
American Studies - Master

Key data on study program

Philosophische Fakultät

Academic Degree

Restricted admission

Regular duration of studies
4 semester

Is a combination subject required?

Application deadline 1st semester

Application deadline for Germans and EU citizens 
Summer semester: 15.03
Winter semester: 15.09

Application deadline for non-EU citizens
Summer semester: 15.01
Winter semester: 15.07

Gilt für alle Bewerber/innen mit deutscher oder EU-Hochschulzugangsberechtigung.

Program start
Winter semester, Summer semester

Language of instruction

Tuition and other fees

Apply now

Requirements and application

Application process

Information on how to apply is available at the American Studies website

Once you’re ready to apply, you can use the university’s online application portal.

Admission prerequisites

  • Bachelor degree in English and/or American Studies or equivalent Bachelor degree.
  • Overall grade of 2.5 or higher.
  • English language proficiency equivalent to level C1 of the Common European Framework CEFR.

English language proficiency equivalent to level C1 of the Common European Framework CEFR.

Program details

General Information

The M.A. program in American Studies offers comprehensive training in the methods and theories of the discipline/field as well as multifaceted knowledge and insights in the North American literatures, cultures, history, and societies. The wide variety of courses in the program ranges from those on America’s colonial past and early literary and political culture to those covering contemporary themes in race, class, gender, religious, ethnic, and regional studies. We pride ourselves on offering students from  diverse cultural and academic backgrounds an interdisciplinary curriculum which emphasizes student autonomy as well as academic collaboration and exchange.

The four cornerstones of our M.A. program are:

  • American Literature and Culture
  • Interdisciplinary Profile
  • Academic Skills
  • Practice in American Studies and Beyond

Within this structure, students will apply the fundamental theoretical framework of American Studies to complete collaborative and independent research projects. Each year, our department welcomes a number of esteemed guest professors from international universities. Teaching lectures and seminars, our guests bring new and innovative research and perspectives to students of American Studies. Each student also has the opportunity to attend courses at other departments or faculties, thereby creating their own unique academic profile. In addition, students can introduce and discuss their M.A. Thesis projects in a colloquium comprising faculty, guests, and fellow students. Finally, we encourage the pursuit of practical skills and internships, which further prepare students for their future professions in academia, journalism and publishing, public relations, consulting, international organizations, new media, public administration and elsewhere.

Innovative. Interdisciplinary. International. Since 1477. These have been the University of Tübingen’s guiding principles in research and teaching ever since it was founded. With this long tradition, the University of Tübingen is one of the most respected universities in Germany. Recently, its institutional strategy was successfully selected for funding in the Excellence Initiative sponsored by the German federal and state governments, making Tübingen one of Germany’s eleven universities distinguished with that title of excellence. Tübingen has also proven its status as a leading research university in many national and international competitions – in key rankings Tübingen is listed among the best universities for the Humanities and Social Sciences as well as for Science and Medicine.

Furthermore, the University of Tübingen has a long history of excellence in American Studies and provides students with outstanding study resources and conditions. Our various university libraries hold a large collection of books, journals, and media dealing with America, complemented by the collection of the local German-American Institute.

The M.A. in American Studies is a two-year program, starting in the winter semester by default. However, it is also possible to start in the summer semester.

First Year

In their first year, students will complete four out of five core curriculum modules in American Literary and Cultural Studies (12 ECTS each). In the first of these, incoming students will get acquainted with Central Concepts and Competencies (12 ECTS). This will generate a shared methodological basis, an understanding of the academic field as well as full command of the academic writing skills necessary pursuing the M.A. In three more modules, students engage in the in-depth analysis of important developments in American literature and culture, including one with a decisively historical dimension. The Interdisciplinary Profile gives students the opportunity to take courses outside of the core curriculum and develop an individual profile.

Second Year

In the Special Topics module (12 ECTS) in the core curriculum, students gain in-depth knowledge about distinct research fields. This may already set them on possible paths to their M.A. thesis. In the Research Colloquium, students will participate in discussions with faculty and present their own research for the M.A. thesis. The final module (30 ECTS) consists of the M.A. thesis and an oral exam.

Students complete the Interdisciplinary Profile module (6 ECTS in the 2nd year). For the Practice and Applications Module (12 ECTS), which may be completed any time during the course of their studies, students do an internship outside academia or work as a tutor and complete an Applied American Studies project in order to gain practical work experience.

All students of American Studies are encouraged to spend time in an English-speaking country. Please note that the application process to study overseas takes more than a year. Students who want to integrate a stay abroad need to contact the International Office and a member of the American Studies program early during their initial enrollment.

Freiwilliger Auslandsaufenthalt
In jedem Studiengang ist ein freiwilliger Auslandsaufenthalt möglich. Mit der Planung sollte ca. ein bis eineinhalb Jahre vor der Abreise begonnen werden. 
Weitere Informationen und Beratung zum Auslandsstudium finden Sie auf der fachübergreifenden Seite Wege ins Ausland. Zudem bieten einige Fächer auch eigene Informationen zu Auslandsaufenthalten an. 

Help with choosing a study program

Entscheidungshilfen für ein Erststudium

Die Universität bietet Hilfen zur Entscheidungsfindung an. Dazu gehören z.B. der Besuch von Lehrveranstaltungen, Orientierungsveranstaltungen zu Studienwahlthemen sowie verschiedene Beratungsangebote. Weitere Hinweise finden Sie auf den Seiten für Studieninteressierte.

Entscheidungshilfen für Masterstudiengänge

Bei der Studienwahlentscheidung für die Masterstudiengänge spielen Spezialisierung, Schwerpunktsetzung und forschungs- sowie berufsbezogene Kriterien eine Rolle. Für Interessierte an Masterstudiengängen gibt es eine Vielzahl an Orientierungshilfen wie z.B. den Besuch von Lehrveranstaltungen und spezielle Beratungs- sowie Informationsangebote (z.B. Zentrale Studienberatung, Studienfachberatung, Career Service). Nähere Informationen finden Sie unter Beratung und Information.

After your studies

Professional fields

The Master program in American Studies prepares students for a wide variety of careers in academia, education, journalism and publishing, public relations, cultural management, intercultural communication, new media, international organizations, and consulting.

Beratung und Praktika
Der Career Service der Universität berät bei der Berufsorientierung und beim Berufseinstieg. Praktika und Jobs finden Sie im Praxisportal.

PhD options

Graduates of the Master program can pursue a PhD in American Studies.

 All degree programs