Department of Biology

Master's Degrees

Our 5 MSc courses are designed to provide high-level qualifications based on the systematic and critical acquisition and augmentation of scientific knowledge. The degrees offer students targeting a career in the life sciences a high-quality, professional qualification in a specialized field of their choice. They will learn to apply leading-edge scientific methods and benefit from the latest developments in their specialized area. Their ability to derive concrete questions from general concepts and to subject them to theoretical and practical analysis and test will be enhanced. In addition, they will acquire proficiency in areas such as professional, independent research work, teamwork, efficiency, written and oral presentation in both German and English, health and safety regulations in the workplace and responsibility towards society and the environment.


The standard period of study for the MSc degrees is two years (four semesters), at the end of which the master’s examination is taken. The study programme for the first and second years comprises of courses for which a total of 90 credit points are awarded. At least 72 credit points must be earned from courses offered by the Biology Department, and at least 60 of these points must be from one’s chosen Master's degree. The remaining credit points can be selected among the various courses offered by the University according to the availability of free places.

The master’s thesis is expected to be completed in the second year and is estimated to take six months (30 credit points).

In addition, three supplementary subjects “Ethics in the Life Sciences”, “Human Genetics” and “Parasitology” will be offered. Each of these subjects represents a separate entity within the master’s programme. The successful completion of one of these supplementary subjects will earn at least 18 credit points and will be noted in the master’s degree certificate.

Application/Additional Information

Information in English about the degrees and the application procedures are to be found on the respective degree's web site (see menu on the left).

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