Tübingen Center for Digital Education

Luisa Luiz von Witzleben

Luisa Luiz has been the Deputy Managing Director of TüCeDE since November 2024. She designs and organizes the operational workflows and projects to be carried out in close consultation with the management of TüCeDE. She is also the contact person for public relations. She previously worked in the Tübingen School of Education office.

Seit 11/2024
Managing Director of TüCeDE

Deputy of Iris Backfisch

07/2022 - 10/2024
Management of Office

at Tübingen School of Education

06/2017 - 07/2022
Project Coordinator at DFG Centres for Advanced Studies

“Migration and Mobility in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages", University of Tübingen, Department of History.

10/2010 - 07/2017
Social Education Worker

Aidshilfe Tübingen-Reutlingen (NGO) specializing in outpatient assisted living, accepting drug work and sex education

2005 - 2010
Study of der Educational Science

University of Tübingen

2002 - 2004
Training as a bank clerk and financial assistant

Sparkasse Freiburg - nördlicher Breisgau

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