Institute of Art History

Inventory of Prints

The Prints and Drawings Collection mainly encompasses European print graphics from 1500 up until the contemporary time. On site the collection is accessible through an engraver catalog and an inventory card index. In addition, a small number of hand drawings is documented in a separate index. The portrait collection of the Prints and Drawings Collection is online available together with the portraits owned by the University Archive and the Department “Historic Prints” of the University Library (


Engraver and Artists of the art work in the Prints and Drawings Collection

The following list (pdf-Datei) contains all engraver and artist names starting in 1500 up until the 20th century. They are documented in topographical and alphabetical order according to centuries.
The electronical documentation of the hand drawings and recent purchases of centemporary art work is still underway. It will include donations by the sponsoring association of the Institute of Art History, the “Tübinger Kunsthistorische Gesellschaft e.V.”. The print technique collection (collection Barbara Schulz) and the Foundation Walter Henß and Erika Henß, Heidelberg, on copper engravings of the 20th century are documented separately as well.

Publications of the Prints and Drawings Collection

Publications of the Graphic Collection


"Erfreuen und Belehren." 100 Jahre Graphische Sammlung am Kunsthistorischen Institut der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, hg. v. Anette Michels, Sigmaringen 1997 (Aus den Kunstsammlungen der Eberhard Karls Universität, Band 2).
Stephan Brakensiek, Anette Michels, Anne-Katrin Sors (Hg.), Copy.Right. Adam von Bartsch. Kunst, Kommerz, Kennerschaft, Petersberg 2016.