School of Business and Economics



Public Finance
Prof. Dr. Georg Wamser (Head of Department)
Dr. Giacomo Brusco
Dr. Andra Tulli

International Macroeconomics and Finance
Prof. Dr. Gernot Müller (Head of Department)
Prof. Dr. Michael Knaus (Assistant Professor)
Prof. Dr. Willi Mutschler (Assistant Professor)

International Economics and Labor Markets
Prof. Dr. Frank Stähler
Dr. Peter Eppinger

International Economics and European Integration
Prof. Dr. Anna Gumpert

International Economics and International Taxation
Prof. Dr. Valeria Merlo
Dr. Camila Cisneros Acevedo

Prof. Dr. Ralph Luetticke

Economic History
Prof. Dr. Jörg Baten

Economic Theory
Prof. Dr. Manfred Stadler

Emeriti and retired university professors:

  • Professor Dr. rer. pol. Dieter Cansier (Public Economics and Environmental Policy)
  • Professor Dr. rer. pol. Dr. h.c. Josef Molsberger (Economic Policy)
  • Professor Dr. Heinz Gert Preuße (Economic Policy)
  • Professor Dr. rer. pol. Dr. h.c. Joachim Starbatty (Economic Policy)

Honorary Professors:

  • Bundespräsident a.D. Professor Dr. Horst Köhler
  • Professor Dr. Wilhelm Rall
  • Professor Dr. Jürgen Stark

Associate Professors:

  • Prof. Dr. Bernhard Duijm
  • Prof. Dr. Horst Feldmann