The study programme Master of Education lateral entry for secondary school teachers (Computer Science - Physics - Mathematics) is a master’s course aimed at graduates of a Bachelor of Science course with no teaching-related component at a university in one of the three subjects of Computer Science, Physics or Mathematics. Upon completion of the course, admission to the preparatory service for the high school teaching post and, if applicable, to the school service in Baden-Württemberg for the selected combination of subjects is obtained, consisting of the first subject studied in the Bachelor of Science and the subject selected for the course from the remaining two subjects. The achievements of this course are designed in such a way that the graduates in combination with the achievements in their Bachelor of Science course have essentially acquired the competences to be acquired in a regular study programme for secondary school teachers.
The study programme is a scientific course of study, in which in the second subject the scientific basis and methodological competence in the subject and in both subjects in didactics are laid, which are necessary in order to be able to teach the subjects later at the high school. The subject didactic part and the educational part of the course also teaches occupational skills.
The course is clearly structured and essentially consists of compulsory modules with limited options. The 120 credit points are divided as follows between the second subject, the didactics and the educational sciences:
Second subject | 45 CP |
Subject Didactics (1st + 2nd subject) | 21 CP |
Educational science | 23 CP |
School internship semester | 16 CP |
Master's thesis | 15 CP |
The inclusion of a master’s degree in teaching with a bachelor’s degree without teaching-related components means that the student’s study requirements will vary widely from person to person. This requires individual advice to each and every student regarding the structure of their studies. The course plans in the module handbook are therefore only a first orientation.
Detailed information is offered at the beginning of the study. For details about the single parts of the study, regular informative meetings are held. For further information students may ask the responsible study advisors or the dean of academic affairs of the study programme.