Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich


The German-French Dialog represents a unique exchange within the international research field of modern German literature, and the program is institutionally anchored in cooperation between Tübingen and Aix en Provence.

The histories of Germany and France are so intertwined with one another that it often doesn’t make sense, or is impossible, to observe German and French historical developments as completely isolated from one another. This goes for political and social history, but also for cultural history as well. Today, France is not only Germany’s largest trading partner; it is also the most popular travel destination for Germans going abroad.

Despite this common history and present, there are still surprisingly large differences when it comes to communicative customs, linguistic and intellectual behavior, school and educational systems, or in dealing with questions of gender and migration. Many of these differences can be explained and understood by cultural scientific and historical expertise. Such expertise requires a mastery of both languages as well as deep knowledge about the cultural and historical idiosyncrasies of each country.

Graduates of our international program can take advantage of an incredibly wide, flexible and attractive job market that includes German-French institutions, economic partnerships, and cultural and educational organizations.