Tübingen Center for Digital Education

Ting-Yu Liu

Research associate, Innovative Educational Technologies department

Ting-Yu Liu has been a research associate in the research area Innovative Educational Technologies since September 2023. Her focus is on Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and the development of adaptive learning systems.

since 09/2023
PhD student and research associate

TüCeDE (Tübingen Center for Digital Education), University of Tübingen

Research associate

HIB (Hector Institutes for Empirical Educational Research), University of Tübingen

Student assistant

ERCCT (European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan), University of Tübingen

M.A. Computational Linguistics

University of Tübingen

Student assistant

National Tsing Hua University

B.A. Linguistics, Foreign Languages and Literature

National Tsing Hua University