in the classroom promotes elaborative knowledge and long-term learning, and b) how these activities can be integrated into broader teaching units to build sustainable knowledge.

The research questions are investigated in three experimental studies with 7th and 8th grade students in physics classrooms. Both immediate and delayed testing after 8 weeks will be conducted. The learning processes are tracked using the analysed artefacts from the learning activities.

Sponsored by

German Research Foundation (DFG)

The project is part of the DFG Research Unit "Lasting Learning: Cognitive mechanisms and effective instructional implementation".