Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics

The Tübingen 80-cm-Telescope


009° 04' 12'' East (9.0700°),

48° 32' 03'' North (48.5342°),

Altitude 400 m


Since September 2003 our institute possesses a 80 cm reflector built by AstroOptik Keller, placed in a 5 m dome by Baader-Planetarium. It has a focal length of 6.4 m (f/8, with focal reducer f/4) and two Nasmyth foci. Details can be found on the websites of the producers.


We use ST-V, ST-7, ST-7e (incl. filter wheel CFW8, Johnson BVRI) and STL-1001E (incl. LRGB, Johnson UBVRI, BG40, Hα, Hβ, O III, S II, and He II 4686 Å filters) by SBIG, and a HX916 by Starlight XPress. Details can be found on the websites of the producers. Furthermore, our institute possesses a spectrograph (10C Optomechanics), which is used especially for educating purposes. For the wavelength calibration, we use Hg and Ne.

Picture Gallery

Images of galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters can be found in our Astro Gallery.


Infrastructure Heinz Lenhart
Observation Lisa Löbling
Websites Telescope Lisa Löbling

Usage Instructions

General rule: No observations if rain is announced!

The usage of the telescope and the cameras is only permitted after a detailed introduction by Lisa Löbling or Heinz Lenhart (acquirement of the so-called Telescope Diploma).

Every usage of the telescope (technical, scientific, or just4fun) has to be documented in the protocol.

There is a checklist for both the telescope and the CCD-camera.

If problems occur during an observation and one is not absolutely sure what to do, the following has to be done:

Switch off power supply of the telescope.
Write protocol: what exactly had happened?
Contact Lisa Löbling or Heinz Lenhart.
Do not try anything by yourself !