
English Linguistics - Master

Key data on study program

Philosophische Fakultät

Academic Degree

Restricted admission

Regular duration of studies
4 semester

Is a combination subject required?

Application deadline 1st semester

Application deadline for Germans and EU citizens 
Summer semester: 15.03
Winter semester: 15.09

Application deadline for non-EU citizens
Summer semester: 15.01
Winter semester: 15.07

Gilt für alle Bewerber/innen mit deutscher oder EU-Hochschulzugangsberechtigung.

Program start
Winter semester, Summer semester

Language of instruction

Tuition and other fees

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Requirements and application

This master degree course is admission free. Yet we do require an application over the online application platform in due time. The coordinators for the study programme will decide on this basis if the admission requirements (see below) are fulfilled.
You can find additional information regarding the application process and requirements here

Highly proficient in spoken and written English.

Program details

The M. A. program English Linguistics provides a full understanding of current linguistics and a thorough training in the empirical methods used in linguistic research. The combination of empirical research with theoretical modeling is an internationally renowned hallmark of linguistics in Tübingen.

There is a long tradition of Linguistics in Tübingen, but there are more linguists now working on a wider variety of aspects of linguistics than ever before. In part, this is due to the  exceptional success of Tübingen linguists in attracting research funding over the last 20 years. The course structure of the M. A. program English Linguistics reflects this depth and interdisciplinarity. While there is an emphasis on the description and processing of the English language, perspectives are always enriched by crosslinguistic comparison and interdisciplinary approaches ranging from experimentation to literary studies. For this reason, students can combine courses offered in English Linguistics with selected M. A. courses offered by the other Linguistics departments.

An important aspect of the M. A. program is the degree of choicein independent study. From the very beginning, students are encouraged to design and conduct their own research projects.

Supervised by staff, they can contribute to the ongoing research of the Institute of English Languages and Literatures, and joint publications with staff are often the result. The academic and empirical skills thus acquired provide students with excellent qualifications for further study in Linguistics at doctoral level.

In recent international and national ratings, Linguistics in Tübingen fared very well. For example, in the QS World University Ranking, Linguistics is in the worlds’ top 100.

Linguistic researchers in Tübingen have co-operated in Collaborative Research Centers (SFBs) since the 1990s. The current SFB 833 The Construction of Meaning investigates how meaning arises in context, during linguistic processing, how it develops over time, and how it varies across languages. The Research Training Group 1808 (DFG Graduiertenkolleg) on the topic of ambiguity in production and perception offers interdisciplinary dissertation projects in lin-guistics, literary studies, psychology, law, theology, and rhetoric.

Freiwilliger Auslandsaufenthalt
In jedem Studiengang ist ein freiwilliger Auslandsaufenthalt möglich. Mit der Planung sollte ca. ein bis eineinhalb Jahre vor der Abreise begonnen werden. 
Weitere Informationen und Beratung zum Auslandsstudium finden Sie auf der fachübergreifenden Seite Wege ins Ausland. Zudem bieten einige Fächer auch eigene Informationen zu Auslandsaufenthalten an. 

Help with choosing a study program

Entscheidungshilfen für ein Erststudium

Die Universität bietet Hilfen zur Entscheidungsfindung an. Dazu gehören z.B. der Besuch von Lehrveranstaltungen, Orientierungsveranstaltungen zu Studienwahlthemen sowie verschiedene Beratungsangebote. Weitere Hinweise finden Sie auf den Seiten für Studieninteressierte.

Entscheidungshilfen für Masterstudiengänge

Bei der Studienwahlentscheidung für die Masterstudiengänge spielen Spezialisierung, Schwerpunktsetzung und forschungs- sowie berufsbezogene Kriterien eine Rolle. Für Interessierte an Masterstudiengängen gibt es eine Vielzahl an Orientierungshilfen wie z.B. den Besuch von Lehrveranstaltungen und spezielle Beratungs- sowie Informationsangebote (z.B. Zentrale Studienberatung, Studienfachberatung, Career Service). Nähere Informationen finden Sie unter Beratung und Information.

After your studies

The English Linguistics M. A. qualifies students for various career options. Students can pursue an academic career by applying for a Ph.D. program in Linguistics or Cognitive Science, or they can use their linguistic and analytical skills for a career in the wider economy in fields related to language and communication. M. A. holders are able to work on linguistic topics at an academic level, they have learned to abstract and synthesize information, to evaluate explanations critically, and are competent in the planning and execution of research and project work. With these abilities they are qualified for positions, in publishing, language technology and teaching, translation agencies, and journalism just to mention a few.

Beratung und Praktika
Der Career Service der Universität berät bei der Berufsorientierung und beim Berufseinstieg. Praktika und Jobs finden Sie im Praxisportal.

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