Got Skills?

Unser Qualifizierungsprogramm

Hier finden Sie unsere aktuelles Programm. Diese haben wir chronologisch sortiert und in unsere beiden Qualifizierungsprogramme eingeteilt, dem Doctoral Researcher Development Program (DRDP) für Promovierende und dem Researcher Development Program (RDP) für promovierte Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler.

Übersicht aktuelle DRDP-Kurse (April - Juli 2024)

Übersicht aktuelle RDP-Kurse (April - Juli 2024)

Hier kommen Sie zu der Beschreibung der Kurse für das DRDP-Programm und das RDP-Programm. 

Registrierung für unser Qualifizierungsprogramm

Für die Anmeldung an unseren Veranstaltungen ist es notwendig, dass Sie auf unserer ILIAS-Plattform registriert sind: Graduiertenakademie

Wenn Sie über eine zentrale Universitäts-Kennung (zx..... oder qz.....) verfügen, können Sie sich mit dieser einloggen. Klicken Sie dazu auf "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

Sollten Sie diese nicht haben, können Sie sich alternativ auch durch das Klicken auf "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" unten links auf der Login-Seite einen neuen Account unter Angabe einer beliebigen E-Mailadresse erstellen.

Sobald Sie zugelassen worden sind, können Sie das Qualifizierungsprogramm sehen und sich für die einzelnen Veranstaltungen anmelden. 

Doctoral Researcher Development Program

Wissenschaft & Verantwortung

ONLINE Displaying Information in Figures (EN)

Register by 23.01.2024; 23:55 CET

02.02.2024, 9:00-13:00, online - Dr. Philipp Mayer

Target Group

  • Advanced Doctoral Candidates 

The objective of this workshop is to know how to prepare clear, true, attractive figures. We focus on figures intended for publication in academic journals.


  • principles of effective data display 
  • statistical graphs (different types and points to consider) 
  • diagrams (different types and points to consider) 
  • photographs (points to consider) 
  • figure legends 
  • software tools for figure preparation


  • Lectures: basic principles and practical approaches of data display 
  • Discussions: strength and weaknesses of sample figures (participants bring samples of their own work) 
  • Exercises: improvement of sample figures



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Viva Toolkit - Preparing for the PhD Defense (EN)

Register by 26.01.2024; 23:55 CET

05.+06.02.2024, 9:00-17:00, online - Dr. Christine Kohistani

Target Group
- Doctoral Candidates starting their project (1st year)
- Doctoral Candidates in the research phase
- Advanced Doctoral Candidates

- Clarifying of general frameworks in a defense
- Preparation of the examination process
- Development of preparation and coping strategies

Awareness-rising for formalities and deadlines
- Formal procedures and regulations
- Do’s and Don’ts in oral Ph.D. examinations
- Training units for preparation of the talk and the defense
- Coping strategies with unexpected or difficult questions

- Knowledge Transfer
- Groupwork
- Coaching
- Video-Recordings


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Writing Efficiency - Tools and Techniques (EN)

Register by 04.03.2024; 23:55 CET

14.03.2024, 8:15-9:45 (group) + 10:00-18:00 (coaching sessions + self-learning units), online - Dr. Philipp Mayer

Please note: This online course consists of a group meeting at 08:15-09:45 a.m., followed by individual coaching sessions + self learning units. See "Methods and schedule" below for details.

Target Group
Doctoral Candidates of all disciplines in all stages of their doctorate

In this workshop, we focus on the process of preparing research articles and doctoral theses. We do not discuss issues related to text quality but talk about getting started, keeping momentum, and finishing in time.


  • working techniques and software tools for efficient writing
  • stages in the writing process: collecting information, developing text structures, drafting, revising
  • setting targets and scheduling writing sessions
  • avoiding self sabotage
  • writing in teams

Methods and schedule:
This online course contains five elements.

  1. A ZOOM meeting on March 14, 2024, between 8:15 am and 9:45 am.
  2. A 1:1 coaching session with the trainer on March 14. The aim of this session is to discuss techniques, tools, tactics, approaches for efficient writing. The 1:1 coaching session will be held via ZOOM and will take 25 minutes. The session will be scheduled between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm.
  3. Self-learning units: Participants will receive a document with detailed instructions.
  4. An email every participant sends to the trainer describing two or three main challenges related to efficient writing. The email helps the trainer to structure the coaching session.
  5. A PDF document including the slides shown in the meeting. Also included: lists of helpful software tools and websites.

Participants are expected to invest a total workload of 6.5 hours.



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Structuring Research Articles (EN)

Register by 05.03.2024; 23:55 CET

15.03.2024, 8:15-9:45 (group) + 10:00-18:00 (coaching sessions + self-learning units), online - Dr. Philipp Mayer

Please note: This online course consists of a group meeting at 08:15-09:45 a.m., followed by individual coaching sessions + self learning units. See "Methods and schedule" below for details.

Target Group
- Doctoral Candidates in the research phase of the Natural & Life Sciences, incl. medicine
- Advanced Doctoral Candidates of the Natural & Life Sciences, incl. medicine

This writing workshop has three objectives. Participants

  • learn how to structure sections and paragraphs of research articles
  • get to know characteristics of clear (comprehensible) research articles
  • learn how to apply effective techniques for text quality improvement


  • What are characteristics of clear research articles?
  • Which techniques help to find the focus of a planned research article?
  • How can we use paragraphs as building blocks?
  • What are the paragraph structures of introduction, material and methods, results, discussion sections?
  • How can we improve sentence structure?
  • Which words should we avoid?

Methods and schedule:
This online course contains five elements.

  1. A ZOOM meeting on March 15, 2024, between 8:15 am and 9:45 am.
  2. A 1:1 coaching session with the trainer on March 15. The aim of this session is to discuss techniques and tools for writing clear, well-structured research articles. The 1:1 coaching session will be held via ZOOM and will take 25 minutes. The session will be scheduled between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm.
  3. Self-learning units: Participants will receive a document with detailed instructions.
  4. An email every participant sends to the trainer describing two or three main challenges related to writing research articles. The email helps the trainer to structure the coaching session.
  5. A PDF document including the slides shown in the meeting. Also included: lists of helpful software tools and websites.

Participants are expected to invest a total workload of 6.5 hours.



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE - Good Scientific Practice in the Life Sciences (EN) (Start: 17.04.2024)

Register by 07.04.2024; 23:55 CET

Start: 17.04.2024; Webinars: 24.+30.04.2024, 15:00-17:00, online - Dipl. Biol. Gisela Bauer-Haffter, Dr. Martina Bross, Dr. Tanja Rieß

Target Group
- Doctoral Candidates from Medicine and the Life Sciences

This online course consists of two webinars and material participants have to work on in their own time. The course starts 1 week before the first webinar. During that week, participants work on the first set of online assignments. Please note that all assignments and tasks will have to be completed in that week in order to be able to participate in the webinars. There will be additional online assignments to complete in the week between the two webinars as well.

In this interactive workshop you will learn about:

  • general principles of good scientific practice
  • work on and reflect guidelines for good scientific practice and regulations at our University
  • historic cases of scientific misconduct (to provide some context)
  • scientific misconduct, your personal "no-gos" and values in science,
  • data documentation
  • how authorship should be defined

In addition we will discuss:

  • special pitfalls during different stages of your PhD research and where and how you can find support during your PhD time
  • your personal experiences, questions and doubts


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

*Neuer Termin* ONLINE Wissenschaftliches Schreiben für Geisteswissenschaftler*innen (DE)

Anmeldung bis 16.04.2024; 23:55 Uhr

26.04.2024, 09:00-17:00 Uhr, online - Dr. Manja Kürschner

- Promovierende der Geisteswissenschaften in allen Phasen der Promotion

Das Studium ist geschafft, die Motivation zur Promotion groß. Neben unbändiger Energie zu forschen stellen sich jedoch bei diesem Schritt in die Welt der Wissenschaft auch häufig Fragen: Wie komme ich ins Schreiben? Wie gehe ich mit Krisen während des Schreibens um, wie generiere ich große Mengen an Text und wie überwinde ich die Angst vorm leeren Blatt? In diesem Kurs wird anhand ihrer eigenen und fremder Texte deutlich gemacht, welche Standards ihr wissenschaftlicher Zweig voraussetzt und praktiziert. 

Die tatsächlichen Inhalte des Workshops legen Sie durch das Ausfüllen eines Vorab-Fragebogens selbst fest.

Aufgrund der kleinen Kursgröße werden wir in einer kollegialen Schreibberatung konkrete Hinweise zu bereits Geschriebenem geben, wenn gewünscht aber auch generellere Fragen diskutieren. 



Für die Anmeldung an unseren Veranstaltungen ist es notwendig, dass Sie auf unserer ILIAS-Plattform registriert sind.

Wenn Sie über eine zentrale Universitäts-Kennung (zx..... oder qz.....) verfügen, können Sie sich mit dieser einloggen. Klicken Sie dazu auf "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

Sollten Sie diese nicht haben, können Sie sich alternativ auch durch das Klicken auf "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" unten links auf der Login-Seite einen neuen Account unter Angabe einer beliebigen E-Mailadresse erstellen.

Zur Veranstaltung

ONLINE - Good Scientific Practice in the Life Sciences (EN) (Start: 22.01.2025)

Register by 21.01.2025; 23:55 CET

Start: 22.01.2025; Webinars: 29.01.+05.02.2025, 15:00-17:00, online - Dipl. Biol. Gisela Bauer-Haffter, Dr. Martina Bross, Dr. Tanja Rieß

Target Group
- Doctoral Candidates from Medicine and the Life Sciences

This online course consists of two webinars and material participants have to work on in their own time. The course starts 1 week before the first webinar. During that week, participants work on the first set of online assignments. Please note that all assignments and tasks will have to be completed in that week in order to be able to participate in the webinars. There will be additional online assignments to complete in the week between the two webinars as well.

In this interactive workshop you will learn about:

  • general principles of good scientific practice
  • work on and reflect guidelines for good scientific practice and regulations at our University
  • historic cases of scientific misconduct (to provide some context)
  • scientific misconduct, your personal "no-gos" and values in science,
  • data documentation
  • how authorship should be defined

In addition we will discuss:

  • special pitfalls during different stages of your PhD research and where and how you can find support during your PhD time
  • your personal experiences, questions and doubts

Please note:
Please note that only Doctoral Candidates from Medicine and the Life Sciences can take part in this course. This course IS recognized by the Medical Faculty.

If you can no longer participate in this course, please cancel your registration with an e-mail to m.bross@uni-tuebingen.de.

If you do not have a university Login ID to log into ILIAS, please get in touch with m.bross@uni-tuebingen.de. We will need to create a guest account for you on ILIAS for you to be able to access the material.


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE - Good Scientific Practice in the Life Sciences (EN) (Start: 16.10.2024)

Register by 06.10.2024; 23:55 CET

Start: 16.10.2024; Webinars: 23.+30.10.2024, 15:00-17:00, online - Dipl. Biol. Gisela Bauer-Haffter, Dr. Martina Bross, Dr. Tanja Rieß

Target Group
- Doctoral Candidates from Medicine and the Life Sciences

This online course consists of two webinars and material participants have to work on in their own time. The course starts 1 week before the first webinar. During that week, participants work on the first set of online assignments. Please note that all assignments and tasks will have to be completed in that week in order to be able to participate in the webinars. There will be additional online assignments to complete in the week between the two webinars as well.

In this interactive workshop you will learn about:

  • general principles of good scientific practice
  • work on and reflect guidelines for good scientific practice and regulations at our University
  • historic cases of scientific misconduct (to provide some context)
  • scientific misconduct, your personal "no-gos" and values in science,
  • data documentation
  • how authorship should be defined

In addition we will discuss:

  • special pitfalls during different stages of your PhD research and where and how you can find support during your PhD time
  • your personal experiences, questions and doubts

Please note:
Please note that only Doctoral Candidates from Medicine and the Life Sciences can take part in this course. This course IS recognized by the Medical Faculty.

If you can no longer participate in this course, please cancel your registration with an e-mail to m.bross@uni-tuebingen.de.

If you do not have a university Login ID to log into ILIAS, please get in touch with m.bross@uni-tuebingen.de. We will need to create a guest account for you on ILIAS for you to be able to access the material.


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE - Good Scientific Practice in the Life Sciences (EN)

Register by 03.11.2024; 23:55 CET

Start: 13.11.2024; Webinars: 20.+27.11.2024, 15:00-17:00, online - Dipl. Biol. Gisela Bauer-Haffter, Dr. Martina Bross, Dr. Tanja Rieß

Target Group
- Doctoral Candidates from Medicine and the Life Sciences

This online course consists of two webinars and material participants have to work on in their own time. The course starts 1 week before the first webinar. During that week, participants work on the first set of online assignments. Please note that all assignments and tasks will have to be completed in that week in order to be able to participate in the webinars. There will be additional online assignments to complete in the week between the two webinars as well.

In this interactive workshop you will learn about:


  • general principles of good scientific practice
  • work on and reflect guidelines for good scientific practice and regulations at our University
  • historic cases of scientific misconduct (to provide some context)
  • scientific misconduct, your personal "no-gos" and values in science,
  • data documentation
  • how authorship should be defined

In addition we will discuss:

  • special pitfalls during different stages of your PhD research and where and how you can find support during your PhD time
  • your personal experiences, questions and doubts

Please note:
Please note that only Doctoral Candidates from Medicine and the Life Sciences can take part in this course. This course IS recognized by the Medical Faculty.

If you can no longer participate in this course, please cancel your registration with an e-mail to m.bross@uni-tuebingen.de.

If you do not have a university Login ID to log into ILIAS, please get in touch with m.bross@uni-tuebingen.de. We will need to create a guest account for you on ILIAS for you to be able to access the material.



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Slidewriting and Storylining: Visualize Your Own Research Project (EN)

Register by 23.06.2024; 23:55 CET

03.-04.07.2024, 9:00-12:30, online - Dr.Markus Burger

Target Group

  • Doctoral Candidates in the research phase
  • Advanced Doctoral Candidates
  • Postdoctoral Researchers

Create slides for your own research project
The goal of this training is to prepare and develop self-explanatory slides for your own research project, e.g. for a conference, a project meeting or your thesis defense.

Learn the theory of concise and easy-to-understand slides
This training teaches the theory and practice of concise and easy-to-understand slides and stories that make you stand out. Importantly, you will apply all theoretical techniques to your very own research project. Ultimately, you will gain a complete draft of your own next presentation.

Apply everything to your own example

  • Focus: Many practical exercises with your own research project
  • Feedback: Before the training, you can optionally submit a sample presentation to the trainer and he will prepare written, individual feedback for you



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

Kommunikation & Management

Reaching your Goals - The Art and Science of Goal Setting (EN)

Register by 06.12.2024; 23:55 CET

16.12.2024, 9:00-17:00, Venue: Seminar room 246, Lothar-Meyer-Bau - Erika Magyarosi

Target Group

- Doctoral Candidates and Postdoctoral Researchers of all disciplines


  • Setting clear and achievable goals for themselves
  • Developing a plan of action to achieve their goals
  • Staying motivated and focused on their goals
  • Overcoming obstacles and setbacks on the way to their goals
  • Evaluating and adjusting their goals and plan of action as needed
  • Effectively prioritizing tasks and managing their time to maximize productivity
  • Developing positive habits and behaviors to support their goals
  • Communicating their goals and progress to others to gain support and accountability
  • Celebrating their successes and learning from their failures to continue their growth and development.


Are you looking to take your personal or professional life to the next level? This seminar is designed to help you achieve success by setting and achieving your goals. In You'll learn the art and science of goal setting, how to develop a plan of action to achieve your goals, and how to overcome obstacles and setbacks on the way to achieving success.

Through a series of exercises, you'll learn how to develop a growth mindset and the motivation to pursue your goals. You'll gain practical tools and strategies to help you stay on track, including time management and prioritization techniques and positive habit formation.

Trainer input, reflection, group work and support.


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Stresskompetenz im Alltag - gelassener und souveräner agieren (DE)

Anmeldung bis 01.03.2024; 23:55 Uhr

11.+12.03.2024, 9:00-12:30 Uhr, online - Dr. Dirk Hausen

Das Training richtet sich an Promovierende, die ihren Umgang mit Stress im Alltag verbessern möchten.


  • Kennenlernen verschiedener Strategien zum besseren Umgang mit Stress
  • Optimierung von Lampenfieber
  • Verbesserung der nonverbalen Präsenz
  • Erlernen einfacher Entspannungsübungen

Die Fähigkeit, gut mit Stress umgehen zu können, stellt eine Schlüsselkompetenz auf dem Weg zum erfolgreichen Abschluss der Promotion und darüber hinaus dar. Im Kurs lernen Sie, diese Fähigkeit systematisch zu stärken und weiterzuentwickeln: einerseits durch den besseren Umgang mit inneren und äußeren Stressauslösern, andererseits durch die Stärkung Ihrer persönlichen Ressourcen.

  • Instrumentelles Stressmanagement („Ich gerate in Stress, wenn…“)
  • Kognitives Stressmanagement („Ich mache mir selbst Stress, indem…“)
  • Palliativ-regeneratives Stressmanagement („Wenn ich in Stress gerate, dann…“)


  • Wechsel aus Input und Eigentätigkeit der Teilnehmer (Einzel-, Partner- und Gruppenarbeit).


Für die Anmeldung an unseren Veranstaltungen ist es notwendig, dass Sie auf unserer ILIAS-Plattform registriert sind.

Wenn Sie über eine zentrale Universitäts-Kennung (zx..... oder qz.....) verfügen, können Sie sich mit dieser einloggen. Klicken Sie dazu auf "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

Sollten Sie diese nicht haben, können Sie sich alternativ auch durch das Klicken auf "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" unten links auf der Login-Seite einen neuen Account unter Angabe einer beliebigen E-Mailadresse erstellen.

Zur Veranstaltung

Do You Speak Body Language? Die Bedeutung nonverbaler Kommunikation (DE)

Anmelden bis 02.03.2024; 23:55 Uhr

12.03.2024, 9:00-17:00 Uhr, Seminarraum 246, Lothar-Meyer-Bau - Erika Magyarosi

Doktoranden und Postdocs aller Fachrichtungen 


  1. die Bedeutung der nonverbalen Kommunikation verstehen und erkennen, wie sie sich auf die Interaktion mit anderen auswirkt
  2. verschiedene Arten von körpersprachlichen Hinweisen wie Mimik, Gestik und Körperhaltung erkennen und interpretieren
  3. ein größeres Selbstbewusstsein für ihre eigene Körpersprache entwickeln und lernen, wie sie diese einsetzen können, um Vertrauen, Vertrauenswürdigkeit und Ansprechbarkeit zu vermitteln
  4. Techniken zur Verbesserung ihrer nonverbalen Kommunikationsfähigkeiten lernen, wie z. B. aktives Zuhören, Spiegeln und die Anpassung der Körpersprache an die Botschaft, die sie vermitteln wollen
  5. üben, diese Fähigkeiten in verschiedenen Übungen anzuwenden, um ihre Kommunikationseffizienz insgesamt zu verbessern


Dieser interaktive Workshop wird Ihnen helfen, das Potenzial der nonverbalen Kommunikation zu erschließen und Ihre Interaktionen mit anderen zu verbessern, sowohl im privaten als auch im beruflichen Bereich.

In diesem Workshop lernen Sie die Bedeutung der nonverbalen Kommunikation kennen und erfahren, wie sie sich auf Ihre Fähigkeit auswirkt, Ihre Forschung effektiv zu vermitteln, Beziehungen zu Kollegen aufzubauen und überzeugende Präsentationen zu halten. Sie werden auch ein besseres Selbstbewusstsein für Ihre eigene Körpersprache entwickeln und Techniken zur Verbesserung Ihrer nonverbalen Kommunikationsfähigkeiten erlernen.

Ich führe Sie durch eine Vielzahl praktischer Übungen und Aktivitäten, die Ihnen helfen, verschiedene Arten von nonverbalen Hinweisen wie Mimik, Gestik und Körperhaltung zu erkennen und zu interpretieren. Sie werden lernen, wie Sie Ihre nonverbalen Signale nutzen können, um Vertrauen, Vertrauenswürdigkeit und Ansprechbarkeit zu vermitteln, und wie Sie Ihre Körpersprache auf die Botschaft abstimmen können, die Sie vermitteln möchten. Am Ende dieses Workshops werden Sie in Ihren täglichen Interaktionen mehr sehen und mehr Selbstvertrauen haben, wenn es darum geht, sich auf andere einzulassen und mit ihnen in Kontakt zu treten.

Input der Trainerin, Rollenspiele und Videoanalysen 



Für die Anmeldung an unseren Veranstaltungen ist es notwendig, dass Sie auf unserer ILIAS-Plattform registriert sind.

Wenn Sie über eine zentrale Universitäts-Kennung (zx..... oder qz.....) verfügen, können Sie sich mit dieser einloggen. Klicken Sie dazu auf "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

Sollten Sie diese nicht haben, können Sie sich alternativ auch durch das Klicken auf "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" unten links auf der Login-Seite einen neuen Account unter Angabe einer beliebigen E-Mailadresse erstellen.

Zur Veranstaltung

From Chaos to Structure: Time- and Self-Management for a More Efficient Work Style (EN)

Register by 04.03.2024; 23:55 CET

14.+21.03.2024, 9:00-17:00, Venue: Seminar room 246, Lothar-Meyer-Bau - Erika Magyarosi

Target Group

  • Doctoral Candidates starting their project (1st year)
  • Doctoral Candidates in the research phase
  • Advanced Doctoral Candidates

Employees and managers lose in average up to one hour a day by searching for information or documents. People who master their office management can be sure that the relevant information is available when needed at the right place, at the right time.

In this workshop you will learn how to structure your work processes, how to organise your workplace in order to complete your daily responsibilities without stress. With an optimised and efficient workflow you will gain precious time and space for your most important tasks.

You will receive lots of helpful tips for your daily work: how to organise your workplace and computer, to schedule your appointments effectively, to gain transparency for your filings and shelves, to prepare helpful checklists and to manage your overwhelming email flow. In a nutshell: how to get more done in less time and without stress.



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Professional Communication Skills: How to Communicate successfully, creating high quality relationships (EN)

Register by 13.04.2024; 23:55 CET

Start: 23.04.2024; Group sessions: 03.+08.05.2024, 13:30-18:00, online - Matthias Mayer

Please note: This is a hybrid seminar format, which requires that you watch 3-4 hours of video in the two weeks before our first live online meeting, and also between both meetings! Watching all videos fully before the online meetings is mandatory.

Target Group

  • Doctoral Candidates of all disciplines
  • Postdoctoral Researchers of all disciplines


Your Benefit:
To be successful in your PhD, postdoc or any other professional context in future, excellent communication skills are indispensable. It applies to discussions with supervisors, project members, colleagues, to scientific presentations or job interviews, to dialogues with superiors, subordinates, or clients. Often, our communication is suffering from misunderstandings, unclarity, missing openness, and the inability to address conflicts.

  • You will learn how to prepare and conduct difficult conversations.
  • You will learn to assess the effects of different behaviours.
  • You will find out how you come across to others and how you can further improve your current communicative skills.


  • Extension and improvement of individual communicative abilities
  • Awareness of own communication styles and preferences
  • Ability to give, receive, and use feedback
  • Ability to understand and apply important communication models and strategies


  • Understanding and applying basic models and strategies
  • Communicating clearly: The Four-Sides-Model by Schulz von Thun
  • Responding appropriately: The Four-Ears-Model
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • The art of active listening
  • Criticise effectively: I- versus You-messages
  • The influence of body language
  • Preparing and leading difficult conversations
  • Dealing with emotions of yourself and your counterpart
  • Learning from other participants' feedback on your appearance
  • Discussing real situations of several participants

This is a hybrid seminar: It requires you watching 3-4 hours of videos in the two weeks before the first live online meeting, and also between both meetings. Watching all videos before the meetings is mandatory. Methods involve trainer input (partly on video), practical exercises, small group work, and group discussion. You need to send in your learning goals and situations you'd like to discuss in advance.



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Time Management for Doctoral Candidates (EN)

Register by 24.05.2024; 23:55 CET

Start: 03.06.2024; Group sessions: 17.+26.06.2024, 13:30-18:00, online - Matthias Mayer

Please note: This is a hybrid seminar format, which requires that you watch 3-4 hours of video in the three weeks before our first live online meeting! Watching all videos fully before the online meetings is mandatory.

Target Group

  • Doctoral candidates of all disciplines


One of the most important skills scientists need next to subject related expertise is the ability to realistically plan and organize their research in the long term - and to effectively structure every single workday. This seminar gives you space to reconsider your existing behavior and to learn about well-proven powerful techniques.


  • Know how to use powerful time planning methods
  • Know how to balance professional and private life
  • Know how to control your inner state using concentration and relaxation techniques
  • Exchange of experiences with other participants


  • Time planning on three horizons: long term (master plan), weekly, daily
  • Setting priorities (Eisenhower Method, Pareto Principle)
  • Finding your balance: research project – job – private life
  • Getting rid of your most severe time-killers
  • Making decisions and developing initiative
  • How can you stay motivated? How to deal with lows?
  • How to gain highest concentration
  • Controlling your inner state, e.g. using relaxation techniques
  • Reflecting current habits & setting clear goals for improvement

This is a hybrid seminar: It requires you watching 3-4 hours of videos in the two weeks before the first live online meeting, and also between both meetings. Watching all videos and working on specific tasks before and between the meetings is required. Methods involve trainer input (partly on video), individual, partner, and group work; relaxation exercises; brief presentations by participants; group reflection. Highly interactive live-online-meetings, including small group work and break-out-sessions.



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Convincing Scientific Presentations (EN)

Register by 24.05.2024; 23:55 CET

Start: 03.06.2024; Group sessions: 18.+21.06.2024, 13:30-18:00, online - Matthias Mayer

Please note: This is a hybrid seminar format, which requires that you watch 2-3 hours of video in the two weeks before our first live online meeting! Watching all videos fully is mandatory.

Target Group

  • Doctoral Candidates of all disciplines
  • Postdoctoral Researchers of all disciplines


As a scientist, effectively communicating your research is crucial. Whether it's a TAC talk, a lab talk, or a conference presentation, your ability to deliver clear, engaging content is paramount. In this seminar, you'll hone three key skills: crafting clear content, designing effective slides, and delivering compelling presentations. Learn to set clear take home messages, structure your talk, and use vivid examples to captivate your audience. Master proper slide design to avoid clutter and confusion. Finally, refine your stage presence, both in-person and online, through practice and feedback sessions. Gain the tools to excel in any scientific presentation scenario.


  • You know the fundamentals of good scientific presentations in the three big areas: (1) clear content, (2) slide design, (3) delivery on stage.
  • Each participant can learn from two talks they give with feedback and video recording - within a safe environment.
  • You know exactly how to continue growing your skills after the seminar


  • Prepare clear content: audience focus, take home message, etc.
  • How to start and end well
  • Telling a vivid story: Creating Brain Cinema
  • The Six Golden Rules of Slide Design (How many words? How many slides? What background and fonts? ...)
  • PowerPoint tech tips: slide masters, Smart Art, etc. (no full introduction)
  • Differences to address when presenting online or on-site
  • Body language: where to put your hands - and other questions
  • Dealing with Stage Fright
  • Answers to your questions

This is a hybrid seminar: It requires you watching 2-3 hours of videos in the two weeks before the live online meetings, only then you can participate in the meetings. In the meetings you will present a short 3-5 minutes’ presentation twice (can be an excerpt of a larger one), you will receive feedback by peers and trainer and learn from video recordings. Mixture of trainer input (partly on video in advance and between the meetings), practical exercises, participants’ presentations, and discussion. You need to send in your learning goals and sample slides before the course.



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

Proper Dealing with Conflicts in Academic Groups (EN)

Register by 28.06.2024; 23:55 CET

08.07.2024, 09:00-17:00, Venue: Seminar room 246, Lothar-Meyer-Bau - Frank Müller

Target Group

  • Doctoral Candidates starting their project (1st year)
  • Doctoral Candidates in the research phase
  • Advanced Doctoral Candidates  

About the training
Sometimes we feel puzzled when negative emotions come up in a discussion with your scientific fellows or your doctor-father. Therefore it is of advantage to be able to detect signs of disagreements in the body language. To know about the nature, causes and typical process of conflicts will help you to act more successfully and to prevent escalation. We look at your attitudes and experiences towards conflicts and try to find solutions for actual or possible conflicts you may be faced with now or in your near academic future. During this one-day-course we concentrate on the cases you bring with you. Of course it's all confidential!


  • You learn to make a good analysis of all the various aspects of an ongoing conflict
  • You train to put forward your interests in such a way that it doesn't offend other people
  • You get confident to make a clear stop-sign when other people are acting unfair
  • You can act more diplomatic in harsh meetings and help to deescalate if necessary


  • Case studies coming from the group or proposed by the trainer
  • The stairs of escalation and ways to stop it from going further
  • 5 Conflict styles to apply in various situations
  • Principles of none-aggressive communication and of positive body language
  • Solutions that nobody expects and the effect of humor


  • Inputs, models from communication, conflict and group psychology
  • Exercises and case studies dealing with conflict and critical discussion
  • Self and group reflection, feedback on the personal style of getting on with conflict topics
  • Techniques of increasing one’s own consciousness and communicative competence



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link


Individualberatung des Startup Centers

Wenn Sie sich fragen, ob Ihre Forschungsergebnisse Potenzial für eine Ausgründung haben und wie ein mögliches Geschäftsmodell aussehen könnte, sind Sie bei uns genau richtig. Unsere erfahrenen Gründungsberater stehen Ihnen gerne zur Seite und beraten Sie auf Deutsch oder Englisch im Startup Center oder online. 

Wann: Jeden ersten Dienstag im Monat von 10:00-10:45 Uhr und 11:00-11:45 Uhr für 45 Minuten, kostenlos für alle Promovierenden und Postdocs der Universität Tübingen.
Anmeldung: Über Eveeno. Der Link erhalten Sie über den Newsletter der Graduierten Akadmie.





ONLINE Writing Grant Proposals (EN)

Register by 22.01.2024; 23:55 CET

01.02.2024, 9:00-12:30, online - Dr. Philipp Mayer

Target Group
- Advanced Doctoral Candidates 

The objectives of this workshop are to answer three questions:

  • What are characteristics of high-quality grant proposals? 
  • What are appropriate section structures for proposals? 
  • Which techniques and materials facilitate the preparation of proposals?


  • Refining research ideas, choosing and narrowing research topics 
  • Section structure of proposals: problem statement, aims and objectives, methodology, etc. 
  • Differences between proposal writing and paper writing 
  • Characteristics of high-quality proposals: clarity, correctness, consistency, conciseness, confidence

The workshop includes lectures and exercises. In the exercises, participants analyse sample proposals and draft components of their own proposals.


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Die schriftliche Bewerbung für den außeruniversitären Arbeitsmarkt (DE)

Anmeldung bis 29.03.2024 23:55

08.-09.04.2024, 09:00-13:00 Uhr, online - Evelyn Hochheim


- Promovierende in der Abschlussphase
- Postdocs / Promovierte WissenschaftlerInnen (i.d.R. 1-2 Jahre nach der Promotion)


  • Die Teilnehmenden sind in der Lage Anschreiben und Lebenslauf zu erstellen bzw. bereits existierende Unterlagen weiterzuentwickeln.
  • Sie wissen, über welche Kompetenzen, Erfahrungen und Stärken sie verfügen und können diese angemessen und authentisch formulieren. Dabei berücksichtigen sie sowohl Fach- als auch Methoden-, Sozial- und persönliche Kompetenzen.
  • Die Teilnehmenden beziehen bei der Erstellung und Überarbeitung ihrer Bewerbungsunterlagen die Perspektive potenzieller ArbeitgeberInnen ein.
  • Sie kennen die formalen und inhaltlichen Anforderungen, die bei der Erstellung von Bewerbungsunterlagen zu berücksichtigen sind.


  • Zahlen und Fakten zum Berufseinstieg Promovierter
  • Übungen zur Identifikation von Erfahrungen und Fähigkeiten
  • Kommunikation des eigenen Profils im Bewerbungsprozess
  • Bestandteile und Übermittlungswege der schriftlichen Bewerbung
  • Anschreiben
  • Lebenslauf

Eine überzeugende schriftliche Bewerbung erhöht Ihre Chancen auf ein Vorstellungsgespräch und kann damit Ihre Eintrittskarte in den Arbeitsmarkt sein. In diesem Workshop erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen optimal zusammenstellen. Anhand guter und weniger gelungener Beispiele arbeiten wir heraus, worauf es bei Aufbau und Formulierung von Anschreiben und Lebenslauf ankommt.
Um sich potenziellen ArbeitgeberInnen gut präsentieren zu können, müssen Sie zunächst selbst Ihre Potenziale kennen. Ein zusätzlicher Übungsteil gibt Ihnen deshalb Impulse zur Analyse Ihrer Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten. Anschließend lernen Sie Strategien kennen, Ihre Stärken im Bewerbungsverfahren zu kommunizieren.
Impulsvortrag, Einzelarbeit, Arbeit in Kleingruppen, Gruppengespräch

Zur Veranstaltung

Reaching your Goals - The Art and Science of Goal Setting (EN)

Register by 01.04.2024; 23:55 CET

11.04.2024, 9:00-17:00, Venue: Seminar room 246, Lothar-Meyer-Bau - Erika Magyarosi

Target Group
- Doctoral Candidates and Postdoctoral Researchers of all disciplines


  • Setting clear and achievable goals for themselves
  • Developing a plan of action to achieve their goals
  • Staying motivated and focused on their goals
  • Overcoming obstacles and setbacks on the way to their goals
  • Evaluating and adjusting their goals and plan of action as needed
  • Effectively prioritizing tasks and managing their time to maximize productivity
  • Developing positive habits and behaviors to support their goals
  • Communicating their goals and progress to others to gain support and accountability
  • Celebrating their successes and learning from their failures to continue their growth and development.


Are you looking to take your personal or professional life to the next level? This seminar is designed to help you achieve success by setting and achieving your goals. In You'll learn the art and science of goal setting, how to develop a plan of action to achieve your goals, and how to overcome obstacles and setbacks on the way to achieving success.

Through a series of exercises, you'll learn how to develop a growth mindset and the motivation to pursue your goals. You'll gain practical tools and strategies to help you stay on track, including time management and prioritization techniques and positive habit formation.

Trainer input, reflection, group work and support.



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Life Sciences – Your Career Planning and Job Application (EN)

Register by 01.04.2024; 23:55 CET

Start: 11.04.2024; Group sessions: 02.+07.05.2024, 13:30-18:00, online - Matthias Mayer

Please note: This online course consists of two group sessions and material participants have to work on in their own time before these sessions.

Target Group
- Doctoral candidates of the Life Sciences

1. You learn about career paths in academia and industry
2. You develop a plan of steps to find your next job
3. You know how to design your CVand covering letter
4. You learn and train how to master job interviews
5. You can ask an insider of the field your individual questions
6. You create an individual activity list for specific next steps

Career Planning: Your steps to your next position
– reflect upon your strengths, interests, values
– learn about possible career paths –and how to find out more about them
– make a plan: set smart realistic goals (short, mid, long-term) to get that job
– know where to look for jobs
– know how to network professionally

Convince by your resume, succeed in your interview
– know how a CV / resume should look like
– know how to write a convincing Cover Letter
– after discussing examples and guidelines you exchange feedback on your CVs/ CLs with partners in the course and can optionally rework CV/CL over night
– learn how to prepare for and convince in a job interview
– do a job interview in a small group, including video recording and feedback

Ask the insider
– In a one-hour video conference your can ask Matthias Haury your individual questions about his unusual career in the field of Neuroscience.

The workshop is a mixture of trainer input, discussion, expert interview, and short exercises (alone and together with your peers). Highly interactive online seminar using zoom technology with a lot of small group work.


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Discover the Do's and Don'ts of University Work Culture in Germany (EN)

Register by 29.10.2024; 23:55 CET

07.11.2024, 16:00-20:00, online - Yvonne Brockhaus -  Registration possible in Researcher Development Program

Target Group
- Postdoctoral Researchers of all stages
- Doctoral Researchers

Be more successful by learning to navigate the hidden Do`s and Don`ts of German university work life.


  • “Wenn ich an Deutschland denke” or “When I think of Germany”: Culture or Your German favorites and headache makers
  • “Mein Name ist Frau Professor Dr. Dr. Dr. h. c. Märkel!!!”: Etiquette in Academia or is your Professor a human, too?
  • “Et gschimpft isch globt gnug” or “No criticism is praise enough”: Receiving and giving feedback in your workplace
  • “Arbeit ist Arbeit und Schnaps ist Schnaps” or “Work is work & liquor is liquor”: Meeting your boss & co-workers outside working hours, e.g. being invited to a party or by chance when shopping
  • “Ask Yvonne”: Anything else you always wanted to know about those strange German ways, but never dared to ask a native.

Input and Group Work with discussions



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

Überzeugen im Vorstellungsgespräch - Training für Vorstellungsgespräche außerhalb der Wissenschaft (DE)

Anmeldung bis 18.05.2024; 23:55 Uhr

28.-29.05.2024, 9:30-17:00 Uhr, Seminarraum 246, Lothar-Meyer-Bau - Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf

- Promovierende in der Forschungsphase
- Promovierende in der Abschlussphase
- Postdocs / Promovierte WissenschaftlerInnen (i.d.R. 1-2 Jahre nach der Promotion)

Die Teilnehmer*innen wissen, was sie in einem Vorstellungsgespräch erwartet und können sich darauf zielgerichtet vorbereiten.


  • Aufbau Vorstellungsgespräche
  • Vorbereitung der Selbstpräsentation
  • Typische Fragen im Vorstellungsgespräch und passende Antworten
  • Verbotene Fragen
  • Die Gehaltsverhandlung
  • Nachbereitung des Vorstellungsgesprächs
  • Training einzelner Phasen

Impulsvorträge in der gesamten Gruppe
Training in Kleingruppen


Für die Anmeldung an unseren Veranstaltungen ist es notwendig, dass Sie auf unserer ILIAS-Plattform registriert sind.

Wenn Sie über eine zentrale Universitäts-Kennung (zx..... oder qz.....) verfügen, können Sie sich mit dieser einloggen. Klicken Sie dazu auf "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

Sollten Sie diese nicht haben, können Sie sich alternativ auch durch das Klicken auf "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" unten links auf der Login-Seite einen neuen Account unter Angabe einer beliebigen E-Mailadresse erstellen.

Zur Veranstaltung

ONLINE Wissenschaft oder doch Wirtschaft?! Meine persönliche Laufbahn selbstbewusst entwickeln, umsetzen und präsentieren. (DE)

Anmeldung bis 01.07.2024; 23:55 Uhr

11.-12.07.2024, 9:00-15:00 Uhr, online - Dr. Angelika Wolf

- Promovierende zu Beginn der Promotion (1. Jahr)
- Promovierende in der Forschungsphase
- Promovierende in der Abschlussphase
- Postdocs / Promovierte WissenschaftlerInnen (i.d.R. 1-2 Jahre nach der Promotion)

• Karriereziele unter Einbezug der eigenen Biografie entwickeln und umsetzen
• Zusammen gedacht: Gestaltung von Karriere- und Lebenszielen
• Vom Ziel her gedacht: Wo will ich den nächsten 5-10 Jahren landen?
• Mein Lebenskonzept und eine (wissenschaftliche) Karriere – würde das passen? 


Wie geht es weiter nach der Doktorarbeit? Wie finde ich Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt – möchte ich 
dabei gerne im wissenschaftlichen Bereich bleiben, aber vielleicht nicht unbedingt zwingend an
der Universität? Und gehe ich doch lieber in die Wirtschaft?
Diesen Fragen widmet sich der zweitägige Workshop mit wechselnden Inputs und individueller
Laufbahnanalyse. Zur persönlichen Standortbestimmung ist eine Reflexion der eigenen
Vergangenheit und Gegenwart nötig, um Schritte in die Zukunft zu planen. Der Workshop regt
dazu an, in einem ersten Schritt Karriereziele selbstbewusst zu entwickeln. Dabei sollen die
eigene Biografie und persönlichen Werte nicht außer Acht gelassen werden, denn
Karriereplanung findet nicht losgelöst von privaten Zielen und der Suche nach einer
zufriedenstellenden Lebensbalance statt.
Im Laufe des Workshops werden die eigenen Ressourcen und Kompetenzen anhand von
beispielhaften Stellenausschreibungen analysiert und unter die Lupe genommen sowie passende
Präsentationsstrategien für Vorstellungsgesprächen eingeübt.

Anhand von verschiedenen (Reflexions-) Tools, abwechslungsreichen theoretischen Inputs und
interaktiven Aufgaben und weiteren im Workshop vorgestellten Planungsinstrumenten gehen die 
Teilnehmer/innen in Einzel- und Gruppenübungen der Frage nach, wie die Zielerreichung immer 
wieder selbständig überprüft werden kann.



Für die Anmeldung an unseren Veranstaltungen ist es notwendig, dass Sie auf unserer ILIAS-Plattform registriert sind.

Wenn Sie über eine zentrale Universitäts-Kennung (zx..... oder qz.....) verfügen, können Sie sich mit dieser einloggen. Klicken Sie dazu auf "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

Sollten Sie diese nicht haben, können Sie sich alternativ auch durch das Klicken auf "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" unten links auf der Login-Seite einen neuen Account unter Angabe einer beliebigen E-Mailadresse erstellen.

Zur Veranstaltung

Jobhunting the German Way (EN)

Register by 13.07.2024; 23:55 CET

23.07.2024, 09:30-17:30, Venue: Seminar room 246, Lothar-Meyer-Bau - Yvonne Brockhaus

Target Group

  • International Doctoral Researchers
  • International Postdoctoral Researchers
  • This workshop is open, too, to spouses of doctoral and postdoctoral candidates

Jobhunting is a science – especially in Germany, and even more so, sadly, if you are not a native. But no worries: as a seasoned Recruiter (and a researcher's wife) I will explain to you what a successful job application looks like – from the employer's point of view. We will discuss the Dos and Don'ts of your resume and motivation letter. You will get individual feedback on your CV. And I will help you avoid intercultural mishaps in the jobhunting process, so you can score your dream job. No matter if you want to score a job in the Industry as a scientist, your ambition is to progress in Academia or you are a spouse looking for a career on your own: then this is for you.


  • “Job search: Germany vs. abroad”
  • “5 steps to finding a job – in or outside of Academia”
  • “The 40 second rule as a key to a perfect application”
  • “Intercultural dangers in the application process”
  • “The first 100 days – and after”
  • “Dual career and family”

Presentation of facts and figures regarding job searching in Germany, role plays, writing an outstanding resume in a group setting



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Die schriftliche Bewerbung für den außeruniversitären Arbeitsmarkt (DE)

Anmeldung bis 14.10.2024; 23:55 Uhr

24.-25.10.2024, 09:00-13:00 Uhr, online - Evelyn Hochheim


- Promovierende in der Abschlussphase
- Postdocs / Promovierte WissenschaftlerInnen (i.d.R. 1-2 Jahre nach der Promotion)


  • Die Teilnehmenden sind in der Lage Anschreiben und Lebenslauf zu erstellen bzw. bereits existierende Unterlagen weiterzuentwickeln.
  • Sie wissen, über welche Kompetenzen, Erfahrungen und Stärken sie verfügen und können diese angemessen und authentisch formulieren. Dabei berücksichtigen sie sowohl Fach- als auch Methoden-, Sozial- und persönliche Kompetenzen.
  • Die Teilnehmenden beziehen bei der Erstellung und Überarbeitung ihrer Bewerbungsunterlagen die Perspektive potenzieller ArbeitgeberInnen ein.
  • Sie kennen die formalen und inhaltlichen Anforderungen, die bei der Erstellung von Bewerbungsunterlagen zu berücksichtigen sind.


  • Zahlen und Fakten zum Berufseinstieg Promovierter
  • Übungen zur Identifikation von Erfahrungen und Fähigkeiten
  • Kommunikation des eigenen Profils im Bewerbungsprozess
  • Bestandteile und Übermittlungswege der schriftlichen Bewerbung
  • Anschreiben
  • Lebenslauf

Eine überzeugende schriftliche Bewerbung erhöht Ihre Chancen auf ein Vorstellungsgespräch und kann damit Ihre Eintrittskarte in den Arbeitsmarkt sein. In diesem Workshop erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen optimal zusammenstellen. Anhand guter und weniger gelungener Beispiele arbeiten wir heraus, worauf es bei Aufbau und Formulierung von Anschreiben und Lebenslauf ankommt.
Um sich potenziellen ArbeitgeberInnen gut präsentieren zu können, müssen Sie zunächst selbst Ihre Potenziale kennen. Ein zusätzlicher Übungsteil gibt Ihnen deshalb Impulse zur Analyse Ihrer Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten. Anschließend lernen Sie Strategien kennen, Ihre Stärken im Bewerbungsverfahren zu kommunizieren.
Impulsvortrag, Einzelarbeit, Arbeit in Kleingruppen, Gruppengespräch


Zur Veranstaltung

Researcher Development Program


ONLINE - Good Scientific Practice for Supervisors (EN)

Register by 13.10.2024 23:55 CET

Start: 21.10.2024; Webinar: 08.11.2024, 09:00-11:00, online - Dr. Martina Bross

Target Group
- Researchers supervising early career researchers

This course consists of an asynchronous online phase via ILIAS. You should expect to work on material independently for approx. 3 hours spread over 10 days. The asynchronous phase starts on the date specified above. On this first day of the course, you will receive an email with instructions. Completing work on all of the material is required for participation in the webinar. The course finishes with a 2-hour long webinar via Zoom. The date of the webinar is specified above. The link will be sent to everyone who has completed the material the day before the webinar takes place.

Course description

For researchers, following the rules of good scientific practice is a central tenet of their work and their work ethics. Knowing and following the rules set out in the University of Tübingen’s Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and the DFG Code of Conduct on Research Integrity not only ensures that researchers can fulfill their obligation to the public to use resources efficiently and contribute to important developments in science and society in a reliable and integer manner. It also ensures that the working culture within the academic setting is based on mutual respect and responsibility. Especially for researchers in an early phase of their career, their supervisors and team leaders are important role models. As the DFG Code of Conduct states, researchers should be instructed and receive training on the rules of Good Scientific Practice as early in their career as possible.

In this online workshop, we will have a twofold perspective: We will refresh our knowledge of the rules as set out in the documents mentioned above, but we will also reflect on how they come into the process of doctoral supervision.

In this online workshop the following topics will be adressed:

  • general principles of good scientific practice
  • data/research documentation and management
  • plargiarism prevention
  • regulations for authorship
  • guidelines for supervision
  • ombudspersons and the procedure in cases of reported misconduct


Please note: 

This course IS recognized by the Faculty of Science as a course on supervision.

Please also note that researchers of the Medical Faculty should register for the specific courses of the Medical Faculty via their website. If you are unsure which course to take, please make sure to contact us: infospam prevention@graduiertenakademie.uni-tuebingen.de

Workshop Link


ONLINE Design Thinking for Researchers (EN)

Register by 11.02.2024; 23:55 CET

19.+20.02.2024, 9:00-18:00, online - Dr. Thomas Teichler

Target Group

- Postdoctoral Researchers


The objective of this workshop is for participants to start developing the tools and mindset for creative problem solving, required to drive innovation in any context. Applying Design Thinking in their work, researchers will be able

  • to be “systematically creative” i.e., not depend on a genius in their team but rather be able to generate the genius together from their team,
  • to communicate effectively with your PI, colleagues, professor, other researchers, and funding organisations, which is particularly helpful in interdisciplinary settings,
  • to access additional resources, as they get continuous feedback from others, and
  • to grow confidence, generate buy-in, and use time more efficiently, as they present only increments of their project, instead of “working super lonely for six months before daring to present your ‘perfect’ story for the first time to anyone”, as a former participant put it


Participants will

  • learn to establish conditions for creative work,
  • discover the basic tenets of design thinking as an approach,
  • get to know highly effective tools of Value Proposition Design as a way to implement design thinking in the Ideation phase of the research process,
  • clarify the profiles of their target audience and create a unique Value Proposition,
  • practice a novel way of giving & receiving feedback,
  • present a clear their message with a powerful emotional impact 


The methods used in the workshop are highly interactive and participant driven. They combine personal work, experiential learning exercises, dialogue, facilitated work in groups of varying size, co-creation, and reflection.
We create a uniquely open and trustful atmosphere in our workshops, where participants are encouraged to openly share their experiences, to learn from each other, and to support each other in a benevolent manner.
Learning proceeds on three levels: (1) We provide a theoretical overview. (2) Participants go through powerful experiences in individual and group exercises, which are discussed and debriefed together in a safe environ-ment. (3) Finally, by reflecting together, participants draw lessons from the interaction process in the class, increasing self-awareness and learning about good practices.


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

Giving and taking feedback professionally - Strategies for a constructive feedback culture (EN)

Register by 21.02.2024; 23:55 CET

29.02.2024, 9:00-17:00, Venue: Seminar room 246, Lothar-Meyer-Bau - Dr. Dorothee Kaiser

Target Group
- Postdoctoral Researchers and Doctoral Candidates of all disciplines

Improving personal skills of giving and taking feedback / Constructive feedback culture in academic context

This workshop is aimed at all postdocs and doctoral students who would like to reflect on and improve their feedback attitude and behavior. The focus is on the aspect of "taking and actively asking for feedback" as well as on the aspect of "giving constructive feedback". Theoretical foundations include Rosenberg's non-violent communication and Schulz von Thun's communication model. The own experiences, behavior patterns and attitudes are reflected, alternative ways of communication are given and will be also tried out in role-plays. Together, the group will develop possibilities for a constructive feedback culture in the academic environment and provide practical instructions for action.

Self-reflection / exchange of experiences ("worst and best practice") / input and teaching discussions / role plays / group work


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

Agile project management with SCRUM - Successful project and self management through an agile mindset (EN)

Register by 25.02.2024; 23:55 CET

04.03.2024, 10:00-16:00, Venue: Seminar room 301, Lothar-Meyer-Bau, and 11.04.2024, 10:00-14:00, online - Dr. Vanessa Hilleringmann

Target Group
- Postdoctoral Researchers of all disciplines

Participants learn the basics of the Scrum framework. They get to know the Scrum values and an agile mindset. They will also understand the Scrum roles, artifacts and events. After the course, participants will be able to integrate agile elements into their day-to-day work. Additionally, they will learn about the relevant tools and methods in the workshop.


Part 1: Basics Workshop
- Scrum basics
- Scrum roles and responsibilities
- Scrum events
- Scrum artifacts

Part 2: Application Workshop
- Transferring the Scrum framework to your own day-to-day work
- Discussion and development of practical examples
- Presentation and testing of (free) tools for integrating agile approaches into your own day-to-day work

Presentation of the Scrum Framework, lots of interactive and practical exercises, group work, and discussion of case studies.



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Leadership Follow-Up (EN)

Register by: 10.03.2024, 23:55 CET

18.03.2024, 08:00-11:00, 19.03.24, 8:00-14:15, 20.03.24, 8:00-11:00, online - Dr. Angelina Topan

Target group

  • Postdoctoral Researchers participating in the certificate programme "Leadership"

The participants of the workshop "leadership: plan-act-reflect have the opportunity to reflect on a project concerning leadership tasks.

  • Presentation and discussion of the case with the trainer
  • Clarifying further questions from the cases
  • Discussion of new developments


Participants present their projects that have emerged from the leadership workshop. The group acts as a feedback provider and advisor.

The following questions can help you to prepare a short presentation (approx. 10 minutes)

  • What has proved to be successful?
  • What would I like to change in the future?
  • What do I have to live with?
  • What further advice to I need?
  • What new questions have arisen from my case?   

Some more conten information may be added.


Each participant reports on the project carried out and deals with open questions in a solution-oriented manner in the individual consultation.

Please Note

This is the follow-up meeting for the workshop "Leadership - Plan, Act, Reflect" (30.01.-01.02.24). You must have participated in the previous course to participate in this one. 


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

*New Date* Communication Strategies for Constructive Conflict Management (EN)

Register by 07.04.2024; 23:55 CET

New date: 15.04.2024, 09:00-16:00, Venue: Seminar room 246, Lothar-Meyer-Bau - Erika Magyarosi

Please note: This course originally would have taken place on 23.02.2024 but had to be postponed. Therefore, the course is already full. You are still welcome to register, in case a spot becomes available again.

Target Group
- Postdoctoral Researchers of all disciplines


The primary objective of this course is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of conflict, its causes, and the various forms it can take in different settings. Participants will learn and practice a range of communication techniques and strategies tailored specifically for managing conflicts constructively. They will enhance their abilities to express themselves clearly, actively listen, and empathize with others during challenging situations. Furthermore, participants will learn how to recognize and manage their emotions, as well as empathize with the emotions of others.


  • Definition and types of conflicts
  • Common causes and triggers of conflicts
  • The stages of conflict escalation
  • Case studies and real-life examples to analyze conflicts
  • Active listening techniques to enhance understanding
  • Win-win negotiation strategies


Trainer Input, role playing, discussions. 



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Promotionen gut betreuen – Werkzeuge der Promotionsbetreuung (DE)

Anmeldung bis 06.05.2024; 23:55 Uhr

14.05.2024, 9:00-16.30 Uhr, online - Dr. Nadine Chmura

Postdocs, Habilitierende, Juniorprofessor:innen und Professor:innen mit geringer oder keiner Betreuungserfahrung aller Fachrichtungen 

Der Workshop verfolgt das Ziel, einen Austausch über die Vielfalt bestehender Praktiken in 
der Betreuung von Promotionsarbeiten zu ermöglichen und einen Dialog über best practices 
und Herausforderungen der Betreuung herzustellen. Er dient den beteiligten 
Wissenschaftler:innen als Forum der Selbstverständigung bezüglich ihrer aktuellen Rolle als 
Betreuende und vermittelt Grundlagen gegenwärtiger Professionalisierungstendenzen auf 
dem Feld der Betreuung.

Themen sind u.a. aktuelle hochschulpolitische Entwicklungen im Feld der Promotion,
Qualität im Betreuungsprozess, Gestaltung und Weiterentwicklung der eigenen Rollen in 
der Betreuung, Herausforderungen im Betreuungsverhältnis, Werkzeuge der Betreuung, 
Rechtsfragen der Promotionsbetreuung (einschließlich WissZeitVG)


Für die Anmeldung an unseren Veranstaltungen ist es notwendig, dass Sie auf unserer ILIAS-Plattform registriert sind.

Wenn Sie über eine zentrale Universitäts-Kennung (zx..... oder qz.....) verfügen, können Sie sich mit dieser einloggen. Klicken Sie dazu auf "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

Sollten Sie diese nicht haben, können Sie sich alternativ auch durch das Klicken auf "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" unten links auf der Login-Seite einen neuen Account unter Angabe einer beliebigen E-Mailadresse erstellen.

Zur Veranstaltung

ONLINE Visible and influential - networking across cultures, conferences and online (EN)

Register by 23.06.2024; 23:55 CET

01.07.2024, 10:00-18:00, + one individual coaching slot on 02.07.2024, 10:00-16:00, online - Dr. Matteo Garavoglia

Please note: This course consists of a joint workshop on 01 July and individual coaching slots on 02 July. The coaching slots will be allocated during the first workshop day.

Target Group
- Postdoctoral Researchers of all disciplines

This workshop helps participants develop networking skills for work meetings, international conferences and online by identifying opportunities for becoming more visible and influential.

- Strategic networking: planning, expanding and strengthening your contacts.
- Small talk: the “elevator pitch” and pitching yourself.
- The intercultural dimension: navigating cultural diversity and its challenges.
- Online networking: your web presence and what to look for.
- Body language: dos and don’ts to come across as confident and reliable.

On the first day, the participants take part in a group session with their peers. On the second day, each participant engages in a one-to-one tailor-mode session where he/she can discuss specific needs and challenges with the trainer.

- Exercises with role-play and real-life situations.
- Theoretical sessions to understand the thinking behind our approach.
- Hands-on exercises for practicing.
- Surveys to explore the intercultural dimension.
- Both group and individual sessions for enhanced feedback opportunities


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link


ONLINE Das deutsche Wissenschaftsmanagement und seine Akteur*innen (DE)

Anmeldung bis 04.03.2024; 23:55 Uhr

12.03.2024, 09:00-13:00 Uhr, online - Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf

Bitte beachten: Dieser Kurs findet im Rahmen des Zertifikatsprogramms Wissenschaftsmanagement statt. Die Teilnehmenden des Zertifikatprogramms werden vorranging zugelassen. Eventuelle Restplätze werden an andere Teilnehmende vergeben.


  • Postdocs / Promovierte WissenschaftlerInnen (i.d.R. 1-2 Jahre nach der Promotion)

Die Teilnehmer*innen kennen die wesentlichen Institutionen des deutschen Wissen-schaftssystems und ihre Bedeutung für die Arbeit von Wissenschaftsmanager*innen. Sie haben ein Verständnis für die Interdependenzen. Sie haben eine Idee, wo sie selbst arbeiten können.

Inhalte & Methoden

Der Workshop geht von der Makro-zur Mikroebene über:

Teil 1: Landkarte des deutschen Wissenschaftssystems

  • Sammlung der europäischen und deutschen Institutionenin Kleingruppen
  • Zeichnung einer Landkarte in Kleingruppen
  • Auswertung, Diskussion, Ergänzung im Plenum
  • Gespräch im Plenum: Wo und was arbeiten Wissenschaftsmanager*innen?

Teil 2: Die Universität im Kontext des Wissenschaftssystems
Welche der Institutionen und Akteur*innen beeinflussen die Arbeit der Universität? Auf welche Weise tun sie das?

  • Brainstorming in Kleingruppen
  • Auswertung und Diskussion im Plenum
  • Vertiefung entlang der Governance-Strukturen: Gesetze und Verordnungen, Geld und Agendasetting: Wer beeinflusst wen wie? Kleingruppe –Plenum
  • Individuelle Reflexion: Was bedeutet das für Wissenschaftsmanger*innen?
  • Abschlussgespräch im Plenum + Visualisierung: Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse und offene Fragen.



Für die Anmeldung an unseren Veranstaltungen ist es notwendig, dass Sie auf unserer ILIAS-Plattform registriert sind.

Wenn Sie über eine zentrale Universitäts-Kennung (zx..... oder qz.....) verfügen, können Sie sich mit dieser einloggen. Klicken Sie dazu auf "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

Sollten Sie diese nicht haben, können Sie sich alternativ auch durch das Klicken auf "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" unten links auf der Login-Seite einen neuen Account unter Angabe einer beliebigen E-Mailadresse erstellen.

Zur Veranstaltung

ONLINE Discover the Do's and Don'ts of University Work Culture in Germany (EN)

Register by 15.04.2024; 23:55 CET

23.04.2024, 16:00-20:00, online - Yvonne Brockhaus

Target Group
- Postdoctoral Researchers of all stages
- Doctoral Researchers

Be more successful by learning to navigate the hidden Do`s and Don`ts of German university work life.


  • “Wenn ich an Deutschland denke” or “When I think of Germany”: Culture or Your German favorites and headache makers
  • “Mein Name ist Frau Professor Dr. Dr. Dr. h. c. Märkel!!!”: Etiquette in Academia or is your Professor a human, too?
  • “Et gschimpft isch globt gnug” or “No criticism is praise enough”: Receiving and giving feedback in your workplace
  • “Arbeit ist Arbeit und Schnaps ist Schnaps” or “Work is work & liquor is liquor”: Meeting your boss & co-workers outside working hours, e.g. being invited to a party or by chance when shopping
  • “Ask Yvonne”: Anything else you always wanted to know about those strange German ways, but never dared to ask a native.

Input and Group Work with discussions



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

Introduction to Science Communication (EN)

Register by 17.04.2024; 23:55 CET

25.-26.04.2024, 09:00-13:00, Venue: Seminar room 246, Lothar-Meyer-Bau - Salina Weber, Markus Gottschling

***Please note: This Seminar is only for participants in the certificate program Science Communication***

Target Group
Postdocs in the certificate program Science Communication

- Introduce researchers to core aspects and basic strategies of science communication
- Foster the active development of communication skills.
- Provide a common foundation for the specialized practical courses of the certificate program "Science Communication and Media Competence"

- Introduction to the opportunities and challenges of science communication
- Overview of formats and media of science communication
- Formulating addressee-oriented core messages
- Self-reflection: Find your own topic and approach to science communication
- Hands-on Science Communication: Getting started
- (interactive) inputs
- group discussions / peer feedback
- short presentations
- breakout sessions
- individual assignments


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

ONLINE Grant Proposal Writing - How to design and communicate your project convincingly (EN)

Register by 06.06.2024; 23:55 CET

14.06.+19.06.+26.06.+03.07.2024, 09:00-12:30, online - Dr. Sabine Preusse

Target Group
- Postdoctoral Researchers


The objective of this workshop is to enable you to
a) develop an idea for a research project into a sound work programme,
b) to match it to the requirements of the funding programme, and
c) to facilitate the communication with the reviewer by presenting your complex research in an easy-to-understand way.

To achieve this, we will try out the RaumZeit toolkit for designing and communicating your research project convincingly by working on your own research project. This may be a new idea for a real grant proposal or your current research project. Besides, you will obtain a lot of background information on different funding programmes, evaluation processes and potential pitfalls.


Session 1: Funding programmes and how to read the documents
Session 2: Develop your idea into a work plan
Session 3: Communicat your project convincingly
Session 4: Impact and Budget



This is an online workshop including presentations, group work and individual work. Some "homework" will be provided for those, who want to use the time between the sessions to work on their grant proposal. There will be the opportunity to obtain some feedback - either in the group or individually - on the homework.


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

Career Development through Research Funding (EN)

Register by 12.06.2024; 23:55 CET

20.-21.06.2024, 09:00-17:00, Venue: Seminar room 246, Lothar-Meyer Bau - Dr. B. Elija Bleher

Please note: The course consists of a joint workshop on 20 June and individual coaching slots on 21 June. 

Target Group

  • Advanced Doctoral Candidates
  • Postdoctoral Researchers

In the German and European science system, third-party funding is becoming increasingly important both for scientific institutions and their continued existence as well as for individual career development. Often, however, such third-party funding is acquired without systematic strategic planning and without taking into account the potentials and goals of the researchers involved. This workshop therefore chooses a fundamentally different approach by focusing on the previous experiences and respective plans of the participants. In this respect, it pursues the goal of opening up strategies for obtaining funding to the participants against the background of their individual plans and interests in terms of content, and to mirror their plans externally through a coaching offer.


  • Individual status analysis & prospection: Analysis of status quo & goals
  • Basics of the German and European science system
  • Further development of the scientific career: Typology of research funding
  • Dealing with program prose, project planning and change of perspective
  • Research funding - do's and don'ts of the application & review perspectives.
  • On the 2nd day of the event: Individual discussion in short coaching sessions.

Some more content information may be added.


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

In-person vs. Online persuasion - How to make the most of what you can (EN)

Register by 19.06.2024; 23:55 CET

27.06.2024, 13:00-16:00, Seminar room 246, Lothar-Meyer-Bau, + 28.06.2024, 13:00-16:00, online - Dr. Carmen Lipphardt, Dr. Jutta Krautter

Please note: This course is for participants in the certificate program Science Communication. So upon registration you will be placed on a waiting list. If there are any places not taken up by the certificate participants, they will be allocated to the PhDs and Postdocs on the waiting list.

Target Group
- Postdoctoral Researchers of all stages


  • Foster recognizing the importance of body language and voice in the context of science communication. 
  • Showing that giving a lecture rigidly according to script is not sufficient 
  • Getting to know and to experience the rhetorical potential of physical and vocal presence 
  • Exploring and developing one's own performative skills for science communication. 


More and more events that require persuasion are now taking place online: from team meetings to grant applications. Crucially, recent research has shown that some communication techniques that we have learned and successfully adapted for in-person communication do not work the same when projected on a computer screen. Thus, in order to be a successful communicator in both worlds we need to be able to adapt our rhetoric. The experience of the increased use of online formats of the last years has provided plenty of fresh material for analysis and allowed to gain new insight into key differences between persuasion in-person versus online. The aim of this course is to develop consciousness of what needs to be adapted in personal persuasion habits when the format is changed and exercise this ability under guidance of experienced trainers.  

  • Science communication as rhetorical communication situation 
  • Reflection on one’s own role as science communicator Introduction to the specifics of in-person and online presentations 
  • Ideal use of space and creation of presence in both formats 
  • Generating of social presence despite the spatial distance 
  • Inputs and exercises about persuasion and the role of body language and voice in online presentations 
  • Overview of body language and voice elements regarding presentations in presence and online 
  • Addressee orientation while presenting one’s own research 
  • Introducing the concept of live coaching 


  • Short presentations (participants have to prepare an own online presentations beforehand: 5-10 min) 
  • (Interactive) Inputs 
  • Breakout sessions 
  • Group discussions  
  • Feedback from the lectures, peer feedback and live coaching


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

Express yourself! Körper und Stimme in der Wissenschaftskommunikation (DE)

Anmeldung bis 27.06.2024; 23:55 Uhr

05.07.2024, 09:00-15:00 Uhr, Seminarraum 246, Lothar-Meyer-Bau - Salina Weber, Markus Gottschling

Bitte beachten: Dieser Kurs findet im Rahmen des Zertifikatsprogramms Wissenschaftskommunikation statt. Die Teilnehmenden des Zertifikatprogramms werden vorranging zugelassen. Eventuelle Restplätze werden an andere Teilnehmende vergeben.

Promovierende und Postdocs aller Fachrichtungen

Finde deine Stimme für erfolgreiche Wissenschaftskommunikation! Verbessere deine Fähigkeit, öffentlich und vor großem Publikum zu sprechen. Steigere dein Selbstvertrauen, indem du dir bewusst machst, wie du deinen Körper als effektives Kommunikationsmittel einsetzen kannst.

Sowohl dein Körper als auch deine Stimme unterstützen dich bei der wirkungsvollen Vermittlung deiner wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse. Im Workshop nutzen wir logopädische Verfahren zur Optimierung deines Präsentationsstils, indem wir Stimmparameter wie Tonhöhe, Betonung, Lautstärke und Aussprache in den Fokus nehmen. Für eine überzeugende Performanz konzentrieren wir uns auf den effizienten Einsatz von Körpersprache, um die Aufmerksamkeit des Publikums zu gewinnen und zu halten. Hierbei finden bewährte Prinzipien aus der Rhetorik und Theaterpädagogik ihre Anwendung.

- kreative Übungen
- (interaktive) Inputs
- Gruppendiskussionen
- Peer Feedback und live Coaching



Für die Anmeldung an unseren Veranstaltungen ist es notwendig, dass Sie auf unserer ILIAS-Plattform registriert sind.

Wenn Sie über eine zentrale Universitäts-Kennung (zx..... oder qz.....) verfügen, können Sie sich mit dieser einloggen. Klicken Sie dazu auf "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

Sollten Sie diese nicht haben, können Sie sich alternativ auch durch das Klicken auf "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" unten links auf der Login-Seite einen neuen Account unter Angabe einer beliebigen E-Mailadresse erstellen.

Zur Veranstaltung

Project Development in Science Communication: From creative spark to successful implementation (EN)

Register by 10.07.2024; 23:55 CET

18.07.2024, 08:30-16:00 + 19.07.2024, 08:30-13:00, Venue: Seminar room 246, Lothar-Meyer-Bau - Dr. Markus Gottschling, Salina Weber

Please note: This workshop is part of the certificate program Science Communication. If you are interested, you can still sign up for it. We will put you on a waiting list. If places remain that are not taken by the participants in the certificate program we will allocated them on a first come, first served basis.

Target Group

Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs


Participants will develop a concrete science communication project that they can independently implement after the workshop. Doing this, they will get to know and develop

  • Creative techniques
  • Project management
  • Prototyping and implementation


Step by step, participants will learn to develop their own science communication project and bring it to realization. With the help of the following methods, they learn to think about a communication project from all sides, building up creativity and learning to steer it in productive directions.

  • Rhetorical Situation
  • Formative feedback
  • Design thinking

This workshop is suitable for both personal and institutional science communication. Preferably, though not absolutely necessary, participants will have an idea for a SciComm project to work on at the workshop (e.g., event, social media channel, blog, website etc.)


  • creative exercises
  • (interactive) inputs
  • breakout sessions
  • group discussions
  • peer feedback and live coaching


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

Introduction to Science Communication (EN)

Register by 17.07.2024; 23:55 CET

25.-26.07.2024, 09:00-13:00, Venue: Seminar room 246, Lothar-Meyer-Bau - Salina Weber, Markus Gottschling

***Please note: This Seminar is only for participants certificate program Science Communication***

Target Group
Postdocs in the certificate program Science Communication

- Introduce researchers to core aspects and basic strategies of science communication
- Foster the active development of communication skills.
- Provide a common foundation for the specialized practical courses of the certificate program "Science Communication and Media Competence"

- Introduction to the opportunities and challenges of science communication
- Overview of formats and media of science communication
- Formulating addressee-oriented core messages
- Self-reflection: Find your own topic and approach to science communication
- Hands-on Science Communication: Getting started
- (interactive) inputs
- group discussions / peer feedback
- short presentations
- breakout sessions
- individual assignments


In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Link to Course

Generative AI for Research and Science Communication - Basic course (EN)

Register by 23.07.2024; 23:55 CET

31.07.2024, 09:00-15:00, Venue: Seminar room 246, Lothar Meyer Bau - Dr. Markus Gottschling, Salina Weber

Target Group
- Doctoral Candidates and Postdoctoral Researchers of all disciplines


This workshop aims to raise the participants' awareness and skills in using generative AI for both their own research (brainstorming, research, etc.) and science communication (copywriting, editing, etc.).

The workshop is aimed at all researchers who want to learn about the possibilities and the limitations of generative AI – in terms of research, text production, and visualizations. In the workshop, participants will learn about the basis on which tools such as ChatGPT or Stable Diffusion operate. Equipped with a rhetorical perspective on working with generative AI, we will address the topics of training data, prompting, tutoring, bias, and tandem work using concrete examples and different tools.

- creative exercises
- (interactive) inputs
- group discussions
- peer feedback and live coaching



In order to sign up for our workshops, it is necessary that you are registered on our ILIAS platform.

If you have a central login-ID (zx..... or qz.....), you can log in with it. To do so, click on "Login mit Universitäts-Account".

If you do not have a login-ID, you can create a new account by clicking on "Neues Benutzerkonto registrieren" at the bottom left of the login page, by providing any email address.

Workshop Link

Ihre Ansprechpersonen

Doctoral Researcher Development Program

Sara Rogalski

Ansprechperson für Promovierende und Promotionsinteressierte
+49 7071 29-76427


Researcher Development Program

Dr. Marisa Köllner

Ansprechperson für Postdocs, Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*innen und Juniorprofessor*innen
+49 7071 29-72500