Department of Mathematics

Study programmes

The department offers purely scientific study programmes as well as teacher education. All study programmes are bachelor studies with consecutive master studies. Since the summer term 2017 there is a new study and examination regulation for the Bachelor of Science Mathematik; the regulations for study and examination in the Bachelor of Education programmes were adjusted in the summer term 2018. Since the winter term 2017/18 the department in cooperation with the physics department has established a new master programme (M.Sc. Mathematical Physics). The programme Master of Education Lehramt Gymnasium will start in the winter term 2018/19, the programme Master of Education im Höheren Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen will start one year later. Since 2017 all study programmes in the department of mathematics can be started in the summer term as well; for this the department offers the beginner courses in the first year of the bachelor programmes every term.

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