Wiltrud Mihatsch
Since September 2015
Chair of French and Spanish Linguistics at the University of Tübingen
April 2010
Acceptance of the W3 Professorship of Romance Philology
with focus on French and Spanish Linguistics at the Ruhr University Bochum. April 2013-April 2015: Head of Department
February 2008
and award of the venia legendi "Romance Philology" at Bielefeld University.
From Oktober 2007
W2-Professor for Romance Philology
with focus on French and Spanish linguistics at the Ruhr University Bochum.
October 2004-October 2007
Research assistant to Prof Dr Barbara Job in Bielefeld.
Habilitation thesis on the topic: "Approximation methods in Romance languages: Semantic, pragmatic and syntactic features of approximators of French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish in comparison.
Graduation "summa cum laude". PhD thesis: Cognitive principles of lexical hierarchies - with a focus on French and Spanish, supervised by Prof. Dr Peter Koch.
January-September 2004
stay in Madrid
Participation in PhD courses as part of the "Doctorado en lingüística teórica y sus aplicaciones" under the direction of Violeta Demonte at the Instituto Ortega y Gasset.
January 2001 - March 2004
Research assistant in the CRC 441 "Linguistic Data Structures: Theoretical and Empirical Principles of Grammar Research"
Project B6 "Lexical change - polygenesis-cognitive constants: The human body", under the direction of Prof Dr Peter Koch in Tübingen.
October-November 2001
Research stay in Argentina (Buenos Aires and Neuquén)
as part of the PROALAR /DAAD programme.
winter term 1999/2000
Substitution of an assistant position
at the chair of Prof. Dr Peter Koch, Romance Linguistics.
From 1998
PhD scholarship and admission to the graduate programme "Integrated Linguistics Studies" in Tübingen.
State Exam
in English, French and Spanish.
Studied English, French and Spanish
at the University of Tübingen and Sheffield (DAAD), work stay in Spain.
Studied business administration
at the Grande École "École Supérieure de Commerce" in Reims, France.