Center for Plant Molecular Biology

Transformation Unit Protoplasts Trafos List


Each Department Floor (Dev Genetics, General Genetics, Plant Biochem and Plant Physiology, etc.) gets 7 Large-Scale trafos per week on Tuesday Morning. These are booked using the standard web form below.

It is allowed to book free places from the other Departments two working days in advance.

    1. Please choose the week
    2. Type in your Name, Phone Number and Research Group
    3. Book trafo you want by checking
      then press “submit”.
    4. If you need to cancel, check the box you want to remove and submit.
      Please delete only your reservation!
    5. All actions are logged in a file (history), so behave!


  1. On Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays you can get protoplasts ready for transfection in W5 for you to do yourself! All of the solutions are provided by us, so you only need to bring your DNA and do the transefction. Usually this is enough for about 30 transfections (Large Scale) or more (Mid and Small scale 2mL eppis, 96-well plates) depending on your assay. If it is your first time doing so, then it is best to transfect them along with Caterina. For mid and high-throughput assays contact Kenneth. We will show you how to do it and how to fill out our invoice sheets. After that, you can pick up the protoplasts and any solutions you need whenever you want.

    To order: just phone or email Caterina at least 2 days in advance (73223)!! Grazie mille!!

Notes from Caterina:


bring DNA before Tuesdays, 7 a.m.

Grazie mille


UPDATE: 23 May 2024




Transfection Options:
Protoplasts in W5 at 4°C. These protoplasts ordered by the tube are ready to be placed in the transfection medium (~5mL in MM once concentrated) by you when you are ready and are good for up to 16 hrs at 4°C. That means you can do your transfections on Tuesday morning, Thursday evening or even Friday morning! We provide all the solutions and tubes.
  • Large Scale - 120µL reactions
    5 - 40 µg DNA per transfection in 80 µL H2O
    14ml round-bottom PP tubes. Circa 420.000 protos/transf.
  • Mid scale - 60 µL reactions
    2 - 20 µg DNA per transfection in 40 µL H2O
    2mL Eppendorf, aseptic (on bench) or 96-well plates. Circa 210.000 protos/transf.
  • Small scale - 30 µL reactions
    up to 12 per transfection (aseptic) in 20 µL H2O
    2mL Eppendorf, aseptic (on bench) or 96-well plates. Circa 105.000 protos/transf.
  • 96-well transfections are performed with the Liquidator96-well pipette. Both 30µL and 60µL transfections can be effectively performed in a 96-well deepwell format.
Please ask for assistance the first time doing any experiments.