Department of Mathematics



The conference Solid Math 2024 will take place from July 30th to August 1st, 2024 at the University of Tübingen.

Fourth Erich Kamke Colloquium on 24.06.24 at 4:15 pm in lecture hall N5. Yuri Tschinkel from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York, will speak about Rationality Problems.

The talk will be followed by the department's summer party.

The online meeting Birdtracks 2024, co-hosted by our department, takes place from February 26 to 28.

Prof. Dr. Hannah Markwig was selected as a scout for the Henriette Herz Scouting Programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) and the French National Research Agency (ANR) are jointly funding the project "POK0: Positivity on K-trivial varieties" for three years. JProf. Dr. Daniele Agostini leads the Tübingen node.

Professor Dr. Carla Cederbaum wins the Media Award of the German Mathematical Society for her original science communication projects for various target groups.

The workshop A syzygy day will take place at the University of Tübingen on 11 October 2023.

On September 14, 2023, the Federal Ministry of Finance, together with the University of Tübingen, presented collector coins and special stamps in honor of Wilhelm Schickard and the calculating machine he invented 400 years ago to selected representatives of the university, politics and society, including Prof. Dr. Carla Cederbaum.

Simon Brendle, former Distinguished Guest Professor and regular guest to our department, wins the 2024 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics.

The Winter Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Topological Order TOPO23 will take place from November 27 to December 8, 2023 at University of Tübingen.

From July 31 to August 4, the Department of Mathematics will host the conference Beyond IID in Information Theory 11. On July 31 at 6:30 pm, Prof. Ignacio Cirac will give a public lecture on Quantum computers: a dream or a reality in the Audimax. The talk will be followed by a wine reception.

Third Erich Kamke Colloquium on 23.06.23 at 4:15 pm in lecture hall N3. Valentin Blomer from the University of Bonn will speak about Analysis on Arithmetic Manifolds.

The talk will be followed by the department's summer party.

JProf. Dr. Ángela Capel Cuevas is one of the Forbes 30-under-30 Spain 2023.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding the Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio CRC/TRR 352 "Mathematics of Many-Body Quantum Systems and Their Collective Phenomena" for an initial period of four years. The Tübingen mathematician Prof. Dr. Stefan Teufel is co-spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Center.

Helmut Salzmann and his legacy
An obituary by Rainer Löwen

Prof. Dr. Rainer Nagel wins the University of Tübingen teaching award for the internet seminar on evolution equations.

Prof. Dr. Carla Cederbaum has been elected to the Standing Committee of European Women in Mathematics.

The mathematics students Veronika Körber, Tobias Schnieders and Paul Vögele from Tübingen win prizes for their outstanding performance at the International Mathematics Competition for University Students (IMC).

Second Erich Kamke Colloquium on 22.07.22 at 4 pm in lecture hall N7. László Erdös from the Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria will speak about Universality in Random Matrix Theory beyond Wigner-Dyson-Mehta.

The talk will be followed by the department's summer party.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding the interdisciplinary Research Unit FOR 5413 "Long-range interacting quantum spin systems out of equilibrium: Experiment, theory and mathematics" for an initial period of four years. The Tübingen mathematicians Prof. Dr. Christian Lubich and Prof. Dr. Stefan Teufel are members of the Research Unit.

Teaching award for the Mathematics Department: 2021, the University of Tübingen's teaching award will go to Stefan Keppeler, Hannah Markwig, Thomas Markwig and Roderich Tumulka from the Department of Mathematics. In mathematics education, the examination of mathematical concepts and methods in private study by regularly working on tasks as well as the discussion of one's own solution approaches with fellow students and critical feedback on the finished solutions plays a central role. The award winners were honoured for their teaching-learning concept, which ensures this exchange in a purely digital teaching-learning format. In addition to the four award winners, many other faculty members were involved in the implementation. (Press release on the Teaching Award 2021)

1st Erich Kamke Kolloquium: The Department of Mathematics will start a new colloquium series, in which renowned speakers will report once a year on current results that have attracted particular attention. The first speaker will be Bernd Sturmfels, Director at the MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences (Leipzig) and Professor at UC Berkeley. He will report on 19 November 2021 (2 pm, in N14) on current issues in algebraic statistics with a physical perspective. 

1st year of study optionally as distance learning or with face-to-face components: The first year of study in the degree programmes B.Sc. Mathematics and B.Ed. Mathematics is possible in the winter semester 2021/22 either as a pure distance learning programme or with classroom attendance. All courses of the first year of study (Analysis 1+2, Linear Algebra 1+2) can be completed purely online; lectures and exercises are transmitted digitally. If, depending on the development of the pandemic, attendance of courses in presence in the lecture hall is permissible, we will make this possible as an additional offer. Detailed information on the individual courses can be found on the web pages of the respective courses in due course. We currently assume that we will be able to allow attendance in small groups at least for courses and are planning a corresponding offer.

According to the most recent Corona regulations the Mathematics and Physics Library opens from Thu 11 March. Special regulations apply.

Paul Nicolai Weiß was awarded the First Prize for excellent theses in teacher training courses 2020 for his scientific work on the subject of "Elementary antiderivatives and the Liouville-Ostrowski theorem" from the Conference of Mathematical Departments.


Anja Fetzer, PhD student at the department, has been elected  Mathemacherin of May and June 2020 (more in German) by the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV).


On initiative of the Family Office the President's Office announces the Corona-Notprogramm Familie (more in German).

The university provides detailed information on on measures due to the corona/COVID-19 crisis, the department on the pages for students

Consequences of this decision for individual courses and exams are provided by your lecturers, e.g. on the respective course webpages.

From January to August 2020 Prof. Dr. Gianluca Panati visits the department with a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award of the Humboldt-Stiftung. He will do research on the mathematics of topological materials.

UNESCO establishes International Day of Mathematics. From now on every year on 14 March people worldwide will celebrate the International Day of Mathematics. On you find more information on planned activities and opportunities to participate.

The educational game Ganita (Sanskrit for mathematics), developed by Prof. Dr. Carla Cederbaum and Anja Fetzer, is suitable for pupils in grades 5 to 7. It is available free of charge from for download and printout. A teachers' booklet is in preparation.


In October 2019 Dr. Judith Alcock-Zeilinger starts a two-year Alexander von Humboldt fellowship at our department. She will do research on representation theory of compact Lie groups.

The Department of Mathematics offers two preparatory mathematics courses for mathematics and science students, respectively (more information in German).

On 9 and 10 October there will be a training for mathematics teaching assistants (more information in German).

On 2-6 September 2019 Roderich Tumulka and Matthias Lienert organize a Summer School on Paradoxes in Quantum Physics on the Island of Hvar, Croatia.


May 12 is the birthday of Maryam Mirzakhani (1977-2017), the first (and so far only) woman who won a Fields Medal. +++ On May 12, and during the whole month, events celebrating women in maths take place worldwide. +++ +++ The department of mathematics presents female mathematicians from Tübingen in a social media campaign: We post pictures of students, former students, teachers, postdocs, professors on instagram and facebook. +++ +++ +++ #may12womeninmaths #tuebingen


Dr. Milena Wrobel joins the department as a Margarete von Wrangell-Fellow. She will do research on Algebraic Torus Actions and Combinatorics.

On 10-12 April 2019 a Spring School on Multi-Time Wave Functions takes place at our department.

Prof. Dr. Sam Payne, University of Texas, Austin, receives the Max Planck-Humboldt Research Medal. With the pize money of 60.000 Euro Sam Payne plans to research stays at the University of Tübingen where he will cooperate closely with the research group of Prof. Dr. Hannah Markwig in the area of Tropical Geometry.  (Press release, Portrait of the prize winner)


The exhibition Women of Mathematics (6.-16. November 2018 Hörsaalzentrum auf der Morgenstelle) offers a glimpse into the world of mathematics through photographs and excerpts of interviews of thirteen women mathematicians throughout Europe.

During the winter term 18/19 Prof. Dr. Anna-Maria von Pippich will teach at the Department of Mathematics as a TEA Guest Professor.


Annual meeting of the SFB TRR 195 takes place at the department from September 24-28.

Screening of the award winning film "The discrete charm of geometry" by Ekaterina Eremenko, showing how modern mathematical team work is carried out, will be shown on Wednesday, September 26, at 7pm in Kupferbau, Lecture Hall 22.

Summer School "Topological recursion" of the SFB TRR 195 and the Research Training Group “Experimental and constructive algebra” takes place at the department from August, 27-31.

Prof. Dr. Marcello Porta receives ERC Grant. [press release]

Prof. Dr. Christian Lubich gives a plenary lecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians 2018 in Rio de Janeiro.



Since 2007 the University of Tübingen annually advertises an award for especially sustainable teaching and dedication for students. In 2017 the teaching award of the University of Tübingen is awarded to JProf. Dr. Carla Cederbaum and Dr. Stefan Keppeler from the department of mathematics. [more -- in German]

Prof. Dr. Simon Brendle, Distinguished Guest Professor at the Department of Mathematics, wins the Fermat Prize 2017.

Starting from October 2017 and yearly afterwards, the Mathematics Department and the Physics Department at the University of Tübingen are jointly offering an international two year Master Program in Mathematical Physics.

Sophia Jahns, PhD student at the Department of Mathematics, wins the International Fatma Moalla Award for the Popularization of Mathematics 2017 of the Tunisian Women Mathematicians' Association.


The F.A.Z.-Magazin, in its issue 52 (page 42/43) [in German], tells the story of the (re-)discovery of early works by Rudolf Diesel at the Department of Mathematics.


From 24 to 26 July 2017 the Young Researchers School on Image Processing and Computer Vision will offer PhD students and post-docs in mathematics and applied sciences the possibility to learn about these topics from prominent experts and participate actively to discussions.