Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology

Research Hub: Teaching Quality

What is the aim of the Research Hub Teaching Quality?
The Teching Quality Hub is dedicated to researching and enhancing successful teaching and learning processes in the classroom—arguably the most critical factor in improving educational outcomes.

How can schools benefit from this research?
This research area is crucial for the training and professional development of teachers as well as for education policy decisions. The hub serves as an important link between educational research and practice, particularly through close collaborations with relevant educational authorities in Baden-Württemberg, such as the IBBW and ZSL.

Recent Publications

  • ​​​​​Fütterer, T., Scherer, R., Scheiter, K., Stürmer, K., & Lachner, A. (2023). Will, skills, or conscientiousness: What predicts teachers’ intentions to participate in technology-related professional development? Computers & Education, 198, 104756.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2023.104756
  • Goldberg, P., Wagner, W., Seidel, T. & Stürmer, K. (2023). Why do students exhibit different attention-related behavior during instruction? Investigating effects of individual and context-dependent determinants. Learning & Instruction, 83, 101694. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2022.101694
  • Jaekel, A.-K., Göllner, R., & Trautwein, U. (2021). How students’ perceptions of teaching quality in one subject are impacted by the grades they receive in another subject: Dimensional comparisons in student evaluations of teaching quality. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113, 770-783. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000488

Selected Projects

Student evaluations are regularly collected to assess key quality indicators of instruction. Due to the widespread use and high acceptance of student evaluations in the classroom, the UNITAS project is dedicated to central questions regarding the validity of these evaluations.

The ALIFE project develops adaptive and innovative online training programs for teachers, tailored specifically to their needs. The ALIFE Academy collaborates closely with practitioners to design evidence-based training and systematically evaluates these programs to continuously improve the quality and effectiveness of the offerings.

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