Institute of Political Science

Personal Information

05. Sep.1962 Born as son of Engineer Karl-Bernd Hasenclever and his wife Hildegard, née Andrees
1982 –1983 Civil Service at the Catholic Youth Welfare Office of the City of Bonn
01. Dec.1995 Marriage with Barbara Hecht, Oberstudienrätin
02. Jun.1998 Birth of daughter Josephine
18. Sep. 2003 Birth of daughter Sarah


Fall 1983 - Spring 1992 Studies of Catholic Theology and since Fall 1985 studies of Political Science in Tübingen, Munich and Paris
July 1990 Diploma Theology (with distinction)
August 1992 Master's degree Political Science (with distinction)
Oktober 2000 PhD graduation (magna cum laude). Title of dissertation: "The power of morals in International Relations. Analysis of military interventions in Somalia, Ruanda and Bosnia."

Professional Life

Summer 1989 and 1990 Freelancer at "Rheinische Post" Newspaper in Leverkusen
Nov. 1990 – Dec. 1992 Research Assistant at "Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)", Tübingen
Jan. 1993 – Jun. 1998 Research Assitant at Institute for Political Science, Tübingen
Jul. 1998 – Sep. 1999 Parental Leave
Oct. 2000 – Sep. 2004 Academic Project Manager at Peace Research Institute, Frankfurt
2003 and 2004 Chairman of Research Council at Peace Research Institute, Frankfurt
Since Oct. 2004 W3 - Professor for Peace Research and International Politics at the Institute for Political Science, Tübingen


Helmuth-James-von-Moltke-Award 2003 of German Society for Military Law and Humanitarian Law for the book "The Power of Morals in International Politics. Military Interventions of Western States in Somalia, Rwanda and Bosnia", Frankfurt: Campus 2001.

Third-party Funded Projects

Finished Project: "The international organisation of Democratic Peace" Funded by German Foundation for Peace Research with ca. 130.000 Euro from 02/2005 until 01/2007
Finished Project: "Security Management between Democracies" Funded by the German Foundation for Peace Research with ca. 150.000 Euro from 10/2007 until 09/2009
Finished project: "Crisis Communication and Peace Commitment of Regional Churches and Clerical Actors in African and Asian in Violent Conflicts" Funded by the Evangelischen Entwicklungsdient with ca. 55.000 Euro from 12/2010 until 07/2011
Finished project: "The Threat to Political Order in African Development Countries" Funded by the German Research Foundation as part of SFB 923 „Bedrohte Ordnungen“ with ca. 320.000 Euro from 7/2011 until 6/2015
Finished project: "Trust, don't Verify. Towards a Theory of Strong Trust in International Relations" Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) with ca.470.000 Euro from 1/2011 until 06/2017
Finished project: "Local Orders under Threat from "Land Grabbing": Global Civil Society and International Context as Curse or Blessing?" Together with Jochen von Bernstorff. Funded by the German Research Foundation within the framework of the SFB 923 "Threatened Orders" with ca. 630.000 Euro from 7/2015 - 6/2019
Current project: "National Model United Nations" Funded by Robert Bosch Foundation with 5.000 Euro annually from 2007 until 2010 and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with annually 4.500 Euro
Current project: "The Struggle for International Order. On the Integration of Affected Population Groups into International Arms Control" Together with Jochen von Bernstorff. Funded by the German Research Foundation within the framework of the SFB 923 "Threatened Orders" with ca. 361.000 Euro from 7/2015 - 6/2019
Current project: "Transformation of Violence-Centered Masculinities after Armed Conflicts" Together with Gabriele Abels. Funded by the German Research Foundation with ca. 591.000 Euro
Current project: "Textual Understanding and War: Political Science Analysis of the Relationship between Interpretive Practices and Legitimations of Violence in African Countries" Funded by the German Research Foundation within the framework of the Research Group 2828 "De/Sacralization of Texts" with ca. 432,000 Euro

Organization of Conferences

December 2022

International Workshop on “The Struggle for Arms Control – Transforming or Reproducing International Order”

Funded by the Collaborative Research Center 928 “Threatened Orders”
November 2017 International Workshop on "Empowering the Most Affected: A New Paradigm in Global Governance and International Law?” Funded by the Collaborative Research Center 928 “Threatened Orders”
Februar 2016 International Workshop on „Alliances and Trust-building in International Politics“ Funded by the German Foundation for Peace Research
September 2013 International Workshop on „Framing Political Violence: A Micro Apporach to Civil War Studies“ Funded by the German Foundation for Peace Research
September 2010 International Conference on „Radicalization in Western Societies: Preventing ‚Homegrown‘ Terrorism“ Funded by the Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg, the German Foundation for Peace Research, and the US-embassy in Germany
Februar/März 2008 Internationale author-conference on the PVS-Special Issue 2009 „Identities, Institutions, and Interests: Causes of Internal Political Violence" in Konstanz Together with Margit Bussmann und Gerald Schneider; funded by the German Foundation for Peace Research
September 2007 International Workshop on „Resisting the Instrumentalization of Religious Traditions in Political Conflicts and Promoting their Peacemaking Potential” in Tübingen Funded by the German Foundation for Peace Research
September 2004 Section „Democratic Peace“ für die 5. Paneuropean SGIR Conference in Den Haag Together wih Wolfgang Wagner
September 2003 Section „Democratic Peace“ für die 2. ECPR Conference in Marburg Together wih Wolfgang Wagner

Selected Papers and Presentations

2023 Conference of the International Academy of Practical Theology in Seoul  “Climate Change, Armed Conflict & Religion” (invited paper).
60. Annual Conference of the International Studies Association in Toronto “Conceptualizing Collective Trust Dynamics in Foreign Policy: The Case of French Expectations towards Germany’s Reliability in Times of Crisis”.
International Workshop “NATO at 70: Trust and Mistrust among Allies”, 2019 "Transformative NATO? Tracing Trust between France and Germany after 1945".
International Workshop “Collective Trust” at the Grenoble Ecole de Management, 2018 “Conceptualizing collective trust dynamics in Foreign Policy: The Case of French Trust in German Reliablity”.
International Workshop „Empowering the Most Affected: A New Paradigm in Global Governance and International Law?” at the University of Tübingen, 2017 “The Dark Side of the Affectedness-Paradigm: Lessons from the Indigenous Peoples’ Movement at the United Nations”.
International Workshop “David Martin and the Sociology of Religion” am Max-Weber-Kolleg in Erfurt”, 2016 “Taking Religion Back Out. On the Secular Dynamics of Armed Conflicts”.
Internationale Conference of the Nigerian Bishops Conference „Pentacostalism in Africa” in Abuja, 2016 „New Religious Movements as a Challenge to Mainstream Churches“. (gemeinsam mit Johannes Müller SJ)
Conference of the DFG-Graduiertenkollegs “Trust and Communication in a Digitalized World” an der Universität Münster, 2016 „Vertrauen in der Internationalen Politik“.
57. Annual Conference of the International Studies Association in San Diego, 2016 „Accounting for Protest against Land Grabbing - Carving out Transnational Civil Society Coalitions.” (gemeinsam mit Annette Schramm)
International Workshop „Alliances and Trust-building in international Politics I“ an der Aberystwyth University, 2015 “The Role of NATO for Franco-German Trust-Building.” (gemeinsam mit Lukas Kasten)
Presentation of the peace-report in Berlin, 2014 „Nigeria – Gewaltursache Religion?“
International Workshop „Framing Political Violence: A Micro Approach to Civil War Studies“ an der Universität Tübingen, 2013 „Successfully Framing Political Conflicts – The Role of Elites in Religiously Charged in Civil Wars”.
Berlin Workshop-discussion of  Social Ethicists 2013 „Christliche Friedensethik vor den Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts“ „Die Menschen führen Krieg und die Götter bleiben im Himmel - Religion als Ursache oder Eskalationsfaktor von Gewalt“.
International Workshop on „The Political Impact of Religious Activism” at the Humboldt Universität Berlin, 2012 „Religion Losing the Sacred – On the Secular Nature of Armed Conflicts”.
53. Jahrestagung der International Studies Association in San Diego, 2012 „Trust, Don't Verify - Towards a Theory of Strong Trust in International Relations”. (gemeinsam mit Phlipp Brugger und Lukas Kasten)
29. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft 2011: „Aspekte der Macht“ „Macht und Moral: Normwandel und Normgeltung in den internationalen Beziehungen“.
6. Religionsforum an der Université de Fribourg, 2011: “Friedensvisionen und Friedensfähigkeit in Religionen und Kulturen“ „Sind Religionen friedensfähig?“.
Annual Conference of the Israeli International Studies Association, 2011: "The Pacification of Europe: Lessons for the Middle East" “With a Little help From our Institutions: French-German Security Relations after 1945”.
5. ECPR Conference in Potsdam, 2009 “Confidence-Building Measures are the Missing Link in the Democratic Peace”. (gemeinsam mit Eva Gottwald und Ben Kamis)
50. Annual Conference of the International Studies Association in New York, 2009 Confidence-Building Measures, Joint Democracy and Disputes among (Former) Rivals”. (gemeinsam mit Eva Gottwald und Ben Kamis)
18. Forum Global Questions "Weltmacht Religion – Vom Einfluss der Religionen auf die internationale Politik" im Auswärtigen Amt in Berlin, 2007 "Instrumentalisierungsprophylaxe als Friedenspolitik".
48. Annual Conference of the International Studies Association in Montreal, 2007 "International Organiza-tion and Democratic Peace: France-Germany and Greece-Turkey in NATO and EU". (gemeinsam mit Matthias Dembinski)
45. Annual Conference of the International Studies Association in Montreal, 2004 „Towards an Executive Peace? The Ambivalent Effects of International Institutions on Democracy and Peace“. (gemeinsam mit Matthias Dembinski und Wolfgang Wagner)
2. ECPR Conference in Marburg, 2003 “The International Organization of the Democratic Peace. To-wards a Functional Perspective“.
44. Annual Conference of the International Studies Association Convention in Portland, 2003 “The Democratic Peace Meets International Institutions“
2. International Conference on „Redefining Sovereignty. The Use of Force after the End of the Cold War: New Options, Lawful and Legitimitate?“ in Frankfurt, 2002 „The French Intervention in Rwanda. Analyzing the Impact on Human Rights on the Decision of to Use Force“.
42.Annual Conference of the International Studies Association in Chicago, 2001 „Democracies, Interna-tional Organization and Conflict, Another Way of Exploring the Democratic Peace – A Research Project“. (gemeinsam mit Matthias Dembinski)
Internationale Conference „Religions and International Relations“ an der London School of Economics and Political Science, 2000 „The Impact of Faith: Does Religion Make a Difference in Political Con-flict?“. (gemeinsam mit Volker Rittberger)
1. Annual Convention of the International Studies Association in Los Angeles, 2000 „Does Religion Make a Difference? Theoretical Approaches to the Impact of Faith on Political Conflict“. (gemeinsam mit Volker Rittberger)
37. Annual Conference of the International Studies Association in San Diego, 1996 „Morality Matters: Western Responses to Massive Human Rights Violations in Somalia, Former Yugoslavie, and Rwanda“.
9. DVPW-Congress in Potsdam, 1994 „Aussichten auf ein theoretisches Tandem? Über die Möglichkeit einer Vermittlung von normativen und analytischen Ansätzen in der Lehre von den internationalen Beziehungen“.

Evaluations and Consulting

Member of the advisory board of the Deutschen Stiftung Friedensforschung.

Member of the Selection Committee of the German-Israeli Projectcooperation at the DFG.

Member of the working-group Peace- and Conflictstudies at the Planning Staff of the Federal Foreign Office.

Scientific Advisor of the working-group Katholische Not- und Katastrophenhilfe.

Member of the scientific advisory board of the journal “International Politics”.

Expert reports for AQUIN, Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung, Humboldt-Stiftung, Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Research Council of Norway, Schweizer Nationalfonds, Fritz Thyssen Stif-tung, Volkswagen Stiftung, Zentrale Evaluations- und Akkreditierungsagentur Hannover, and the Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung of the University Bielefeld.

Expert reports for the following journals: „Conflict Management and Peace Science“, „European Journal for International Relations“, „Foreign Policy Analysis“, „Global Society“, „International Orga-nization“, „International Studies Quarterly“, „Journal of Peace Research“„Millennium“, „Political Stu-dies“, „Political Research Quarterly“, „Politische Vierteljahresschrift“, „Review of International Stu-dies“, „International Theory“, and „Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen“.

Academic Administration

2019-2022, 2022- Elected Member of the Senate of the University of Tübingen
  Responsible for the course "Master in Peace Research and International Politics".
10/2016-9/2019 Vice-Dean of Research at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences
6/2011-6/2015 Member of the Board of SFB 923 "Threatened Order"


10/2007-09/2008 and 2019-2022

Executive Director of the Institute for Political Science
10/2005-09/2009 Member of the Board of Trustees of the DFG-funded Graduate College "Global Challenges - Transnational and Transcultural Solutions".
  Member of the German Political Science Association, the International Studies Association and the interdisciplinary working group "Religion and Conflict" at the Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft (FESt)