Department of Geosciences

GeoEnviron Seminar

The GeoEnviron seminar is the weekly seminar for the entire Geo- and Environmental Research Center (GUZ).
The purpose is to promote exchange between the work groups within the building.

The seminar is sponsored by TGAG (Tübinger Gesellschaft für Angewandte Geowissen­schaften e.V.).

Fridays at 15:15-16:00 in GUZ Lecture Hall 3M07, Schnarrenbergstr. 94-96
and via Zoom (after login with your university account at the top of the page)

Program Summer Semester 2024


Lecturer Title
19 Apr Susanne Fritz Mammalian biodiversity and climate change - Can the geological past inform our future?
26 Apr Gudrun Frey Awareness Seminar: Geschlechtersensible Sprache
3 May Adolf Eisenträger Das Spurenstoffzentrum des Bundes – Ziele, bisherige Ergebnisse und Besonderheiten in der Behördenlandschaft
10 May no seminar  
17 May Andreas Mulch Why mountains matter - The evolution of landscapes and life
24 May whitsun break  
Wed (!) 29 May at 13:15 in 4F03 Andreas Focks Using mathematical and computer models to assess the environmental safety of chemicals
31 May no seminar  
7 Jun Anna Nele Meckler Reconstructing past temperatures with fluid inclusion microthermometry in speleothems
14 Jun Daniel Koehn Modelling of mid ocean ridges and transform faults, stress versus movement and thermo-mechanical coupling

21 Jun at 14:00

BSc Praxis-Tag Student internship information
28 Jun Florian Wagner Ice ice maybe – An overview of multi-method geophysics and its use for quantitative ground ice estimation
12 Jul Master's Day Poster presentations of Master's theses projects
19 Jul Grand Final!  


Xinyang Fang Groundwater sensitivity to climate variations across Australia
  Nanna Karlsson The Greenland inland ice sheet and its watery margins: Measuring sediments and freshwater fluxes for a better understanding of fjord circulation and ecosystems

Winter Semester 2023/24


Lecturer Title
20 Oct

PhD / PDocs


PhD Flash: Science at GUZ (5 Mini-Presentations)

27 Oct

Andreas Schweiger

Universität Hohenheim

Water and carbon use of plants in space and time

3 Nov

Andreas Platis

AG Umweltphysik

The impact of offshore wind farms on the marine atmosphere

10 Nov

Mutez Ahmed

TU München

The hidden half of plant water relations: root-soil interactions impacting plant response to drought
17 Nov

John Selker

Oregon State University

Moving a discipline forward: Advancement in Environmental Research through engineering better measurement methods
24 Nov

Franziska Lechleitner

University of Bern

Rock, trees, or climate? Disentangling drivers of the deep critical zone carbon cycle

1 Dec

Gudrun Fey

Frauenkolleg GmbH

Geschlechtersensible Sprache

!!! cancelled !!!

8 Dec

Barbara Fest


15 Dec

BSc Praxis-Tag Student internship information
22 Dec - 6 Jan

Christmas Break


12 Jan

Janet Hering


Actionable Research for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

19 Jan

Master's Day Poster presentations of Master's theses projects
26 Jan

Susanne Fritz


!!! cancelled !!!

2 Feb

Marie Mühe

AG Pflanzen-Biogeochemie

Linking climate change with soil heavy metal bioavailability - impacts on soil health, crop production and bioremediation

!!! cancelled !!!


Paul Bons

AG Strukturgeologie

Christmas and a giant Greenland ice stream

Summer Semester 2023


Presenter Title
21 April

Isabel Monte

Zentrum für Molekular­biologie der Pflanzen

Molecular evolution of signaling pathways in land plants

28 April PhD Flash  
5 May

Peter Gratwohl

AG Hydrogeochemie

Pollutans in the Environment: "Don't let them out - they won't come back"
12 May

Virgina Toy

Universität Mainz

Calibrating rock's electrical properties to their composition and structure, based on data from the lab, field, and Alpine Fault and Ivrea-Verbano drilling projects

19 May bridge day  
26 May

Chistoph Schüth

TU Darmstadt

Water management in the Hessian Ried

2 June

whitsun break

9 June bridge day  
16 June

Peter Bayer

Universität Halle

Heat beneath our feet - Geothermal conditions in shallow groundwater

23 June BSc Praxis-Tag

Information on Bachelor student internships

30 June

Gudrun Fey

Geschlechtersensible Sprache

7 July

Thomas Kleinen

Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie

Modelling the methane cycle

14 July Master's Day Poster presentations by AEG, Geosciences, and Geoeology students
21 July Geosymposium and Quenstedt-Jahresfeier

Winter Semester 2022/23


Lecturer Title
21 Oct

Michael Poppelreiter

Shell Kuwait Exploration and Production

The Geothermal City: An earth resource exploration seminar: hands-on

28 Oct

Dalia Nassar

University of Sydney

The embodied history of trees - and why that matters

4 Nov

PhD Flash


11 Nov

Dorothé Kaiser

DK Coaching

Intercultural and gender diversity competence for international teams

18 Nov

Sandra Spielvogel

Kiel University

Organic carbon and nutrients in permafrost soils: Storage and cycling under changing climatic conditions and land-use
25 Nov

Katerina Harvati

Tü: Paleoanthropology Work Group

Human evolution at the gates of Europe: Overview and results of 10 years of ERC-funded research

2 Dec

Po Wen

University of Stuttgart

Lidar applications in wind energy

9 Dec

Barbara Fest


16 Dec

BSc Praxis-Tag Student internship information
23 Dec - 6 Jan

Christmas Break


13 Jan

Peter Dietrich

Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ

Swabian MOSES: Interdisciplinary field campaigns in 2021 and 2023 for investigation of hydrometeorological events

20 Jan

Master's Day Poster presentations by AEG, Geosciences, and Geoeology students

27 Jan

Kathryn Fitzsimmons

Tü: Terrestrial Sedimentology Work Group

Flicks from the field: Two expeditions in pursuit of past climates along the Silk Road (Field work movie)

3 Feb

Liane G. Benning

GFZ Potsdam

Microbial driven dynamics controls the accelerated melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet

Summer Semester 2022


Lecturer Title
22 Apr Jens Bange
Environmental Physics
Looking up! (why and how we probe the lower atmosphere)

29 Apr

Andreas Kappler
Microbe-mineral interactions in modern and ancient environments

6 May

Ilka Schönberg
Isotope Geochemistry
Annett Junginger
First Geoscience Awareness-Seminar: Movie-streaming of "Picture a Scientist" (90 minutes). Followed by small talk and discussion about the movie with a drink.

13 May

Lars Angenent
Environmental Biotechnology
Gas fermentation to convert CO2 into renew-able natural gas, acetate, ethanol, and protein

20 May

Reinhard Drews
Glaciology and Geophysics
Climate change in geophysics: A story about icy worlds, dry soils, and the power of electro-magnetic waves
27 May - 17 Jun no seminars  
24 Jun BSc Praxis-Tag

Student Internship Information

1 Jul

Todd Ehlers
Tectonic, climate, and biotic effects on the Earth’s surface
8 Jul

Herve Bocherens


Human Evolution and Paleoenvironment: Isotopic Side Story

15 Jul

Master's Day

Poster Presentations by AEG, Geosciences, and Geoeology Students

22 Jul

Quenstedt Symposium and Party (pending Corona restrictions)

29 Jul

 no seminar: exam week  

Winter Semester 2021/22


Lecturer Title
22 Oct Olaf Cirpka
The Quest oftheBottleneck

29 Oct

James Nebelsick
Wilfried Konrad
Anita Roth-Nebelsick

Invertebrate Palaeontology
Investigating Different Scales of Organism-Environmental Interactions: From Molecules (CO2) to Sedimentary Basins

5 Nov

Kira Rehfeld
Climatology & The Biosphere
Inaugural Lecture: Palaeoclimaticand PalaeoenvironmentalConstraints for Future Climate Variability

12 Nov

Kathryn Fitzsimmons
Terrestrial Sedimentology
Inaugural Lecture: Between Mountains and Deserts: Interactions between Aeolian Processes, Landforms and Climate on Dryland Margins

19 Nov

Christian Zwiener
Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Analysis, Occurrence and Fate of Micropollutants
26 Nov

Ronny Schönberg

Isotope Geochemistry

We Know More about Geology than just how to Analyze Rock Powders!

3 Dec

Paul Bons
Structural Geology
Linking Crystal Lattices to Flow in Ice Sheets and Subduction Zones
10 Dec

Michaela Dippold

Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions

Inaugural Lecture: Bio-Geosphere Interactions as Drivers of Ecosystem Carbon, Nutrient and Water Cycles

17 Dec

BSc Praxis-Tag Poster presentations of student internships

14 Jan

Gregor Markl

Petrology & Mineral Resources

African Carbonatites, Ore Deposits and the Ecology of European Butterflies: Current Research and Student Opportunities in the Tübingen Petrology Group
21 Jan Master's Day Poster presentations by AEG, Geosciences, and Geoeology students
28 Jan

Stefan Haderlein

Environmental Mineralogy

Environmental Chemistry at the Mineral-Water Interface
4 Feb Christiane Zarfl
Environmental Systems Analysis
Down bytheWater: Human Interactions with(River) Ecosystems