What is the aim of the Research Hub Digital Education?
We believe that the development of artificial intelligence and other technological advancements will bring about significant changes in education. Despite the challenges and risks, we see this as a major opportunity for the education system. Our research aims to contribute to a well-founded understanding of what digitally and AI-supported teaching means for educators and learners. We also specifically investigate how interactive and adaptive learning experiences can be effectively enhanced through digital tools. Additionally, we consider it our responsibility to develop appropriate tools based on valid research findings, ensuring that this field is not driven primarily by commercial interests.
How can schools benefit from this research?
High-quality AI technologies in education aim to optimize teaching and learning by addressing the needs of individual learners. Digital media support and relieve educators, and in times of teacher shortages and unforeseen disruptions like global pandemics, they help maintain instruction and make the best use of available resources. Evidence-based, independent research and the provision of corresponding applications guarantee quality and provide crucial decision-making foundations.