Geschichtliche Landeskunde und Historische Hilfswissenschaften

PD Dr. Oliver Nelle (State Office for Cultural Heritage BW)

Historic Wood-Archive - Dendrochronolgy and Climate

Historic local climatic development can be assessed by tree ring data. Dendrochronology is the science of tree-ring analysis and dating. It is the most accurate and precise nondocumentary dating method available to researchers studying records of the past. Tree-ring dates are accurate and precise to the year, and sometimes season. Investigations on historic buildings in Bad Waldsee and its surrounding area provided a significant amount of dendrochronological data at our project partner tree-ring lab “Jahrringlabor Hofmann & Reichle, Nürtingen“ that can be used to build species specific local and regional tree-ring curves by the Hemmenhofen tree-ring lab for a regional climatic reconstruction for Medieval and Modern times period. The information will complement those of other proxies, derived from historical documents, palynology or sediment analysis.