Institute of Political Science

Koray Saglam, M.A.


Contact Information

Melanchthonstr. 36
72074 Tübingen, Germany
Room 118
Phone: +49 7071/ 29-75440


Research Associate and Junior Lecturer

Office Hours

If needed, office hours can be requested one week in advance per mail.

Academic Background

Koray Saglam is a Ph.D. candidate, research associate and junior lecturer with the research group Middle East and Comparative Political Science. Additionally, he is a Bucerius- Ph.D. fellow and was awarded a Ph.D. scholarship by the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius within the scope of their Trajectories of Change program. 

Part of Mr. Saglam's responsibilities, besides teaching and researching, has also been the departmental Erasmus+ coordination as well as the academic coordination of the M.A. degree program "Comparative Middle East Politics and Society", jointly organized with the American University in Cairo. 

Mr. Saglam holds a Master of Arts in "Comparative Middle East Politics and Society" and a Bachelor of Science in "International Economics and Middle Eastern Studies". He studied at the University Tübingen, California State University Chico and the American University in Cairo. 

Research Interests

Koray Saglam's research focuses on authoritarian regimes, personalism, Turkey and digitalization.


Political Economy of the Middle East, University of Tübingen (Summer 2021, Winter 2022/23)

Theories and Concepts of Political RuleUniversity of Tübingen (Summer 2022)

CMEPS Study Trip to Brussels and Bonn, digital format (Winter 2020/21, 2021/22)

Regime Change and DemocratizationUniversity of Tübingen, digital format (Winter 2020/21)

P0322 - Comparative Politics of the Middle East and North Africa

P0123 / P0124 - Techniken wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens im Fach Politikwissenschaft ("Methods of scientific work in political science")

Media appearances 

Radio interviews: 
  • Staatsbesuch von Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock bei den NATO-Partnern Griechenland und Türkei inmitten der zunehmenden Spannungen in der Ägäis (Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock visits NATO-partners Greece and Turkey amidst rising tensions in the Aegean Sea) 
    Friday 29.07.2022 7:09, SWR2 Journal am Morgen
  • Ausgangssperre zum Ende des Ramadan: Die autoritäre Politik des türkischen Präsidenten Erdogan ("Curfew at the End of Ramadan: The Authoritarian Politics of Turkish President Erdogan")
    Saturday 23.05.2020 8:07, SWR2 Journal am Morgen  
  • Katastrophe in Beirut  ("Disaster in Beirut")
    Thursday 06.08.2020, DasDing

Newspaper interviews: 

Santa Sofía: la joya de la corona en Turquía que vuelve a ser mezquita" ("Hagia Sophia: Turkey's crown jewel becomes a mosque once more") in Semana, July 17, 2020.

Selected Publications

"The digital blender: conceptualizing the political economic nexus of digital technologies and authoritarian practices" in the Special Issue of Globalizations "Authoritarian Power and Contestation beyond the State", October 11, 2022.