College of Fellows

Alumnae und Alumni

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Abiodun Afolabi

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Intercultural Studies Fellowship

Affiliation: College of Fellows - Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies; host: Dr Niels Weidtmann

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): Mai 2023 – Januar 2024

Research Project: Eliciting the phenomenology of culture in global environmental ethics

Research Areas: Applied Ethics, Climate Ethics, Environmental Justice, Eco-Phenomenology


Veröffentlichte Artikel siehe hier.

Contact: abiodunafoospam / abiodun.afolabispam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Member of the CoF Focus Group “Intercultural Studies”, participation and organisation of workshops z.B. Workshop "Eco-phenomenology: Exploring Eco-phenomenological Concepts and Theories from and for Africa’s Ecological Lifeworld" (13.– 15. Dezember 2023), attending lectures and seminars, writing and publishing articles

About: Dr. Afolabi holds a Bachelor and Honors Degree in Philosophy from Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Nigeria. He received his M.A. Degree in Philosophy from the University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. He completed his PhD research at the Department of Philosophy, Rhodes University, South Africa. During his PhD, Dr. Afolabi was a recipient of the prestigious Doctoral scholarship from Allan Gray Center for Leadership Ethics, Rhodes University between 2019-2021. He is also a Research Associate at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He is currently a faculty member at the Department of Philosophy, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Nigeria. He is keenly interested in the conceptualisation and resolution of peculiar development and global justice problems afflicting vulnerable people around the world, particularly in African societies. His research interests are in the areas of applied ethics, climate change ethics, migration studies, global (environmental) justice, and bio-politics.

Personal Website:

Ada Agada

Fellow Profile

Affiliation: Intercultural Senior Fellow am College of Fellows - Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies 2020/21

Research Project: Consolationism in and beyond African Philosophy: A Systematic Approach to Intercultural Philosophy

Research Areas: African Philosophy, Phenomenology

Publications: Recent Fellow publications are listed in our Mediathek

Contact: ada.agadaspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Member of the CoF Focus Group 'Intercultural Studies'

About Ada: Beginning with the summer semester 2019 until February 2021, Dr. Ada Agada is a Research Fellow at CIIS. Dr. Agada is a George Forster Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Dr. Agada's research project is entitled "Consolationism in and beyond African Philosophy: A Systematic Approach to Intercultural Philosophy." It is based on the thesis that African philosophy will only be able to assert its relevance in the age of globalization in the context of an intercultural perspective. The new school of thought of "Consolationalism" (philosophy of consolation) leaves behind the tension between tradition and modernity that has long characterized African philosophy. It therefore appears to be particularly suitable for elaborating the intercultural dimension of African philosophy.

New Book Publication! "Consolationism and Comparative African Philosophy: Beyond Universalism and Particularism". More

Ponni Arasu
Social and Cultural Anthropology

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Global Encounters Fellowship

Affiliation: Centre for Asian and Oriental Studies, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology; host: Professor Karin Polit

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): October 2023 - September 2024

Research Project: "Goddess Worship as resistance, identity and everyday life within global encounters of Indentured Tamil Women"

Research Areas: South Asian Studies, Tamil Studies, Gender Studies, Queer Studies, Critical Caste Studies, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Historical Ethnography


1. Co-written with Sarala Emmanuel. ‘ “Attempting to commit offences”:Protectionism, surveillance and moral policing of queer women in Sri Lanka’ in *South Asian Popular Culture Special Issue *on LGBTQ Popular Cultures in Contemporary South Asia and its Diasporas: Queer Lives in the Times of New Authoritarianisms. 2023. (Forthcoming)


2. Co-written with Vijayalakshmi Segar and Sarala Emmanuel. “Collective
organising for rights among women living with disabilities in Sri Lanka” in
Springer Handbook on 'Sex, gender and health: Perspectives from South Asia'. 2023. (Forthcoming)

 3. "*Women’s collective food growing in Sri Lanka: Growing alternatives
and Feeding Hope”. Analytical report commissioned by the Law and Society Trust, Colombo with support from the Culinaria Research Centre, University of Toronto, Scarborough. 2022

Contact: mailponnispam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Lunch Talk: "Tamil Thanmai: A historical ethnography of public political lives in Tamilnadu (1950-70)" and "Goddess Worship as resistance, identity and everyday life within global encounters of Indentured Tamil Women"

About: Dr. Ponni Arasu is a feminist researcher, historian, activist, legal practitioner, translator and theatre artist hailing from Chennai and currently based in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. She is trained in History at the University of Delhi, the Jawaharlal Nehru University and the University of Toronto. Her academic work is on historical ethnographies of contemporary India, with specific focus on social movements such as the Dravidian movement and the women's movement(s). Her PhD research has led her to propose a theoretical framework and methodology called TamilThanmai. She has done research in India and Sri Lanka on the realities of those marginalised on the grounds of their gender, sexuality, caste, class, language, labour, ability, ethnicity, religion etc. for the past twenty years. Her research emerges from and feeds back into movements for social change that she is a part of. She has taught entire courses and guest lectures in the disciplines of history, South Asian studies, Tamil studies, women and gender studies, Caribbean studies and anthropology at the University of Toronto - Canada, University of Minnesota - USA, University of Tubingen - Germany, the University of Jaffna in Sri Lanka, the Tata Institute of Social Studies, Azim Premji University and the University of Pune in India. She has been evolving pedagogic methods of teaching the history and contemporary realities of Sri Lanka with a focus on rigorous research methodology and critical thinking in non-formal and yet consistent teaching spaces to Tamil-speaking students from all over Sri Lanka. This has taken the form of the “Ezhuval: for young women and social change” that she has designed and co-teaches, hosted at the Church of the American Ceylon Mission, Batticaloa. For the past three years she has undertaken research projects in Sri Lanka including on women farmers' collectives; lives and movements for change of women living with disabilities in eastern Sri Lanka; the present realities of LGBTQIA+ individuals and on the status of sex workers. She has produced theatre work with collaborators in India and Sri Lanka on a range of issues which are grounded in using the arts to further the important process of making realities of the marginalised visible and accessible to all. Ponni is also a trained expressive arts therapist practicing primarily in Tamil among women and queer folks from marginalised communities in India and Sri Lanka. She is the Arts and Catalyst Fellowship holder for 2023 at the Studio for Movement Arts and Therapies in Bangalore. She is currently a Global Encounters fellow at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Tubingen pursuing research on the life of the goddess Mariamman among descendants of largely Dalit indentured workers in Port of Spain, Trinidad and among rural communities in Tamilnadu. She hopes to bring her proposed concept of TamilThanmai as theory and method to this work.

Laurie Atkinson

Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
Affiliation: University of Tübingen, academic host: Prof. Dr Matthias Bauer
Stay in Tübingen  (from - until): April 2022 – November 2024
Research Project: Co-creative networks in early English literary print
Research Areas: Early modern English literature; English literary publications 1476-1557; History of the Book (manuscript and print) and the evolution of paratexts; late medieval English and Scottish literature; conceptions of authorship; autobiographical writing
Publications: Eine Liste der Publikationen gibt es hier.
Contact: laurie.atkinsonspam
Activities at the College of Fellows: College of Fellows Humboldt Lecture: "Co-Creativity in Early English Literary Print" (22. November 2023)
About: Laurie Atkinson completed his PhD at Durham University in 2021. He afterwards provided research as an MHRA Postdoctoral Research Associate for the new Cambridge University Press edition of the complete works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Laurie is now a Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Tübingen, where he works on early English literary print. His monograph, Ideas of Authorship in the English and Scottish Dream Vision: Skelton, Dunbar, Hawes, Douglas, is scheduled for publication with Boydell & Brewer in March 2024.

Frankie Augustin
Health Administration
April 2023

Fellow Profile

Affiliation: American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow; Full Professor in the Health Administration Program at California State University, Northridge (CSUN); 2022-2023 ACE Fellow Benedict College, South Carolina HBCU

Activities at the College of Fellows: Podiumsdiskussion Leadership in Higher Education: A Transatlantic Dialogue (27. April 2023), hosted by the German American Institute (DAI) and College of Fellows.

Stay in Tübingen: April 2023

About: Dr. Augustin is a Full Professor in the Health Administration Program at California State University, Northridge (CSUN). She earned a bachelor’s degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology, her Master of Science degree in Health Administration, and her doctorate in Policy, Planning and Development. Some of Dr. Augustin’s appointed roles include Interim Department Chair for the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health; Special Assistant to the Dean of the College of Health and Human Development; and Equity Faculty Affiliate for CSUN’s Office of the Provost and the Office of Student Success. Dr. Augustin’s research interests include cultural humility, workplace readiness, eliminating racial equity gaps for African American and Black students, and investigating strategies that increase racial diversity in the healthcare workforce.

Eleonora Bedin

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Teach@Tuebingen Fellowship

Affiliation: Institute of Classical Archaeology; Host: Prof. Dr. Richard Posamentir

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): Oktober 2022 - September 2023

Research Project: "The Political Side of Motherhood: Kybele from a Protective Deity to the Great Mother"

Research Areas: History and Archaeology of the Graeco-Roman Near East; History of Religions; Cultural Anthropology


  • Bedin, E. 2023. Resilience in the Hellenistic Southern Levant. In, A. Yasur-Landau, T. Levy and G. Gambash (eds.), Mediterranean Resilience: Collapse and Adaptation in Antique Maritime Societies, Sheffield: Equinox.
  • Bedin, E. and G. Gambash. 2022. Expressions of Counter-Globalization: Coexisting Identities in Greco-Roman Ascalon and Gaza emerging from their Local Coinage, Israel Numismatic Review 17, 181-204.
  • Bedin, E. and G. Gambash. 2021. Soteira, Savior of Ships – Mediterranean Identity in the Hellenistic Period, Mediterranean Studies 29.1, 89-119.

Contact: bedin.eleonora90spam 

Activities at the College of Fellows: Fellow Lunch Talk "The Ancient Mediterranean as a Global Stage: Tracing the Mother Goddess Across Borders" (20. Juli 2023)

About: Eleonora Bedin is a Teach@Tuebingen Fellow at the Department of Classical Archaeology, University of Tuebingen. She holds both Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Classics from Ca' Foscari University of Venice, with a final thesis on Hellenistic Epigraphy. Recently, she was awarded her Ph.D. at the School of Archaeology and Maritime Cultures at the University of Haifa, Israel.
During her doctoral studies, Eleonora's research focused on the topic of "Micro and Macro Identities in the Graeco-Roman Mediterranean." Her investigations delved into the intricate dynamics of connectivity, religious patterns, imperial dominance, and adaptation strategies that significantly influenced the cultural identities of the period. Through her scholarly endeavors, she aimed to provide valuable contributions to our understanding of the multifaceted interplay between individual and collective identities in the Mediterranean basin during antiquity.
The culmination of her research resulted in the publication of her thesis in three distinct articles, which collectively contribute to painting a multilayered image of the Mediterranean in the Graeco-Roman period. By disseminating her findings through these publications, Eleonora has enriched the scholarly discourse and shed new light on the complexities of the ancient Mediterranean.
Beyond her primary field of interest, Eleonora demonstrates a keen interest in adopting a multidisciplinary approach, skillfully incorporating methodologies from anthropology, epigraphy, archaeology, and literary culture to enhance her investigations. Embracing this holistic perspective, she continually strives to offer fresh insights and uncover novel layers of knowledge within her field of study.
As a Teach@Tuebingen Fellow, Eleonora is passionately dedicated to offering a comprehensive understanding of the Graeco-Roman Near East. Her teachings not only explore the dynamics of connectivity, globalization, and regional particularity but also introduce students to the main aspects of Coastal and Underwater archaeology. Through her expertise, she endeavors to illuminate the broader concept of Mediterranean connectivity, making a significant impact on the study and appreciation of ancient civilizations.

Molly Bronstein

Fellowship: Teach@Tübingen Fellowship
Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): English department, hosts: Prof. Dr. Angelika Zirker and Prof. Dr. Matthias Bauer
Stay in Tübingen (from - until): October 2023 to September 2024
Research Project: The Ovide moralisé’s Middle English Collaborators 
Research Areas: Old and Middle French, Middle English, translation history, Ovid’s medieval reception, creative writing, speculative fiction


1. “Marie de Clèves’s ‘Rien ne m’est plus’: Reshaping Widowhood in the Roman de Troyle,” forthcoming in Medieval Feminist Forum.

2. “Marie de Clèves, Duchess of Orléans,” The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Medieval Women’s Writing in the Global Middle Ages. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.


For a list of creative publications, see:

Contact: molly.bronsteinspam

Activities at the College of Fellows:

Teach@Tübingen Workshop on 24 November, 2023


Molly Bronstein earned her PhD in Comparative Literature and Medieval Studies from UC Berkeley in 2022, where she subsequently worked as a lecturer before coming to Tübingen in 2023. Her dissertation focused on Ovid’s medieval reception and argued for a view of the anonymous author of the Old French Ovide moralisé as the leader of a late medieval “team” translation project; she is now expanding on this project to focus on Middle English retranslations of (and “collaborations” with) the Ovide moralisé. She has also written about the Roman de Troyle, Louis de Beauvau’s French translation of Boccaccio’s Il Filostrato, and the poetry of Marie de Clèves, Duchess of Orléans.

In addition to her research, Molly is a graduate of the Clarion Workshop at UCSD and a short fiction writer with publications in Other Terrors: An Inclusive Anthology, Michigan Quarterly Review: Mixtape, Brave New Weird: The Best New Weird Horror, and elsewhere. She teaches creative writing as well as literary studies.

Personal Website:
Fellow Profile

Carolina Carrasco Pulido

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship

Affiliation: Center for Plant Molecular Biology (ZMBP), Cellular Nanosience Department

Research Project: Studying DNA-Rad52 interaction at the single-molecule level

Research Areas: Biophysics of single-molecule, molecular motors, DNA-protein interactions, viruses, atomic force microscopy, magnetic tweezers, optical tweezers and biochemical techniques

Contact: carolina.carrasco-pulidospam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture: "Studying DNA-Rad52 Interaction at the Single Molecule Level" (9. Februar 2022)

About: Carolina Carrasco studied Physics at the University of Granada. Because of her interest in the field of single-molecule biophysics, she moved to Madrid to obtain her PhD in Physics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid by studying the mechanical response of single viruses upon deformation with Atomic Force Microscopy. After that, she extended her expertise to the Magnetic Tweezers technique at the National Centre of Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC) at Madrid. Her research is focused on understanding DNA repair and replication by motor proteins at the single-molecule level. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of nanomachines is important for molecular biology and medicine because they are involved in cellular repair pathways of which defects are associated with human disease. Currently, she enjoys a Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers to study DNA-protein mechanisms by using Optical Tweezers at the Cellular Nanoscience Department in the ZMBP, Tübingen University.

Jan Chromý
Slavisches Seminar

Fellow Profile

Affiliation: Slavisches Seminar; Host: Professor Tilman Berger

Research Project: Quantitative Analysis of the Use and Mutual Relationship between Frequent Variables in Common Czech

Research Areas: Language variation, Psycholinguistics, Empirical Linguistic Methodology, Synesthesia

Publications: Siehe hier.

Contact: jan.chromyspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Conference Psycholinguistics of Slavic Languages 2022, PsychoSlav2022 (14.–16. Juli 2022)

About: I am an associate professor at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (Prague). I am the head of the ERCEL lab ("Experimental Research on Central European Languages Lab"). From 2021 to 2023 I am an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the University of Tübingen, hosted by Professor Tilman Berger. My project aim in Tübingen lies in the quantitative analysis of language variation in Czech, but I also focus on various psycholinguistic issues, such as language comprehension (how do we understand each other) and the impact of knowledge and use of more than one language on processing the native / first language. Moreover, I am interested in language processing from a cross-linguistic perspective (i.e. to what extent speakers of different languages process language structures differently).

Personal Website:

Elise Coquereau-Saouma

Fellow Profile

Affiliation: Intercultural Fellow am College of Fellows - Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies 2021

Research Project: Interculturalizing our Selves: Inward and Outward Models

Research Areas: Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Modern and Contemporary Continental (French-German) Philosophy

Publications: Recent Fellow publications are listed in our Mediathek


Activities at the College of Fellows: Organisation des Workshops: "Freedom from Others or Freedom with Others? Alienation, Independence and Liberation in Contemporary Indian Philosophy" (11. und 13. Dezember 2021); Organisation der GIP Lectures mit Prof. Dr. Bhagat Oinam (18. November 2021) und Prof. Dr. Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad (7. Dezember 2021)

About: Elise Coquereau-Saouma works in the area of intercultural philosophy, within which she aims at creating spaces for voices from modern and contemporary Indian philosophy that remain at the margins of the global philosophical canon. Before being a Senior Research Fellow at the College of Fellows, she was a research affiliate at Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi) and a Fellow of the PostDoc Track program of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. She graduated with a PhD from the University of Vienna and Charles University with a work on the saṃvāda experiments, or dialogical experiments between traditional Sanskrit-speaking Indian philosophers and English-trained Indian philosophers led by Daya Krishna. The results of this work will be published in two monographs for Routledge, Intercultural Dialogues: Conceptions, Divergences and Limits and Creativity of Knowledge and Intercultural Dialogue: Thinking with Daya Krishna. She is also the co-editor with E. Freschi of a special issue of Sophia on ‘The Challenge of Postcolonial Philosophy in India: Too Alien for Contemporary Philosophers, too Modern for Sanskritists?’ (2018).

Project: Theories in comparative, postcolonial and intercultural theories have not yet led to the integration of contemporary Anglophone Indian philosophy, neither in India nor globally. Neither are the texts available, nor are much secondary resources written, historical or philosophical, to comment the work of post-independence Indian academic philosophers. Paying attention to this lacuna, in the present project I reflect on the margins of our global philosophies and intercultural models that for now remain mostly developed in Western academia, where ‘Indian philosophy’ is restricted to its classical texts and concepts. I argue that the inclusion of contemporary Indian philosophy is not only historically just, but also helpful to think about intercultural models of conceiving our relation to Otherness. Indeed, intercultural theories such as Waldenfels’ distinguish between der Andere (other) and der Fremde (alien). Such theories explain that the intercultural Other is an ‘extra-ordinary’ phenomenon, beyond any categorical order and given understanding. For postcolonial cultures such as India, however, the question cannot be reduced to this alternative of an Other who is different from me and an alien who is radically elsewhere. The specificity of a colonial heritage implies an ‘own’ altered by the other, to the extent that the other became the own, but an own who is also different from the other, due to a process of alienation, hybridity of thoughts, in a search for authenticity. This leads to an interesting difference in conceiving intercultural models. For intercultural theories, the conception is organized around the idea of reaching cultural otherness. They aim at creating adequate forms able to engage with the Other without reducing her to one’s own conceptual framework. However, in a postcolonial world, it is no longer a question of reaching otherness, but of reconnecting with the own – the identity and unity of which raises great complexities. Thus, I propose to consider the differences between two models, the ‘outwardization’ of Otherness and the ‘inwardization’ of Otherness: the first considers that the Other is something out of my reach, that ought to be reached. In the inwardization model, the Other is already part of me, or I am already with her/him, and I have to ‘realize my essentiality’ with Others. The ‘inwardization’, ‘realization’, ‘seeking’ to become what I am by realizing that the reality has never been other than me, are frequent terms in twentieth century India. There two dimensions of my research meet, where the models for framing ‘global philosophy’ emerge from local reception of neglected philosophers.


Report: During my research stay at the College of Fellows (August-December 2021), I organised and moderated two lectures collaboratively organized by the College of Fellows and the Society for Intercultural Philosophy (GIP), delivered by Prof. Bhagat Oinam (Jawaharlal Nehru University) and Prof. Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad (Lancaster University): the recordings are available in the section Mediathek. I also organized, introduced and moderated the workshop Freedom from Others or Freedom with Others? Alienation, Independence and Liberation in Contemporary Indian Philosophy, on 11 and 13th December 2021. With these, I wanted to contribute to the Focus Group Intercultural Studies of the College. The two lectures were thought for a broad audience to engage with diverse Indian philosophies (classical Sanskrit texts and indigenous oral accounts from the North-East, in dialogue with phenomenological discourses). The workshop benefitted from the fellowship in Intercultural Studies at the College of Fellows in Tübingen to obtain an academic space that otherwise does not exist, in order to discuss specific developments within contemporary Indian philosophy. The openness of the College of Fellows and the freedom granted to researchers enabled our contemporary Indian research and discussions, and it also created a truly international platform, with most participants from India. Further workshops and conferences organized by my colleagues in Tübingen were fruitful opportunities to think collectively, raise methodological questions or discover new authors and concepts, which helped me clarify my own thoughts on interculturality.

In addition to these events at the College of Fellows, I delivered a lecture in the Course “Geschichte der Philosophie in globaler Perspektive” (History of Philosophy in a Global Perspective) in a seminar organized in cooperation between the Universities of Wuppertal, Freiburg and Hildesheim (online talk). My talk was meant to introduce historiography practiced in contemporary Indian philosophy with special regards to Surendranath Dasgupta’s opus magnum History of Indian Philosophy (in five volumes) and entitled :“How to write the ‘history’ of 3000 years of a subcontinent’s philosophies, in English, during colonization or in the wake of Independence, in one book?”, in a project to diversify the teachings of History of Philosophy up to what it should be, namely a truly global history. It has been an enriching and inspiring experience to see such collaboration between experts of all regional areas to work together for delivering one Course.

The research that was published during my stay is visible in the Publications section on this website, but I worked in the College of Fellows on three other publications which are forthcoming in 2022. The first one is entitled 'Witnessing and Realizing Pluralities' and will be published in J. Madaio and B. Black (Eds), Pluralism and Plurality in Classical and Contemporary India, London: Routledge. The second one is an article that I wrote which will be included in a book that I am editing with two colleagues from Tel-Aviv University, Daniel Raveh and Dor Miller. Our edited volume published by Routledge (London) is called Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya and the Making of Contemporary Indian Philosophy, and my article is entitled 'The Concept of Demand: Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya’s Inner Dialectical Force.' We met regularly to discuss, comment and proofread each contribution and proceed with the editing work during my stay. Finally, I am preparing an article, 'Intercultural Dialogue and Concreativity' for the Festschrift to Prof. Georg Stenger, edited by Lubomir Dunaj, Anke Graness and Murat Ates (Springer). I benefitted immensely from the excellent infrastructures of the College of Fellows that allowed me to focus and have the institutional space for writing these articles, as well as researching the literature required for it.

I also follow Hindi and Sanskrit classes and seminars to continue improving my language skills. Finally, I located and recorded multiple journals, articles and volumes in the field of contemporary Indian philosophy at the University of Tübingen that have had an impact on my publications this semester and will influence the development of my forthcoming research project.

The College of Fellows has provided me immediately with all the needed help and material I could think of. It has been overall an outstanding collegial 'home', and I am most grateful for its welcoming atmosphere and the receptiveness to research in non-classical, non-Western philosophies, and new ideas in general.

Nicolas De Maeyer

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship

Affiliation: Lehrstuhl Kirchengeschichte mit Schwerpunkt Alte Kirche, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät

Research Project: Augustine as preacher of morality: critical edition and content analysis of the Sermones de diuersis of Augustine of Hippo (ss. 341-363)

Research Areas: Latin literature from the Late Antique and Early Medieval period, Patristic theology and exegesis, transmission and reception studies, manuscript studies, textual criticism

Publications: You can find his most recent publications here.

Contact: nicolas.demaeyerspam nicolas.demaeyerspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture: "The Construction of Patristic Authority in the Middle Ages: the Sermones ad populum of Augustine of Hippo" (12. Januar 2022)

About: Nicolas De Maeyer studied Classical and German philology at the University of Leuven, and received his PhD in Latin Literature from the same university (2019), with a dissertation on the reception of the works and thinking of Augustine of Hippo in the writings of Beda Venerabilis. He is currently postdoctoral researcher at the universities of Leuven (2019-2023) and Tübingen (2021-2022), with a project on Augustine’s Sermones de diuersis. His field of research is the transmission and reception of Patristic literature in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, with a particular focus on the works of Augustine of Hippo, Patristic sermons and florilegia, Latin homiliaries, and the reconstruction of Medieval libraries. For the Series Latina of the Corpus Christianorum (Brepols Publishers), he is preparing an edition of Bede’s Pauline commentary and of Augustine’s Sermones de diuersis.

Philippe Descola
Juni 2022

Fellow Profile

Research Areas: Ethnology, Social Anthropology

Publications: Les Natures en question: Colloque de rentrée du Collège de France (2017); La Fabrique des images (2010); Outras naturezas, outras culturas; Anthropologie de la nature: Leçon inaugurale prononcée le jeudi 29 mars 2001; u.w. 

Activities at the College of Fellows: Summer Lecture 2022

Stay in Tübingen: Juni 2022

About: French anthropologist Philippe Descola is a prominent critic of the nature-culture dualism. Building on ethnographic research in the Ecuadorian Amazon, he distinguishes four different forms of "worlding" as analytic frame for understanding collective life, subjectivity and social relations beyond an ethnocentric naturalism. Descola taught at the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and is emeritus Professor at the Collège de France, as was his teacher Claude Lévi-Strauss. He holds the CNRS gold medal, one of the most renowned academic awards in France.

Courtney Dorroll
Middle Eastern and North African Studies
April 2023

Fellow Profile

Research Areas:  Middle Eastern and North African Studies/Religion

Publications: Teaching, Self-Care, and Reflective Practice during a Pandemic (PS Political Science, 2022);  Seeing and Hearing Omar Ibn Said (Review of Middle East Studies, 2021); Creating Virtual Exchanges: Promoting Intercultural Knowledge When Study Abroad Is Not Possible (Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy 2020); u.w.

Activities at the College of Fellows: Podiumsdiskussion Leadership in Higher Education: A Transatlantic Dialogue (27. April 2023), hosted by the German American Institute (DAI) and College of Fellows.

Stay in Tübingen: April 2023

About: Courtney Dorroll is a champion of the teacher-scholar model, where faculty research informs the classroom, students participate in research opportunities with their teachers, and the results inform best practices in the job market. She has experience with student-faculty collaborative research within her classroom and in the summer. Her research is focused on the scholarship of teaching and learning where she publishes widely on experiences ranging from self-care pedagogy to teaching difficult topics to virtual exchange pedagogy.

Dorroll played a key part in developing Wofford College, and she previously served as founding coordinator of their Middle Eastern and North African Studies Program and interim Director of their Center for Innovation and Learning. As a 2022-2023 ACE Fellow, Dorroll will shadow the president and senior leaders at Furman University. The fellowship program combines retreats, interactive learning opportunities, visits to campuses and other higher education-related organizations, and placement at another higher education institution to condense years of on-the-job experience and skills development into a single year.

Mohammed Ech-Cheikh
Januar 2023

Fellow Profile

Affiliation: College of Fellows | Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies; Host: Dr Niels Weidtmann

Research Project: Arab philosophy and transcultural philosophy

Research Areas: Modern and contemporary Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Theory of Values, Hermeneutics, Islamic Philosophy and Theology

Activities at the College of Fellows: Fellow Lunch Talk "Would we need to re-read classical Arab philosophers?" (26. Januar 2023)
Publications: The Intellectual and the Power in modern French Thought (1990), Approaches to Modernity and Post-Modernity in Continental Philosophy (1996), The Issue of Modernity in ArabThought (2004), Moroccan intellectuals and Modernity (2004), The theory of Modernity in Hegel’s Philosophy (2008), The Book of Arab Wisdom (2008), The critique of Modernity in Nietzsche’s Philosophy (2009), The critique of Modernity in Heidegger’s Philosophy (2010), Initiation to Philosophy (2013), Initiation to Values (2014), What is Deconstruction? (2015), Ethics (with Heinz Gaube) (2016), Initiation to Islamic philosophy (2018), Philosophical Theology (2020), Introduction to Aesthetics (2021)

Contact: mohammed.ech-cheikhspam prevention@ev-theologie.uni-tuebingen.deEch_Cheikhspam


- Professor of Political Philosophy, philosophy of religion and philosophy of values, faculty of Humanities Ben Msik, University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco
- Head of department of philosophy (faculty of Humanities Ben Msik, University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco)
- Coordinator of the Master: Philosophy and society in faculty of Humanities Ben Msik, University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco
- Coordinator of the Master: Philosophy of religion, political philosophy and communication in faculty of Humanities Ben Msik, University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco
- Member of the committee of Moroccan book prize
- Member of the reading committee of some Arabic revues: “Tabayyoun” (Qatar), “Alfikr alarabi” (Kuwait), “Kitabat falsafia” (Morocco)

Personal Website: 

Mohammed Ech-cheikh | Facebook

Eva Falaschi

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Global Encounters Fellowship

Affiliation: Philosophische Fakultät, Philologisches Seminar ;host: Prof. Dr. Anja Wolkenhauer

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): April 2023 - März 2024

Research Project: “Natural Histories in a Global Perspective. Pliny, Oviedo and the Americas: An Ancient Encyclopedia as a Model to Transfer and Transmit Knowledge”

Research Areas: Latin and Greek Literature, Classical Philology, Early Modern Literature, Classical Archaeology


Περιηγηταί nel mondo antico. Usi e interpretazioni del termine in una prospettiva cronologica (Studi e Ricerche). Milano: LED, 2021.

E. Falaschi, G. Adornato, A. Poggio (eds.), Περὶ γραφικῆς. Pittori, tecniche, trattati, contesti tra testimonianze e ricezione. Milano: LED, 2019.

Plutarch and Pliny the Elder: Rome, art and artworks. In K. Jażdżewska, F. Doroszewski (eds.), Plutarch and His Contemporaries: Sharing the Roman Empire (Brill’s Plutarch Studies), Leiden: Brill (forthcoming).

The Hermoglyphos Pason and the Enigma of a Stone: Arist. Metaph. 9.8.1050a and its commentaries, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 116.3 (2023), 797-812.

Biografie, trattati e letteratura artistica: problemi di genere e di frammenti. Per una edizione della Kunstgeschichte (FGrHist IV), ASNP 5 ser., 13.1 (2021), 63-89.

More than Words. Restaging Protogenes' Ialysus. The Many Lives of an Artwork between Greece and Rome. In G. Adornato, I. Bald Romano, G. Cirucci, A. Poggio (eds.), Restaging Greek Artworks in Roman Times, 173-190. Milano: LED, 2018.


More publications here.


Activities at the College of Fellows:

Global Encounters Lecture: "Natural Histories in a Global Perspective. Pliny, Oviedo and America: An Ancient Encyclopaedia as a Model to Transfer and Transmit Knowledge" (23. Januar 2024)


Eva Falaschi holds a diploma and Ph.D. in archaeology from the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa and a Master of Arts in Classics from the University of Pisa. From 2014 to 2020, she was a research fellow at the Scuola Normale, working on the reception of Greek art in Roman Imperial literature and, in particular, in Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia. Between 2021 and 2022, her project on art treatises and artists’ biographies in ancient times was funded by the Center for Hellenic Studies (Harvard University), the James Loeb Gesellschaft / Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (München), and the Getty Research Institute. Her Global Encounters research aims at a historical analysis of global knowledge formation. It examines the impact of Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia (c. AD 70) on the understanding and global transmission of America’s natural history in the 16th century.

Personal Website:

ORCID: 0000-0002-0609-5827
Global Encounters Website
OltrePlinio website:

Rita Felski
Oktober 2023

Fellow Profile 

Research Areas:  Ästhetik, Literaturtheorie und Kulturwissenschaften, feministische Theorie, Moderne und Postmoderne 

Publications: Rethinking Tragedy, editor (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007); Uses of Literature (Oxford: Blackwell’s, 2008). Blackwell’s Manifesto Series; Comparison: Theories, Approaches, Uses, co-edited with Susan Stanford Friedman (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2013); The Limits of Critique (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015); Critique and Postcritique, co-edited with Elizabeth Anker (Durham: Duke University Press, 2017); Character: Three Inquiries in Literary Studies, co-authored with Amanda Anderson and Toril Moi (University of Chicago Press, 2019); Latour and the Humanities, co-edited with Stephen Muecke (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020); Hooked: Art and Attachment (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020); Love Etc, co-edited with Camilla Schwarz (University of Virginia Press, 2024)

Activities at the College of Fellows: Workshop "Postcritique, Recognition, Life World"; Public Lecture "How Not To Talk About Experience"

Stay in Tübingen: Oktober 2023

About: Rita Felski ist John-Stewart-Bryan-Professorin für Englisch an der University of Virginia und Niels-Bohr-Professorin an der University of Southern Denmark (SDU). Sie ist eine führende Wissenschaftlerin in den Bereichen Ästhetik, Literaturtheorie und Kulturwissenschaften, feministische Theorie, Moderne und Postmoderne und hat etwa die Entwicklung der Postkritik und die Diskussion der Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie (ANT) Bruno Latours in den Literaturwissenschaften maßgeblich geprägt.
Felski hat u. a. The Limits of Critique, Beyond Feminist Aesthetics, The Gender of Modernity, Doing Time: Feminist Theory and Postmodern Culture, Literature After Feminism, das Blackwell Manifesto Uses of Literature und Rethinking Tragedy veröffentlicht und ist ehemalige Herausgeberin von New Literary History. Insbesondere The Limits of Critique wurde vielfach rezensiert und besprochen. Vergleichbare Themen diskutiert der von ihr gemeinsam mit Elizabeth Anker herausgegebene Sammelband Critique and Postcritique. Hooked: Art and Attachment, das der Frage nachgeht, wie und warum Kunstwerke uns fesseln, wurde 2020 veröffentlicht. Vor kurzem hat Felski die Arbeit an einem Buchprojekt über die neue Frankfurter Schule und ihre Bedeutung für die Literaturwissenschaften aufgenommen.

Stefano Floris

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Alexander von Humboldt Postdoc Research Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Biblisch-Archäologisches Institut; Prof. Dr. Jens Kamlah

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): Juni 2022 - Mai 2024

Research Project: By the Sea: A Comparative Study of Cremation Rituals as Markers of “Phoenician Identity” from the Levant to Sardinia

Research Areas: Mediterranean Archaeology; Phoenician and Punic Archaeology

Publications: Books
    1. Floris Stefano, Il tofet di Tharros (= Collezione di Studi Fenici, 52), Roma: CNR Edizioni, 2022, 404 pp. (ISBN: 978 88 8080 532 8 [print edition]; ISBN: 978 88 8080 533 5 [electronic edition]);
Publications in Journals
    3. Floris Stefano, From the Levant to Sardinia, via North Africa and Cyprus. Some remarks on the stone thrones known as “stepped altars” from the Tophet of Tharros, in Cartagine. Studi e Ricerche, n. 8/2023, doi: 10.13125/caster/5573 (;
    4. Floris Stefano [corresponding author] – Amadasi Guzzo Maria Giulia, A new inscribed stele from the tophet of Nora. A note on the Punic votive stone monuments reused in the church of Sant’Efisio (Pula, Sardinia), in Rivista di Studi Fenici, n. 50/2022 [2023], pp. 197-218 (; 
    5. Floris Stefano, Gli scavi di Gennaro Pesce nella collina di Su Murru Mannu e la scoperta del tofet di Tharros, in Del Vais C. – Fariselli A.C. (edd.), Gennaro Pesce in Sardegna: vent’anni di ricerche e scavi archeologici fra Nuragici, Punici e Romani. Atti del Convegno (Ravenna, 10-11 dicembre 2019) (= Byrsa. Scritti sull'antico Oriente mediterraneo, n. 37-38/2020), Lugano 2021, pp. 77-102;
    6. Floris Stefano, Le raffigurazioni della fauna marina nel Mediterraneo centrale punico: documentazione materiale e valore simbolico, in Progressus n. 2/2019, pp. 29-46 (;
    7. Francesco Belfiori – Floris Stefano [corresponding author] – Melania Marano, “Sacra Tharrhica Project”: Preliminary Results of 3D Virtual Reconstruction of the Punic-Roman Sacred Areas of Tharros, Sardinia, in Open Archaeology, n. 5/2019, pp. 553-562 (;
    8. Floris Stefano, Per un bestiario di Tharros punica: iconografie animali dipinte sulla ceramica vascolare dalla collina di Su Murru Mannu, in Incontri di filologia classica n. 17/2017-2018 [2019], pp. 113-134 (;
    9. Floris Stefano, Riflessi di iconografie cartaginesi nei temi zoomorfi e fitomorfi della pittura vascolare tharrense in età punica, in Proceedings of the International Congress "Cartagine fuori da Cartagine: mobilità nordafricana nel Mediterraneo centro-occidentale fra VIII e II sec.a.C. (Ravenna. 30th November – 1st December 2018)" (= Byrsa. Scritti sull'antico Oriente mediterraneo, n. 33-34/2018), Lugano 2018, pp. 133-171;
    10. Floris Stefano, Gli strumenti agricoli nel mondo punico: inventario preliminare, in Byrsa. Scritti sull'antico Oriente mediterraneo, n. 29-30/2016, 31-32/2017, pp. 145-170;
    11. Floris Stefano, Architettura templare a Tharros – II. Il "Tempio a pianta di tipo semitico" e il "Tempio di Demetra", in Ocnus. Quaderni della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici, n. 24/2016, pp. 47-64;
    12. Floris Stefano, Architettura templare a Tharros – I. Il Tempio monumentale o Tempio delle semicolonne doriche fra tarda punicità e romanizzazione: ipotesi ricostruttiva, in Byrsa. Scritti sull'antico Oriente mediterraneo, n. 25-26/2014, 27-28/2015 [2016], pp. 39-80;
Conference and Congress Proceedings
    13. Floris Stefano, I motivi antropomorfi nella pittura vascolare di Tharros in età punica: note su alcuni esempi da Su Murru Mannu, in Proceedings of the IXth International Congress of Phoenician and Punic Studies. Un viaje entre el Oriente y el Occidente del Mediterraneo y sus periferias (Mérida, 21 – 26 October 2018) (= MYTRA, Monografías y Trabajos de Arqueología, 5), Mérida 2020, pp. 1273-1284 (ISBN: 978-84-09-23034-1);
Book Chapters
    14. Floris Stefano, Il Tempio monumentale di Tharros, in Del Vais C. – Guirguis M. – Stiglitz A. (eds.), Il tempo dei Fenici. Incontri in Sardegna dall'VIII al III sec. a.C., Nuoro 2020, pp. 288-291 (ISBN: 978-88-6202-375-7);
    15. Floris Stefano, Il tofet di Tharros, in Del Vais C. – Guirguis M. – Stiglitz A. (eds.), Il tempo dei Fenici. Incontri in Sardegna dall'VIII al III sec. a.C., Nuoro 2020, pp. 330-333 (ISBN: 978-88-6202-375-7);
    16. Floris Stefano, Bibliografia di Giovanni Garbini, in Callieri P. – Fariselli A.C. (eds.), «E non appassisca il tuo germoglio spontaneo». Studi fenici e punici in ricordo di Giovanni Garbini (= Biblioteca di «Byrsa». Nuova Serie. Scritti sull’antico Oriente mediterraneo, 11), Lugano 2019, pp. 11-61 (ISBN: 978-88-97461-17-0);

Contact: ste.florisspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture Series: "History of a Punic City, seen from its Tophet: a Sardinian Perspective" (7. Februar 2024)

About: After studying Classics and Archaeology at the University of Bologna, I earned my doctorate at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, with a thesis on the “Tophet”-type Phoenician sanctuary of Tharros (West Sardinia). I participated in archaeological missions in Italy, Armenia, Tunisia and Lebanon and I am Field Director of the “Tophet of Bithia (Domus de Maria, South Sardinia) Archaeological Project” led by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Since June 2022, I have been a Humboldt Postdoc Research Fellow at the Biblisch-Archäologisches Institut at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. My research focuses on Phoenician and Punic Archaeology, with a specific focus on burial customs between the Levant and the Central Mediterranean.

Personal Website:; 

Giordana Franceschini
Alte Geschichte

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Teach@Tübingen

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Seminar für Alte Geschichte; host: Prof. Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): 1 April 2023  to 31 March 2024

Research Project: My T@T fellowship started during the final stages of writing my PhD thesis in Roman History at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre. The project involved the drafting of the first Italian translation of the third book of the De magistratibus populi romani by John Lydus and a new linguistic, historical, and juridical commentary. The next step in my career project was to convert my thesis into a monograph for publication: the course I carried out in the summer semester 2023 broadly shared the structure of this work, i.e. a study on the administration of the Eastern Roman Empire and the political management undertaken by the praetorian prefects in the 6th century through John Lydus’ De magistratibus. The opportunity offered by the Teach@Tübingen Fellowship allowed me to gain essential teaching experience in a German university, which is renowned for its studies in Late Antiquity and Justinian’s Age, to improve my German speaking and reading skills, and to re-examine several issues I tackled in my doctoral studies. The research during my postdoctoral fellowship focused on topics that aroused the interest of scholars in recent years and on the conclusions from the rigid distinction between bad and good officials, which conceals a political intent. The results of my research point in the direction of a concrete outline by John Lydus: the author seems to suggest that the bad prefects who caused the decline of the prefectorial office and of the Roman Empire were engaged in politics detrimental to specific groups, i.e. the curiales and the high bureaucracy. This view is confirmed by Lydus’ association of a temporary upturn in the prefecture’s fortunes to the management of the prestigious post by members of the conservative senatorial class, who preserved and, to a certain extent, strengthened the position of these social groups. The De magistratibus fit into the literary vein of the 6th century Kaiserkritik, which takes up the themes and style of that flourishing in the 4th-5th centuries: the attack is not addressed directly against the emperor, since he is the ultimate and ideal addressee of many of the recriminations to which a positive response is demanded; the focus is instead on his officials, in particular his prefects: it is possible to detect the same pattern also in the previous Ἱστορία Νέα of Zosimus or in the Aegyptius, sive de Providentia of Synesius of Cyrene. The department of Alte Geschichte of the University of Tübingen has been the perfect setting for the drafting of my manuscript: the department is universally renowned for the high level of its studies on Late Antiquity (especially from Theodosius II to Justinian I) and counts among its academics specialists in administration and taxation of the Roman Empire and are deeply engaged in the debate on the Kaiserkritik. I then focused on writing related journal articles: the need to address these topics in a separate publication depended on the perspective in comparison to what is appropriate to address in a commentary. One of the articles I worked on examined Lydus’ religious behaviors: was he a Christian, a Pagan, or a Crypto-Pagan? And is this point important for studies of the De magistratibus? In my article I tried to shed some light on the relations between religious belief, philosophical and political thought and how these influence the writing of Lydus’ work. I also had the opportunity to present this contribution in a workshop “Bearers of Faith: Local Practice, Communal Ritual, and the expression of Religious Identity in the Ancient and Late- Antique Mediterranean, ca. 200 BC – AD 600” held in London in September 2023 at the Institute of Classical Studies. Another article (title: Tre prefetti al pretorio descritti nel De magistratibus di Giovanni Lido: Marino di Apamea, Giovanni di Cappadocia e Foca) focuses on three pretorian prefects of the East who held office in the 6th century. Lydus’ text describes the reforms they promoted (e.g. the abolition of the cursus publicus in the Asian diocese, the establishment of the vindices), as seen from the author’s perspective. My study aims to show the Lydian’s participation in the late antique Kaiserkritik. His classification of the prefects into either virtuous or vicious officials is based on their management of the praetorian prefecture and the social group they favoured. Two social groups are defended in De magistratibus: the administrative elite and the provincial curials. Both of them benefited from the policies of Phocas and opposed the reforms of John the Cappadocian and Marinus of Apamea, who were more inclined to be more receptive to the demands of the central government. During the T@T postdoc, I also applied for a second postdoc, which I won and started on 1 April 2024.

Research Areas: Roman History, Eastern Roman Empire, Byzantine administration and fiscality

Publications: Franceschini G., Tre prefetti al pretorio descritti nel De magistratibus di Giovanni Lido: Marino di Apamea, Giovanni di Cappadocia e Foca, in «La préfecture du prétoire tardo-antique et ses titulaires (IVe-VIe siécle). Études réunies par Pierfrancesco Porena et Olivier Huck» Bari 2023, pp. 539-559 [ISBN 979-12-5995-043-7]; 


Activities at the College of Fellows: I took part at the Teach@Tübingen Fellows’ workshop (24th November 2023) and I gave a paper on “The Praetorian Prefect John the Cappadocian. Administration and Politics in Justinian I’s Constantinople”.

About: I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Tübingen in the new project “Land and Loyalty: the politics of land in the later Roman World (4th-6th c.)”. I obtained this new position immediately after the conclusion of my Teach@Tübingen Fellowship (from April 2023 to March 2024) in the Seminar für Alte Geschichte, Philosophische Fakultät, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. Before then I wrote my PhD dissertation in Rome (Università degli Studi di Roma Tre), producing a linguistic, historical, and juridical commentary on the third book of De magistratibus populi romani (Περὶ ἀρχῶν τῆς ̔Ρωμαίων πολιτείας) by John Lydus. My other research interests include Latin juridical epigraphy, the social and political history of the third century CE, and the power relationships between the center and peripheries in the Late Antique period: these interests have developed in me since the age of fourteen when I became passionate and started studying Latin and Greek.

Personal Website: (

Melissa Frazier

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: DAAD

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Slavisches Seminar, host: Prof. Dr. Schamma Schahadat

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): 1 April 2024 to 1 August 2024

Research Project: Teaching of three classes:  Comparative Romanticism (lecture); Signs of the Material World:  Dostoevsky and 19th c. Science (seminar); Double Thoughts, Double Consciousness: Russian and African American Literatures

Research Areas: Russian and Comparative Romanticism; Dostoevsky; Literature and Science

Publications: see; CV

Contact: mfrazierspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Workshop on May 7: "Pushkin in the African-American Imagination" in Kooperation mit dem d.a.i. 

About: Professor of Russian language and Russian and comparative literature at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, NY USA. Classes in Tuebingen include Comparative Romanticism (lecture); Signs of the Material World: Dostoevsky and 19th c. Science (seminar); Double Thoughts, Double Consciousness: Russian and African American Literatures

Personal Website:

Vittorio Gallese

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Humboldt-Forschungspreis

Affiliation: Universität Tübingen

Stay in Tübingen: Sommersemester 2024

Research Project: /

Research Areas: Neurophysiologie, kognitive Neurowissenschaften, soziale Neurowissenschaften und Philosophie des Geistes


Contact: /

Activities at the College of Fellows:


About: Vittorio Gallese, seit 2006 Professor für Psychobiologie an der Università degli Studi di Parma, gilt als einer der weltweit führenden Experten im Bereich der sozialen Neurowissenschaften. Er war Professor für experimentelle Ästhetik an der University of London (2016-2018), Einstein Visiting Fellow an der Berlin School of Mind and Brain (2016-2020), KOSMOS Fellow an der Humboldt Universität Berlin (2013-2014) und Visiting Professor an der University of California, Berkeley, USA (2002). Gallese ist Experte für Neurophysiologie, kognitive Neurowissenschaften, soziale Neurowissenschaften und Philosophie des Geistes und einer der Entdecker der Spiegelneuronen. In seiner Forschung sucht er die funktionelle Organisation der Gehirnmechanismen zu ergründen, die der sozialen Kognition zugrunde liegen, wie etwa Empathie und Sympathie, Sprache und ästhetische Erfahrung. In seine interdisziplinäre Arbeit fließen Erkenntnisse und Ansätze sowohl aus Philosophie als auch aus Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften ein.

Lorena Grigoletto

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: College of Fellows (Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies)

Affiliation: Intercultural Studies; Collège International de Philosophie of Paris; Academy of Fine Arts of Naples; host: Dr Niels Weidtmann

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): Mai 2023 – April 2024

Research Project: Nature, sign, image. Reconfiguration of the Imaginary and Scopic Regimes in post-colonial Mexico (1910-1930)

Research Areas: History of Philosophy, Aesthetics, Semiotics of art, Phenomenology of the image, Postcolonial studies.


Grigoletto, L. (2022): Lógoi. Sul sentiero “orfico-pitagorico” di María Zambrano (Lógoi. On the “Orphic-Pythagorean” path of María Zambrano). Milan. Mimesis. 236 pp.


Grigoletto, L. ed. (2019): Voci scalze. Declinazioni dell’opera letteraria nel mondo iberico e iberoamericano (Barefoot voices. Declinations of literary works in the Iberian and Ibero-American world), «Pagine inattuali. Rivista di Filosofia e letteratura», Salerno, Arcoiris edizioni. 


Selection of articles
    2023: An art for art: an apology for transparency. In: Seen/Unseen (bilingual edition), Ed. Lenk, B. (Dortmund: Verlag Kettler).
    2023: “Serbatoi celesti”. La foresta come dispositivo di riconfigurazione dello spazio urbano (“Heavenly Reservoirs”. Forest as device for reconfiguring urban space). In: «Mechane. Rivista di filosofia e antropologia della tecnica», n. 4, January 2023.
    2023: Metamorphoriázūsai. Mimicry delle piante e trasduzione + Fiaba estetica: La pianta abitata e l’onagro celeste (Metamorphoriázūsai. Plant mimicry and transduction + Aesthetic fairy tale: The inhabited plant and the celestial onager). In: «PHT (Perfomative Thinking in Humanities)», Ed. R. Diana, n. 3; 55-80; «RTH», n. 10. . ISSN: 2284-0184.

    2017: L’architettura dell’acqua. Alcune riflessioni su pittura e filosofia in Ramón Gaya e María Zambrano (The Architecture of Water. Some reflections on painting and philosophy in Ramón Gaya and María Zambrano). In: «Rocinante. Rivista di filosofia iberica, iberoamericana e interculturale», n. 10, Naples, Italy, 2017, 19-32. ISSN: 2531-6451.


More publications here.

Contact: lorena.grigolettospam; lorigrigolettospam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Member of the Focus Group 'Intercultural Studies', participation and organisation of workshops, attending lectures and seminars, writing and publishing articles

About: Lorena Grigoletto holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Naples Federico II in cotutelle with the University of Seville. She has gained experience studying and collaborating with various foreign universities and research centres, including the Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. She is the author of several articles and a monography devoted mainly to the link between ethics and aesthetics and between the aesthetic cognitive paradigm and the scientific paradigm in Spanish and Hispano-American thought. Her professional training has developed along two lines, privileging, in addition to the theoretical humanistic sphere, the artistic one and creative writing. In this direction, for some time now, she has launched, in collaboration with an academic journal of education and philosophy the Märchenphilosophie Transcode Project. Since 2019 she has been an adjunct lecturer in Semiotics of Art and Phenomenology of the Image at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples and since 2022 she has been Director of a research programme at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris. She is currently developing a research project on the question of “nature” and its representation, especially in painting, as a means of reconfiguring the imaginary in post-colonial Mexico.

Lukas Hoffman
Germanistik und Internationale Literaturen

Fellowship: Teach@Tübingen
Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Deutsches Seminar / Internationale Literaturen; host: Prof. Eckhart Goebel
Stay in Tübingen (from - until): October 2023 to  September 2024
Research Project: Proto-Political Lyric
Research Areas: Lyric Poetry, German Modernism, Critical Theory, Frankfurt School, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Ecocriticsm, Religious Studies


Peer Reviewed Papers:

  1. “Abject Eve: A Revolutionary Reading of Lasker-Schüler’s ‘Erkenntnis’.” New German Critique. Forthcoming in Vol. 152, October 2024.
  2. “Love of Things: Reconsidering Adorno’s Criticism of Rilke.” Monatshefte. Volume 114, Number 2, Summer 2022: 242-261.

Book Review:

  1. “Review: Peter Sloterdijk, Making the Heavens Speak: Religion as Poetry. (Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2023), pp. ix + 269, US$20.00, ISBN 978-1-509-54751-7 (pbk).” Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion. Volume 5, Issue 2, 2023: 232-234.
Activities at the College of Fellows: Presentations at the Teach@Tübingen Fellows’ workshops: “Critical Rilke: Adorno’s Missed Encounters” (24 November 2023) and “Thinking the ‘End of the World’ with Jakob van Hoddis” (10 April 2024)

About: Lukas was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. Graduating Magna cum Laude from the University of Colorado with a BA in German Studies, Lukas continued his academic journey at the Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies, earning his Ph.D. in May 2023. His dissertation, Faithful Form: On Religion and Politics in German Modernist Lyric, explores the latent relationship between religion and politics in the poetry of Else Lasker-Schüler, Georg Trakl, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Paul Celan.

Lukas's research spans multiple disciplines, including German modernism, the avant-garde, poetry, critical theory, gender studies, and ecocriticism. He approaches literature not merely as an aesthetic artifact, but as a vital contribution to historical, philosophical, economic, and political discourses. Currently, Lukas is exploring the structural affinity between Rilke's poetics and Theodor Adorno's critical theory in his upcoming book project, Critical Rilke: Adorno's Missed Encounter. Additionally, he has begun co-editing a collected edition on the early Frankfurt School and poetry.

Beyond his academic pursuits, Lukas can be found on the hiking trails around Tübingen, tent-camping in the mountains, or snowboarding in the winter. His outdoor pursuits not only offer a refreshing break from scholarly pursuits but also inspire a sense of adventure and resilience that enriches his commitment to research.

Fellow Profile

Melissa Jane Johnston

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship

Affiliation: Animal Physiology, Institute of Neurobiology

Stay in Tübingen: November 2021 bis Oktober 2023

Research Project: Tempus fugit: Interval timing in crows

Research Areas: Comparative cognition, avian neurophysiolog,; interval timing

Publications: Recent Fellow publications are listed in our Mediathek

Contact: melissa.johnstonspam  milliej.johnstonspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture: "Tempus Fugit: Interval Timing in Crows" (10. November 2021)

About: Melissa (Millie) Johnston studied psychology for her Bachelor of Science at the University of Otago (Dunedin, News Zealand) from 2011–2013. Staying at Otago, she then completed her Master of Science (2014–2015) and doctorate in the Department of Psychology (2016–2019). Her postgraduate research focused on higher-order cognitive abilities in pigeons associated with the nidopallium caudolaterale (NCL), a brain region considered to be the avian homologue to the mammalian prefrontal cortex. Here she used both temporary lesion and electrophysiology techniques to investigate the role of the NCL in various working memory and serial-order tasks. During her doctorate, she was awarded an Elman Poole Travelling Scholarship to support her during a research visit to Ruhr Universität Bochum where she helped establish an open arena for jackdaw research. Millie has continued her NCL research in Tübingen first as a postdoc and now Humboldt Fellow at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. Her current research investigates the role of the NCL in interval timing behaviour in crows.

Han-luen Kantzer Komline

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship

Affiliation: Protestant Faculty of Theology; host: Prof. Dr. Volker Drecoll.

Stay in Tübingen: Juni  2022 bis Juli 2023

Research Project: The Idea of the New in Early Christian Thought.

Research Areas: Christian Theology, History of Christianity, Systematic Theology.

Augustine on the Will: A Theological Account (OUP, 2020)

- Fourth edition of Turning Points, co-authored with Mark Noll and David Komline (Baker Academic, 2022). 
A full list of hier publications can be found here.

Contact: han-luenspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Attendance and presentation at Humboldt Lecture Series: "The Idea of the New in Early Christian Thought" (8. Februar 2023)

About: Han-luen Kantzer Komline is Associate Professor of Church History and Theology at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan, USA and the author of Augustine on the Will: A Theological Account (Oxford University Press, 2020), which received the Lautenschläger Award for Theological Promise in 2020.  Her research focuses on early Christian theology.  Many of her publications concern topics in Augustine or his relationship to other thinkers, ranging from Ambrose and Cyprian to Karl Barth and Marilynne Robinson.  She has also published on more recent figures such as John Calvin, Jürgen Moltmann, and Erich Przywara, and serves as co-editor of the International Journal of Systematic Theology.  Kantzer Komline’s research has been supported by fellowships from the Fulbright Commission, the Louisville Institute, the Augustinian Institute at Villanova, and the Humboldt Foundation.  Her current book project, The Idea of the New in Early Christian Thought, analyzes how Christians of late antiquity conceptualized and defended the innovative character of the Christian faith.

Webpage: und

Workineh Kelbessa

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship

Affiliation: College of Fellows - Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies

Research Project: Remapping global realities: the need for building a more sustainable and inclusive world.

Research Areas: African philosophy, indigenous knowledge, environmental ethics, development ethics, climate ethics, water ethics, globalization, and the philosophy of love and sex.

Publications: He has published widely on many topics. His most recent publications are: "African Environmental Philosophy, Injustice, and Policy" (2022), "Environmental Injustice and Disposal of Hazardous Waste in Africa" (2022), and "Africa's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Guiding Ethical Principles" (2022). A full list of his publications can be found here.

Contact: workinehspam, workineh-kelbessa.golgaspam

About: Workineh Kelbessa is Professor of Philosophy at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. He holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Wales, Cardiff, now Cardiff University, United Kingdom, an MA in Development Studies from the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and a BA in Philosophy from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. Kelbessa has taught philosophy at Addis Ababa University since 1988. He was the Head of the Department of Philosophy from 2001 to 2004, 2006 to 2007, and from 2016 to 2019.

He has held visiting posts at various institutions including the University of Rostock, Stellenbosch University, the University of Greifswald, the Technical University of Dresden (TU Dresden), the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, and the University of Oxford. He has traveled widely and visited various universities and has given invited lectures and conference papers in Africa, Europe, America, Asia and Australia. He served as a member of UNESCOs World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) from 2012-2019. He was also a member of the International Panel on Social Progess (IPSP) and a Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He is currently a member of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences and serves as a member of several other international professional associations. Moreover, he was a member of the Editorial Board of Environmental Ethics and has served on the Editorial Boards of various journals including Health Care Analysis, the African Journal of Environmental Ethics and Values, and the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. Currently, he is a Visiting Research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen.

Webpage: Workineh Kelbessa | College of Social Sciences (

Pamela Klassen
Short Term Fellow
Religious Studies

Fellowship: Short Term Fellow
Affiliation: Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Prof. Gabriele Alex
Research Project: I’m now working on two projects: a book about the public memory of gold rushes in settler colonies and an ongoing collaboration with Kay-Nah-Chi-Wah-Nung Historical Centre, the site of ancient burial mounds stewarded by the Rainy River First Nations
Stay in Tübingen: December 2024
Research Areas: Colonialism, treaties, museums, and public memory
Publications: eine vollständige Liste der Publikationen gibt es hier
Activities at the College of Fellows: Lecture “Drawing Water: Toward an Elemental Theory of Religion”, College of Fellows Lecture Series, 11 December 2024

About: Pamela Klassen is Professor of Study of Religion at the University of Toronto. Her current research focuses on religion, colonialism, treaties, and public memory in North America and Turtle Island, including a collaborative project on mounds and earthworks created and stewarded by Indigenous peoples around the Great Lakes and its rivers. Her books include The Story of Radio Mind: A Missionary’s Journey on Indigenous Land (U Chicago Press, 2018) and Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State (U Chicago Press, 2018). Her public-facing work includes the digital storytelling project, “Kiinawin Kawindomowin Story Nations” (, a collaboration with her students and the Kay-Nah-Chi-Wah-Nung Historical Centre, which lies along Manidoo Ziibi, or the Rainy River, in Treaty #3 Territory, northwestern Ontario.

Her ties to the University of Tübingen include holding a Humboldt Fellowship at the Institut for Ethnology and serving as Distinguished Professor of the Anthropology of Modern Religion in the Ludwig-Uhland-Institut, which also hosted her as a recipient of the Anneliese Maier Research Award from the Humboldt Foundation. She has also been a Visiting Professor at Harvard University and the University of Queensland in Brisbane. 

Diana Liao

Fellow Profile

Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship

Affiliation: Animal Physiology, Institute of Neurobiology

Stay in Tübingen: November 2019 bis Januar 2023

Research Project: Investigating the behavioral and neural foundations of vocal flexibility in corvid songbirds.

Research Areas: Communication, social behavior, comparative cognition, neural circuit dynamics.

- Liao DA, Brecht KF, Johnston M, & Nieder A. (2022) Recursive sequence generation in crows. Science Advances, 8(44), eabq3356

Contact: diana.a.liaospam prevention@gmail.comdiana.liaospam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture: "Vocal Flexibility in Crows" (08. Februar 2023).

About: Dr. Diana Liao is interested in the evolution of complex cognitive and social behaviors using the comparative approach. She first got interested in cognitive neuroscience during her bachelor studies at Johns Hopkins University. She then did a doctorate at Princeton University studying vocal interactions and development in marmoset monkeys. For her postdoc, she switched animal species and traveled to Germany on a Humboldt fellowship to study the complex vocal capabilities of crows at the University of Tübingen.

Roberta Locatelli
Januar 2022

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship

Affiliation: Philosophisches Seminar

Research Project: Tempus fugit: Interval timing in crows

Research Areas: Philosophy of mind and philosophy of psychology, with a focus on the philosophy of perception, introspection, and consciousness, the metaphysics of colour, epistemology

Publications: Recent Fellow publications are listed in our Mediathek

Contact: roberta.locatellispam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture: "The Puzzle of Colour and the Perspectival Nature of Perception" (12. Januar 2022)

About: Roberta Locatelli is an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the philosophy department of the University of Tübingen. Before that, she was a postdoctoral DAAD PRIME Fellow at the same department. She earned her doctorate from the University of Warwick and the University Paris-1. She works in the philosophy of mind and psychology, with a specific focus on the philosophy of perception, and on the metaphysics of colour and other observational properties.


Sarah Lohmann
Anglistik und Literatur
Juli 2022

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Teach@Tuebingen Fellowship

Affiliation: Institute of English Languages and Literatures; host: Prof. Ingrid Hotz-Davies

Research Project: Publication of thesis ‘The Edge of Time: The Critical Dynamics of Structural Chronotopes in the Utopian Novel’ alongside other publications; teaching of courses 'Women Writing Worlds: Feminist Utopian Literature through the Ages’ and ‘Ghosts and Others: Systems, Selves and the Supernatural in Gothic Literature’

Research Areas: feminist utopian literature, utopian studies in general, science fiction, systems theory, climate fiction, Gothic literature and analytic philosophy

Publications: see my ORCID iD here:


Activities at the College of Fellows: Fellow Lunch Talk

“Utopian Chronotopes and the Feminist Utopia as Critical Thought Experiment” (20. Juli 2022)

About: Sarah Lohmann is a Teaching and Research Fellow under Professor Ingrid Hotz-Davies in the Department of English as part of the Teach@Tübingen programme. She previously completed her PhD in English literature under the supervision of Professors Patricia Waugh and Simon James at Durham University in England, following the completion of two master's degrees, in English literature and gender studies and in analytic philosophy, at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. She also previously attained a First-Class joint undergraduate degree in English literature and philosophy at St Andrews, bringing her total time spent in the UK so far up to 13 years - enough time to attain citizenship and develop a fondness for ceilidh dancing and academic pub culture.

Sarah’s research and teaching focus on feminist utopian literature, utopian studies in general, science fiction, systems theory, climate fiction, Gothic literature and analytic philosophy. Her PhD thesis presented a case for the classification of utopian literature in terms of structural Bakhtinian chronotopes based on systems theory, with a particular focus on the feminist ‘critical utopias’ of Joanna Russ, Marge Piercy and Ursula K. Le Guin. At the University of Tübingen, Sarah taught a course last semester entitled 'Women Writing Worlds: Feminist Utopian Literature through the Ages’, which further developed her work on feminist utopias, and this semester, she is teaching one entitled ‘Ghosts and Others: Systems, Selves and the Supernatural in Gothic Literature’, which also builds on the systems-theoretical chronotope framework she developed in her PhD thesis. After recently publishing a book chapter on utopia as living organism for a Festschrift in the Ralahine Utopian Studies Series, Sarah is currently working on further publication projects, including the publication of her thesis and of a commissioned book-length introduction to Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time. She is also continually developing her pedagogical practice, including recently becoming a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and attaining a masters-level Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP), the highest teaching qualification available to early-career university lecturers in the UK.

Personal Website:

Further information on her work can be found in her interview with the SFRA Review as an 'up and coming science fiction scholar'. Sarah is happy to be contacted (for example via the contact form on her website) regarding possible collaborations as well as postdoctoral and funding opportunities for the future.

Àlex Mas-Sandoval

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Global Encounters Fellowship, short term

Affiliation: Institute for Archaeological Sciences (INA,) Archaeo- and Paleogenetics Group, Cosimo Posth

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): Six short stays from June 2023 - March 2024

Research Project: Social inequalities and population genetic structure across time and space

Research Areas: Population genetics, genetic anthropology


  • Mas-Sandoval, A.; Sara, M.; Fumagalli, M.  (2022). The genomic footprint of socioeconomic stratification in admixing American populations. bioRxiv
  • Mas-Sandoval, A., Jin, C., Fracassetti, M., & Fumagalli, M. (2022). ngsJulia: population genetic analysis of next-generation DNA sequencing data with Julia language. F1000Research, 11(126), 126.
  • Mas-Sandoval, A.; Pope, N.S.; Nielsen, K.N.; Altinkaya, I.; Fumagalli, M.; Korneliussen, T.S. (2022). Fast and accurate estimation of multidimensionalsite frequency spectra from low-coverage high-throughput sequencing data. GigaScience, 11.
  • Arauna, L.R., Bergstedt, J.; Choin, J; Mendoza-Revilla, J; Harmant, C; Roux, M; Mas-Sandoval, A; Lémée, L; Colleran, H; François, A; Valentin, F; Cassar, O; Gessain, A; Quintana-Murci, L; Patin, E (2022). The genomic landscape of contemporary western Remote Oceanians. Current Biology 32, 1-11.
  • Versulys, T.M.M; Mas-Sandoval, A.; Flintham, E.O.; Savolainen, V. (2021). Why do we pick similar mates, or do we? Biology Letters, 17.
  • Castro e Silva, M. A.; Nunes, K.; Lemes, R. B.; Mas-Sandoval, A.; Guerra Amorim, C. E.; Krieger, J. E.; Mill, J. G.; Salzano, F. M.; Bortolini, M. C.; Pereira, A. C.; Comas, D.; Hünemeier, T. (2020). Genomic insight into the origins and dispersal of the Brazilian coastal natives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(5), 2372–2377.
  • Mas-Sandoval, A.; Arauna, L. R.; Gouveia, M. H.; Barreto, M. L.; Horta, B. L.; Lima-Costa, M. F.; Pereira, A. C.; Salzano, F. M.; Hünemeier, T.; Tarazona-Santos E.; Bortolini M. C.; Comas, D. (2019). Reconstructed lost Native American populations from Eastern Brazil are shaped by differential Jê/Tupi ancestry. Genome Biology and Evolution.
  • Secolin, R.; Mas-Sandoval, A.; Arauna, L. R.; Torres, F. R.; de Araujo, T. K.; Santos, M. L.; Rocha, C. S.; Carvalho, B.S.; Cendes, F.; Lopes-Cendes, I.; Comas, D. (2019). Distribution of local ancestry and evidence of adaptation in admixed populations. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 13900.
  • Arauna, L. R.; Mendoza-Revilla, J.; Mas-Sandoval, A.; Izaabel, H.; Bekada, A.; Benhamamouch, S.; Fadhlaoui-Zid K.; Pierre Zalloua P.; Hellenthal G, Comas, D. (2016). Recent historical migrations have shaped the gene pool of Arabs and Berbers in North Africa. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 34(2), 318–329.

Contact: alex.massandovalspam

Activities at the College of Fellows:

Talk at College of Fellows; Global Encounters Lecture: "The genetic footprint of racial and gender hierarchies" (12. Dezember 2023)


Àlex Mas-Sandoval is a population geneticist that studies how evolutionary processes driven by social structure and cultural changes impact the genetic diversity of populations. He got his PhD at the Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (UPF), in Barcelona, and at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre. There he focused on the reconstruction of the precolonial demographic history from admixed populations of Brazil. Then, during a Postdoc at Imperial College London, he studied how social hierarchies constrain the mating patterns and the admixture dynamics of the populations of the Americas. As a postdoctoral researcher at Università di Bologna, he is focused on understanding the socioeconomic factors that drive assortative mating in these populations.

Dr. Mas-Sandoval is currently a short-term visiting researcher at Universität Tübingen in the framework of the Global Encounters platform, aiming to disentangle how social inequalities and population stratification have impacted a wide range of populations across time and space.

Carlos Nazario Mora Duro

Fellow Profile

Affiliation: Global Encounters Fellowship, host: Professor Boris Nieswand

Stay in Tübingen: September 2022 – August 2023

Research Project: Integration process of migrants in the post-pandemic period, focusing on Mexican migration to Germany.

Research Areas: Sociology of Religion; Migration and Integration; and the use of Information Technologies and Social Networks in social and cultural changes.

-The Aim Was Not To Meet a German and Marry: Experiences of Mexican Women in Intermarriages in Berlin in Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers (209). ISSN 1615-4568, 2022.
-Religión en los procesos de integración: una mirada a la migración mexicana en Alemania (Religion in Integration Processes: Overview of Mexican Migration in Germany) in Korpus 21, vol. 4, no. 5, 2022: 345-361.

Contact: cmoraspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Global Encounters Lecture Series: Migration for Love, Education and Work. An approach to recent Mexican migration to Germany (22. November 2022).

About: Carlos Nazario Mora Duro holds a PhD in Social Sciences from El Colegio de México (El Colmex), and a Master in Social Sciences from the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Flacso Mexico). Between 2018 and 2020, he was a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, conducting a project on the migration experience of Mexicans in the city of Berlin. Afterwards, he was a research associate at The Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences: “Multiple Secularities - Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities” at the University of Leipzig. Member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico, level 1. He is also part of the International Graduate Program “Between Spaces” of the University of Berlin, of the International Research Network for the Study of Science & Belief in Society, and of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion.

Personal Websites:; 

Norihito Nakamura

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Intercultural Studies Fellowship

Affiliation: College of Fellows Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies; host: Dr Niels Weidtmann

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): April 2023 – March 2024

Research Project: Kenosis and Eschatologies in an Intercultural and Contemporary Perspective

Research Areas: History of Philosophy, German Classical Philosophy in the 19th century, critical theory, political theology, aesthetics


-Nakamura, N. (2023). „Philosophische Religion“ als Souveränitätskritik. Die Lesung des Spätwerks Schellings Philosophie der Offenbarung als „politische Theologie”. In: Schelling-Jahrbuch, 31, edited by Schelling-Gesellschaft Japan. [forthcoming]
-Nakamura, N. (2023). Das Unbehagen in dem Naturrecht: Was bedeutet Neue Deduction des Naturrechts in der Entstehungsgeschichte von politischer Philosophie Schellings?. In: Schelling-Studien, 10, edited by Internationale Schellling-Gesellschaft. [forthcoming]
-Nakamura, N.(2022). Schelling zwischen Orthodoxie und Revolution. Interpretationsgeschichte über sein politisches Denken im deutschen Sprachraum in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. In: Schelling-Jahrbuch, 30,pp.86-87, edited by Schelling-Gesellschaft Japan.
-Nakamura, N. (2021). Der Gedanke Schellings über „Asystasie“ und „Freiheit”“. In:『哲学』Philosophy, 72, pp. 141-151, edited by The Philosophical Association of Japan.


- Lofts, S., Nakamura, N., Wirtz, F., eds. (2023). Miki Kiyoshi and the Crisis of Thought. Chisokudō Publications. [forthcoming]
-Menke, Christoph. (2022). Kraft: Ein Grundbegriff ästhetischer Anthropologie [力:美的人間学の根本概念]. 人文書院. [Japanese Translation, as co-translator]

Contact: norihito.nakamuraspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Member of the CoF Focus Group “Intercultural Studies”, participation and organisation of workshops, attending lectures and seminars, writing and publishing articles

About: Dr. Norihito Nakamura studied intercultural studies at the University of Kobe, and received his PhD at the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies from Kyoto University (2023), with a dissertation about Political Philosophy of F. W. J. Schelling. From 2016 to 2017, he was an exchange student at Freie Universität Berlin. His recent interest is in the political philosophy of apocalyptic discourses with an intercultural perspective, especially focusing on Ernst Bloch, Paul Tillich, Kiyoshi Miki, Keiji Nishitani, and Kazo Kitamori. He has worked as a translator of various papers and books such as Christoph Menke, Fredric Jameson, Iain Hamilton Grant, Markus Gabriel and Adrian Johnston.

Dalia Nassar

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship

Affiliation: University of Sydney

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): May 2022-July 2023

Research Project: Romantic Empiricism: Nature, Art, and Ecology from Herder to Humboldt

Research Areas: History of Philosophy, Nineteenth-century German philosophy, environmental philosophy, aesthetics, ethics

- Romantic Empiricism: Nature, Art, and Ecology from Herder to Humboldt (Oxford University Press 2022);
- Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century: The German Tradition (ed. with Kristin Gjesdal, OUP 2021);
- The Romantic Absolute: Being and Knowing in German Romantic Philosophy (Univ of Chicago Press 2014);
- The Relevance of Romanticism: Essays on German Romantic Philosophy (ed. Oxford University Press 2014).


- Nassar, D. (2022). Knowing well: Goethe, Bildung, and the ethics of scientific knowledge. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 30(4), 646-665.
- Nassar, D. (2022). The Human Vocation and the Question of the Earth: Karoline von Gunderrode's Philosophy of Nature. Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie, 104(1), 108-130.
- Nassar, D. (2022). The Challenge of Plants: Goethe, Humboldt and the Science of Life. In Luca Corti and Johannes-Georg Schulein (Eds.), Nature and Naturalism in Classical German Philosophy, (pp. 79-100). London: Routledge.


Activities at the College of Fellows: Attending workshops and talks; giving a paper in a colloquium, giving Humboldt lecture

About: Dalia Nassar is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Sydney. Her research sits at the intersection of environmental philosophy, aesthetics, and the history of German philosophy. She is the author of two books including, most recently, Romantic Empiricism: Nature, Art, and Ecology from Herder to Humboldt (Oxford, 2022), and editor of several books, including an anthology of works by women philosophers in the long nineteenth century.

Personal Website: Associate Professor Dalia Nassar (

Eric Nelson
April 2023

Fellow Profile 

Research Areas: Phenomenology, hermeneutics, and critical social theory / Comparative philosophy / Ethics / Philosophy of nature and environment / Philosophy and religion


- Heidegger and Dao: Things, Nothingness, Freedom (Bloomsbury, 2023)

- Daoism and Environmental Philosophy: Nourishing Life (London: Routledge, 2022)

- Levinas, Adorno, and the Ethics of the Material Other (Albany: SUNY Press, 2020)

- Chinese and Buddhist Philosophy in Early Twentieth-Century German Thought (London: Bloomsbury, 2017)

Activities at the College of Fellows: Gastvortrag "Daoist wuwei in the Anthropocene" (18. April 2023)

Stay in Tübingen: April 2023

About: Eric S. Nelson is Professor of Philosophy at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He has published on Chinese, German, Jewish, and intercultural philosophy. He is the author of Heidegger and Dao: Things, Nothingness, Freedom (Bloomsbury, 2023), Daoism and Environmental Philosophy (Routledge, 2020), Levinas, Adorno, and the Ethics of the Material Other (SUNY Press, 2020), and Chinese and Buddhist Philosophy in Early Twentieth-Century German Thought (Bloomsbury, 2017).

James Ogude

Fellow Profile

Affiliation: Intercultural Fellow am College of Fellows - Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies 2018University of Pretoria.

Ryōsuke Ōhashi

Fellow Profile

Affiliation: Intercultural Fellow am College of Fellows - Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural StudiesDirektor des Japanisch-Deutschen Kulturinstituts.

Jonathan Chimakonam Okeke

Fellow Profile

Affiliation: Intercultural Fellow am College of Fellows - Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies 2022

Research Project: The Structure of Conversational Thinking

Research Areas: African Philosophy, Intercultural Philosophy, Aesthetics

Publications: Recent Fellow publications are listed in our Mediathek

Contact: jonathan.okekespam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Member of the CoF Focus Group 'Intercultural Studies'; Section Moderation at GIP Annual Conference 2021

About Jonathan: Jonathan O. Chimakonam PhD is a senior lecturer at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He taught at the University of Calabar, Nigeria for several years. He was a Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg (2017-2019). His teaching and research interests cover the areas of African Philosophy, Intercultural Philosophy, Logic, Environmental Ethics and Postmodern/postcolonial/decolonial thought. He aims to break new grounds in African philosophy by formulating a system that unveils new concepts and opens new vistas for thought (Conversational philosophy); a method that represents a new approach to philosophizing in African and intercultural philosophies (Conversational thinking); and a system of logic that grounds both (Ezumezu). His articles have appeared in refereed and accredited international journals.


Martin Pácha
Osteuropäische Geschichte und Landeskunde

Fellowship: Teach@Tübingen Fellowship
Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Institute for Eastern European History and Area Studies (Prof. Klaus Gestwa)
Stay in Tübingen (from - until): October 2023 to September 2024
Research Project: "The Ways towards Religious Freedom between Socialism and Postsocialism in Czechoslovakia”
Research Areas: Communism; Czechoslovakia; Roman Catholic Church; atheism; religious minorities; student’s internationalism


Journal Articles:
1. “The Limits of Religious Plurality: The Pentecostal Movement in Post-Stalinist Czechoslovakia.” (Politics, Religion & Ideology, 2022/23:4, p. 407-423, DOI: 10.1080/21567689.2022.2144259)
2. Randák, Jan – Pácha, Martin. “(O)hledání komunistické výchovy.” [The Search for Communist Education] (Moderní dějiny 2022/1, p. 121-130.) 
3. „To bych nebyl bolševikem, abych z boje utíkal: Příklad sekularizačních snah rané komunistické diktatury v Československu.” [„I wouldn´t be a Bolshevik to run away from a fight.” : Example of Secularization Efforts of Early Communist Dictatorship in Czechoslovakia] (Kuděj, 1-2/2020, p. 51-60.)
4. “Possibilities of Research into the Catholic Church in the Czech lands in the Early Stage of the Communist Dictatorship.” (Czech Journal of Contemporary History, vol. VIII, 2020, p. 29-44.) ; for the Czech version see: “Možnosti výzkumu katolické církve v českých zemích v raném období komunistické diktatury.” (Soudobé dějiny, 2-3/2019, p. 350-362.)
5. “Losing the „Universal” : Mihály Horváth and František Palacký.” (ÖT KONTINENS, No 2015/2.ELTE, BTK, BUDAPEST, 2018, p. 103-116.)
Book Chapters:
1. “A Cross to Bear for a Socialist Childhood.” In: Henschel, Frank; Winkler, Martina; Randák, Jan;  Dudeková Kováčová, Gabriela (ed.) Variations and Transformations of Childhood in the Bohemian Lands and Slovakia. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2022, p. 129-151.
Reports and others:
1. Kurz, Michal – Pácha, Martin – Švarná, Eliška. “Obrazy vody: Jihočeské přehrady a jejich otisk v krajině a společnosti”. [Images of Water: South Bohemian Dams and Their Imprint in Landscape and Society]. Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR, 2023. (Exhibition catalogue)
2. Randák, Jan – Pácha, Martin. “Centrum pro dějiny vědění jako akademický "start-up". Rozhovor se švédskými historiky Johanem Östlingem a Davidem Larssonem Heidenbladem.” [Center for the History of Knowledge as an academic “start-up”. Interview with Swedish historians Johan Östling and David Larsson Heidenblad] (Dějiny a současnost, 44(7)/2022, p. 32-34.)
3. Dušková, Lucie – Pácha, Martin. “Working all Night: modernity, night shifts and the temporal organization of labour across political and economical regimes.” (H-Soz-Kult, 2020, 7.)
4. “Working All Night: Modernity, Night Shifts and the Temporal Organization of Labour across Political and Economical Regimes” (Historie – Otázky – Problémy 1/2020, p. 192-195.)

Contact: martin.pachaspam 
Activities at the College of Fellows:
About: I am a postdoctoral researcher at The Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Contemporary History and a Teach@Tübingen fellow at the Institute for Eastern European History and Area Studies at the University of Tübingen. I focus on the history of relations between the Communist Party and the religious organizations in post-World War II Czechoslovakia. I also research student internationalization in the context of the Cold War.
Personal Website: /
Fellow Profile

Francesco Padovani
Griechische Philologie
Januar 2023

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship

Affiliation: Philologisches Seminar Host: Prof. Dr. Irmgard Männlein-Robert

Research Project: Plutarch als Literat: Studien zum platonischen Dialog in der früheren Kaiserzeit

Research Areas: Ancient Greek Literature, Classical Philology, Ancient Philosophy, History of Religion, Literary Theory, Comparative Literature

Publications: Recent Fellow publications are listed in our Mediathek

Contact: padovanifrancesco89spam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture on Rethinking the Platonic Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age: The Case of Plutarch (11. Januar 2023)

About: Francesco Padovani is currently Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Ancient Philology Department of the University of Tübingen. He had already been awarded with a DAAD postdoctoral grant at the same Department (2019). He is alumnus of the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, where he has also defended his PhD dissertation about the etymologies of the divine names of Plutarch`s works. He has conducted his researches mainly in Italian and German institutions. His research interests cross the boundaries between literature, philosophy and ancient religious studies, focusing on Plutarch of Chaeronaea, Plato and the history of Platonism. In the last few years, he has also intensively explored the fields of classical reception studies, literary theory and translatrion.

Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship 2022

Affiliation: Department of Quantitative Linguistics. Host: Professor Harald Baayen

Research Project: FORMULEARN: Chunking in verbal art and speech

Research Areas: Quantitative linguistics, cognition and poetics, conceptual integration, 4E cognition, time across language and the arts, oral poetry, and multimodal communication

Publications: Recent Fellow publications are listed in our Mediathek

Contact: cpcanovasspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture on Modeling the Multimodal Flow of Human Communication: Big Data and Novel Quantitative Approaches (8 December 2021)

About: I am a Ramón y Cajal Researcher (tenure-track research professorship funded by national grant scheme) at the Department of English Philology, University of Murcia. I co-direct the Daedalus Lab, the Murcia Center for Cognition, Communication, and Creativity. From 2019 to 2022, I am also an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow in Quantitative Linguistics at the University of Tübingen, hosted by Professor Harald Baayen. I am a member of the Red Hen Lab, an international consortium for research into multimodal communication. I am the Principal Investigator of the Spanish National Grant (Knowledge-Generation Program): Creativity and cognition in the expression of time across modalities (CREATIME). I have been a EURIAS fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, an FBBVA Leonardo Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and the AHRC project History of Distributed Cognition, University of Edinburgh, a postdoctoral fellow at the Classics Faculty of the University of Oxford (Emotions: The Greek Paradigm, ERC AdG to A. Chaniotis), and a Linguistics-Poetics Tandem Fellow (FRIAS: German Excellence Initiative) at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies. I was also a Marie Curie Fellow at the universities of Murcia, Case Western Reserve, California San Diego, and Oxford.

Personal Website:

Rodolfo Palomo-Briones

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship

Affiliation: Center for Applied Geoscience (ZAG)

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): April 2021 bis März 2024

Research Project: Assessment of caproate production with defined cultures

Research Areas: Environmental biotechnologies → anaerobic biotechnology, Biohydrogen production (dark fermentation), Anaerobic chain elongation (reverse ß-oxidation), Microbial ecology (metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and metabolomics), Synthetic microbial communities, Lignocellulosic residues as feedstock in anaerobic biotechnologies

Publications: Recent Fellow publications are listed in our Mediathek

Contact: rodolfo.palomo-brionesspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture: "Production of Biofuels and Feedstocks with Anaerobic Microbiomes" (9. Februar 2022)

About: I was born in the sunny city of Torreón, Mexico, in 1989. A short time later, my family and I moved to a small and beautiful town called Maravatío (meaning beauty land, in purépecha), where I received my elementary education. Then, I studied Biochemical Engineering from 2006 to 2010 at the Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia (Morelia, Mexico), from which I graduated in 2011 after defending my bachelor thesis about microbial fuel cells. From 2011 to 2013, I studied a master´s degree in environmental sciences at the Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (IPICYT, San Luis Potosí, Mexico); I investigated the biofiltration of organic compounds coupled to heterologous proteins production. From 2013 to 2014, I worked as an associate researcher to investigate wastewater reuse in gold mining activities (San Luis Potosi, Mexico). From 2015 to 2018, I did my doctoral studies in environmental sciences about microbial communities in biohydrogen (H2) production from organic residues (IPICYT, San Luis Potosí, Mexico). In 2019-2020 I worked as a postdoc investigating the H2 and methane (CH4) potential of lignocellulosic residues. In 2021, I was granted a Georg Forster Research Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to do research on chain elongation with anaerobic microbiomes in the Environmental Biotechnology Group at the University of Tübingen (Tübingen, Germany).

Personal Website:

Marika Pulkkinen

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Personal research grant by the Finnish Cultural Foundation

Affiliation: University of Helsinki, Faculty of Theology, Biblical Studies; Fellow by the Center for Religion, Culture and Society.

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): September 2023 bis August 2024

Research Project: Postdoctoral monograph project Evoking Shame, Honor, Desire, and Disgust through Vocabulary of Sex Work in the Ancient Jewish Sources and in the New Testament.

Research Areas: Biblical Studies, Emotions Studies, Affect Theories

Journal articles:

“Teaching through the Psalms. Allusions to the Wilderness Tradition in 1 Corinthians 10,1–10 and the Origin of the Passage”, The Function of Psalms and Prayers in the Late Second Temple Period. Edited by Mika S. Pajunen & Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme. Scandinavian Journal of Old Testament vol. 33/2, 2019, 244–263.


Articles in thematic volumes:

”Erotiikka, seksityö ja seksuaalinen väkivalta raamatunteksteissä ja Twin Peaks -televisiosarjassa ja -elokuvassa” [published in Finnish, ”Erotics, Sex Work and Sexual Abuse in the Biblical Texts and in Twin Peaks”], in Raamattu ja populaarikulttuuri [The Bible and Popular Culture]. Edited by Susanna Asikainen & Marika Pulkkinen. Helsinki: Publications of the Finnish Exegetical Society 124, 2023, 282–306.

“Psalms as Prophecy: Paul’s Use of Psalms in First Corinthians 15 and the Source of the Psalm Text”, Scriptures in the Making: Texts and Their Transmission in Late Second Temple Judaism. Edited by Raimo Hakola, Jessi Orpana, and Paavo Huotari. Contributions to Biblical Exegesis & Theology. Leuven: Peeters, 2022, 345–365.

“Psalmit kasvattavat suosiotaan: Psalmien käyttö opetuksessa ja profetiana Paavalilla” [Published in Finnish, “The Use of Psalms as Prophecy and in Teaching in Paul], Kirjakääröistä digiraamattuun: pyhän tekstin idea, muoto ja käyttö. [From Scrolls to Digital Bible: Idea, Form, and Function of Sacred Text]. Edited by Jutta Jokiranta and Nina Nikki. Helsinki: Publications of the Finnish Exegetical Society 122, 2021, 68–92.DOI:

“Psalmit”, [Published in Finnish, “Psalms”] Sisälle Septuagintaan. [Introduction to the Septuagint.] Edited by Anneli Aejmeleaeus, Miika Tucker, and Katja Kujanpää. Helsinki:  Publications of the Finnish Exegetical Society 116, 2018, 167–180.

“’There is no one righteous’: Paul's Use of Psalms in Romans 3”, Functions of Psalms and Prayers in the Late Second Temple Period. Edited by Mika S. Pajunen & Jeremy Penner. BZAW 486. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017, 384–409. DOI:


Edited volume

Raamattu ja populaarikulttuuri. [Published in Finnish, The Bible and Popular Culture] Edited by Susanna Asikainen & Marika Pulkkinen. Helsinki: Publications of the Finnish Exegetical Society 124, 2023, 430 pp.


Monograph dissertation

Paul’s Use of Psalms: Quotations, Allusions, and Psalm Clusters in Romans and 1 Corinthians. PhD Dissertation. University of Helsinki, 2020.

Contact: marika.pulkkinenspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Fellow Lunch Talk “Slut-Shaming – Ancient and Modern: Sexual Slander, Shame, and Honor in the Biblical Texts” (24. Januar 2024)

About: Marika Pulkkinen holds a PhD in Theology in the field of Biblical Studies (June 2020, University of Helsinki). In her PhD dissertation, Paul’s Use of Psalms: Quotations, Allusions, and Psalm Clusters in Romans and 1 Corinthians (, she specialized in Pauline studies, Septuagint Studies, and Psalms Studies. She worked as a PhD Candidate in the Centre of Excellence in Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions (2014–2019) funded by the Academy of Finland. In addition, during her PhD project, she worked two semesters as an associate member of the Research Training Group “Ambiguity – Production and Perception” (led by Prof. Matthias Bauer) at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (2014–2015). In her current postdoctoral project Evoking Shame, Honor, Desire, and Disgust through Vocabulary of Sex Work in the Ancient Jewish Sources and in the New Testament, she takes into account a broader set of sources (The prophetic books of the Hebrew Bible/the Septuagint; Graeco-Roman sources, Dead Sea Scrolls) as well as multidisciplinary methods (emotions studies, affect theories). During the calendar year 2022, Marika Pulkkinen worked as a visiting scholar and an associate member of the ERC project Honour in Classical Greece at the University of Edinburgh with her personal research grant by the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

Raluca Rădulescu
Dezember 2023

Fellow Profile

Fellowship: Alexander von Humboldt Postdoc Research Fellowship

Affiliation (host institution, host scholar): Universität Trier, Prof.Dr. Herbert Uerlings; Universität Flensburg, Prof. Dr. Iulia-Karin Patrut

Stay in Tübingen  (from - until): September bis Dezember 2023

Research Project: Koloniale Seefahrten in der deutschen Literatur im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert

Research Areas: Postcolonial Studies, Intercultural Literature, Migrant Literature

Publications: Selected publications:
Die Fremde als Ort der Begegnung. Untersuchungen zu deutschsprachigen südosteuropäischen Autoren mit Migrationshintergrund. Hartung Gorre 2013; Monologe und Dialoge der Moderne. Gottfried Benn, Paul Celan, José F. A. Oliver. LIT 2016; with Lucia Perrone Capano, et al.: Interkulturelle Blicke auf Migrations bewegungen in alten und neuen Texten. Frank und Timme 2018; Von Orchideen und Migranten. Überlegungen zu einer Anthropologie der Wurzellosigkeit. In: Anna Warakomska, Mehmet Öztürk (ed.): Geschichte und Geschichten. Peter Lang 2019; Hölderlins Hyperion: eine europäische Flüchtlingsgeschichte? In: Matthias Bauer et al. (ed.): Grenz-Übergänge. Zur ästhetischen Darstellung von Flucht und Exil in Literatur und Film. Transcript 2019.

Contact: raluca.radulescuspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture Series: "Koloniale Seefahrten in der deutschen Literatur" (13. Dezember 2023)
About: Raluca Rădulescu, Prof. Dr. phil., since 2019 Professor of Intercultural German Studies at the Institute of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest. PhD in 2008 on contemporary Romanian-German literature. Research interests: Exile literature, migration literature, cultural theory, modernist poetry, intermediality. From February 2021 fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Trier and Flensburg with a project on colonial sea voyages in German-language literature of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Webpage: Raluca Radulescu | UniBuc - Universitatea din București

Juan Rivera

Fellow Profile

Affiliation: Intercultural Studies, host: Dr Niels Weidtmann

Research Project: Indigenous Conceptualizations of Land, Belonging and Ownership in Contemporary Extractivist Andes

Research Areas: Anthropology, Amerindian Studies, Extractivism, Ownership, Ontologies, Anthropocene, Nature-cultures

Publications: Recent Fellow publications are listed in our Mediathek
Here are some of Juan Riveras last publications:

  • 2020 "Encarnando un héroe en los Andes: el 'capitán' de la herranza a la luz de las noticias de algunos cronistas sobre el ritual del warachikuy". In Gunsenheimer, Antje; Cruz, Enrique Normando; Pallán Gayol, Carlos (eds): El otro héroe: estudios sobre la producción social de memoria al margen del discurso oficial en América Latina. Göttingen: Bonn University Press, pp. 351-364.
  • 2021 “Do que estamos falando quando falamos de música nos Andes? Notas sobre as condições de existência e a fetichização da alteridade no estudo da música indígena dos Andes peruanos contemporâneos”. Hawò, [S. l.], v. 1, p. 1–32, 2021. URL:
  • 2021 Review essay on: "Valeri, Valerio, Classic Concepts in Anthropology; Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo, The Relative Native: Essays on Indigenous Conceptual Worlds; and Abramson,  Allen, and Martin Holbraad, Framing Cosmologies: The Anthropology of Worlds". In Religion and Society: Advances in Research 12 (2021): 1–5. Doi:10.3167/arrs.2021.1201OF1
  • 2022 Re-enchantment and correspondence in the Anthropocene [Long review] (Ingold, Tim. Correspondences. viii, 230 pp., bibliogr. Cambridge: Polity, 2020. £15.99 and Taussig, Michael. Mastery of non-mastery in the age of meltdown. 192 pp., illus., bibliogr. Chicago: Univ. Press, 2020). In Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 28: 1365-1367.
  • 2022 "Indigenous Divergences from the Sacrifice Zones and Rehabilitations of Extractivism". The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 27: 165-170.
  • 2022 "¿20 años pensando el Perú? El valle de Chancay (1962-1982) como ejemplo de la reducción de la etnografía a una ‘sobrevivencia’ de ‘lo andino’", in Vicente Blanco, Javier Dámaso, Pedro Tomé Martín, Ignacio Fernández Mata y Susana Asensio Llamas (coords.): Salvajes de acá y de allá. Memoria y relato de nos-otros. Liber Amicorum de Luis Díaz Viana. Valladolid: Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, pp. 251-262. ISBN: 978-84-1320-192-4.
  • 2022 "Algunas miradas foráneas y nativas en la constitución del área Cañaris", in Clua, M., Ventura, M., Mateo, J.-Ll. (eds) 2022 Áreas culturales. Antropología en un mundo de fronteras, Barcelona: Ed. Bellaterra, pp.199-217. ISBN: 9788419160089.
  • 2022 "Contiendas y apropiaciones en el tratamiento ritual de animales. Una mirada extraandina de la herranza". In: Lucila Bugallo; Penelope Dransart and Francisco Pazzarelli (eds): Animales humanos, humanos animales. Relaciones y transformaciones en mundos indígenas sudamericanos. Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, pp. 213-242.

Activities at the College of Fellows: Member of the CoF Focus Groups 'Intercultural Studies' and 'Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie'

Contact: juan.riveraspam

About: Juan Rivera´s research examines cosmologies among indigenous groups of the Andes of South America, particularly Quechua-speaking people of central and Northern Peruvian highlands. Among his publications are "Non-Humans in Amerindian South America" (Berghahn Books, 2019), “Andean Musical Expressions. Ethnographic notes on materialities, ontologies and alterities” (In: The Andean World. Routledge. 2019), "Indigenous Life Projects and Extrativism" (co-edited with C. Ødegaard, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), "Warriors and Caimans surrounding the Andes: Recent approaches to indigenous peoples of the South American lowlands in contexts of violence and transformations" (Social Anthropology 25, 2017), "Recent methodological approaches in ethnographies of human and non-human Amerindian collectives" (Reviews in Anthropology 48, 2019), and "La vaquerita y su canto. Cantos rituales ganaderos en los Andes peruanos contemporáneos" (Ethnographica, 2016). He has also co-produced a video installation and a set of four films named "The Owners of the Land. Culture and the Spectre of Mining in the Andes" (Coalface, 2013).

Elena Robakiewicz

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Teach@Tübingen Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Department of Geoscience, host: Dr. Annett Junginger

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): 1 October 2023 to 31 March 2024

Research Project: Changing Hydroclimate across Africa

Research Areas: Limnology, Micropaleontology, Hydro/Geochemistry, Archaeology


  • Elena Robakiewicz, Andreas G. N. Bergner, Carolina Rosca, Simon Kübler, Veronika Schöttle, Jens Mingram, Martin Trauth, Annett Junginger, “35,000 Years of Moisture Availability and Productivity at Lake Nakuru, Kenya” Draft in Hand.

Contact: erobakiespam 

Activities at the College of Fellows:

About: I am a geologist trained in reconstructing past environments in Africa with an interest in how past climates have impacted past peoples. After completing my PhD in geosciences at the University of Connecticut and Tübingen Universität, I joined the Teach@Tübingen program to teach a course for Master’s students on Paleoenvironmental Proxies. I am now working on the HESCOR (Human and Earth System Coupled Research) at Universität zu Köln where I am working on building a database that brings together human and earth datasets.

Personal Website: /

Mykola Saltanov

Fellow Profile
Fellowship:  Intercultural Studies Fellowship 

Affiliation: College of Fellows - Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies; host: Dr Niels Weidtmann

Stay in Tübingen: March – November 2023

Research Project: „Der interkulturelle Dialog und die Anerkennung vor den Herausforderungen der Globalisierung“

Research Areas: German classical and modern practical philosophy

Publications: A full list of publications can be found here.

Contact: mykola.saltanovspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Member of the CoF Focus Group “Intercultural Studies”, participation and organisation of workshops, work on a monograph and in the library, attending lectures and seminars, writing and publishing articles
Dr. Mykola Saltanov graduated with honors from the Faculty of Philosophy (2010), postgraduate studies (2013) of  V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. In 2014, at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, defended his doctoral  thesis, called  "The problem of recognition in German classical and modern practical philosophy" (specialty - History of Philosophy). Participated in international scientific conferences and summer schools in Germany, Austria, Spain, Armenia, Moldova, China, etc.
From November 2014 to February 2015, as a scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), conducted research at the Goethe University (Institute of Philosophy) in Frankfurt am Main. In March 2015, as a scholarship holder of the Austrian Academic Exchange Service (OeAD), conducted research at the University of Vienna (Faculty of Philosophy). In 2018 took part in summer school training at the University of Ingolstadt-Eichstadt (Bavaria, Germany). In 2022, he conducted research in the field of bioethics at the University of Münster (Germany) at the Institute of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine.

Olusegun Samuel

Fellow Profile

Affiliation: Research Fellow at the Center for Intercultural Studies

Research Project: Building environmental justice and sustainability from within the African space

Research Areas: African Philosophy, Intercultural Philosophy, Environmental philosophy, Ethical and Epistemological theory, Philosophy of race, and justice towards the environment.

Publications: Recent Fellow publications are listed in our Mediathek

- Samuel, O.S (2023) “Ubuntu and the Problem of Belonging” Ethics, Policy, and Environment, available at 

- Samuel, O.S (2023) “Addressing fragmented human-nonhuman interactions through ubuntu ‘mixed’ ethics,” The Philosophical Forum, 00, 1–23. 

- Samuel, O.S. and Fayemi, A.K. (2020) “A Critique of Thaddeus Metz’s Modal Relational Account of Moral Status" Theoria 67 (1): 28-43. DOI: doi/org/10.3167/th.2020.6716202.

- Samuel, O.S and A.K, Fayemi (2019) “Afro-communal Virtue Ethic as a Foundation for Environmental Sustainability in Africa and Beyond" South African Journal of Philosophy, 38 (1): 75-95.

- Fayemi, A.K. and Samuel, O.S (2014), “Africa versus the West on Reparation,” Peace Review, 26 (3): 380- 389.

Contact: olusegun-steven.samuelspam;

Activities at the College of Fellows: Member of Cof focus Group: ‘Intercultural Studies

About: I studied Philosophy at Bachelor, Master, and PhD levels. After my bachelor’s degree, I won a Faculty Prize, an award for the Best Graduating Student, Faculty of Arts, Lagos State University, Nigeria in 2011. I obtained my master’s degree (Distinction) from University of Lagos, Nigeria, in 2014. I received my PhD from University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia in 2021. My PhD dissertation addressed environmental concerns, focusing on issues of inter-and-intra-species fragmentation, displacement, and wellbeing. My research drew me to different intellectual spaces, including ecological ethics, notion of wellbeing, gender and ubuntu (in African philosophy), thereby helping to chart a new path for engaging environmental problems. My candidature was supported by an Australian Government University International Postgraduate Award (UIPA), a scholarship that covered both the fee component and a stipend. Over the course of my candidature, I also received other grants and awards, including the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Top-Up Scholarship, Arts & Social Sciences Higher Degree Research Equity Scholarship, and Higher Degree Research Career Development Grant in 2020. I was appointed as a tutor in Truth and Existence (ARTS 1360), for which I graded the quizzes, assignments, and examinations.

Project: Since graduation I have been awarded a Research Fellowship in Intercultural Studies by the Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen, Germany, where I am considering a different issue, that of decolonising indigenous epistemological and ethical values. I am focusing on how a decolonised lens could help address the issue of environmental injustice and sustainability in and beyond the African space. My project entitled “Building environmental justice and sustainability from within the African space” aims to show how the African ideas of ubuntu (between 1999-2021), and its philosophical values can help shape a more interlocking and participatory approach to environmental justice and sustainability. My project draws attention to the complex and pluralistic dimensions of socio-ecological problems. In order to enrich my work, I seek a robust advice in intercultural philosophy from Dr Niels Weidtmann (my host), and I am very grateful to collaborate with research fellows in intercultural studies gathering in his group.

Horácio Santa Vieira

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship 2022

Affiliation: Theoretical Astrophysics, Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Department of Physics

Research Project: Study of the interaction between gravitational fields and quantum systems

Research Areas: My field of study is Physical Sciences, in which my main research line is Gravitational Physics and Cosmology, in particular Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology, whose subfield of study is Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.

Publications: Recent Fellow publications are listed in our Mediathek

Contact: horacio.santana.vieiraspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture on Perturbations, Heun Functions and Quasispectrum in Black Holes Physics (10. November 2021)

About: Bachelor in Physics from the Federal University of Paraíba (Brazil, 2013), Master of Science in Physics and PhD in Physics from Federal University of Paraíba (Brazil, 2014-2018), in which I focused my studies on the interaction of quantum systems with gravitational fields, and on the quantum cosmology approaches used to find the wave function of the universe. I had a one-year term as Visiting PhD Student at Tufts University (United States, 2017-2018), in which I worked on the quantum fluctuations of the spacetime geometry and its signature in the gravitational waves. As a CNPq Postdoctoral Fellow at Federal University of Paraíba (Brazil, 2018-2019), I developed a new simply technique to find the scalar resonant frequencies of both acoustic and astrophysical black holes. As a CAPES Postdoctoral Fellow at University of São Paulo (Brazil, 2019-2020), I investigated the dynamical interpretation of the quantum relativistic cosmology. As a Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Tübingen (Germany, 2020-present), I have developed a new simply technique, which uses the polynomial condition of the Heun functions, to study the resonant frequencies related to the quasibound states.

Personal Website:

Hermílio Santos

Fellow Profile
Fellowship:  CAPES Lectureship programme in cooperation between CAPES (Brazilian Higher Education Agency) and the University of Tübingen

Affiliation: Interdisciplinary Center for Global South Studies (ICGSS); Hosts: Prof. DR. Sebastian Thies and Prof. Dr. Susanne Goumegou

Research Project: "Black Heiresses: Biographical Narratives of three generations of black women in the same family in three slave economy regions in Brazil"

Research Areas: Sociology, Biographical Research, Social Phenomenology, sociological documentary filmmaking

Publications: List of publications here.

Contact: hermiliospam

Activities at the College of Fellows:
I am Professor of Sociology at the School of Humanities (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). I am the head of CAES-PUCRS (Center for Economic and Social Analysis). From April to July 2023 I am the Visiting Professor of the CAPES  Chair (Brazilian Higher Education Agency) at the University of Tübingen.
Since 2018 I am the President of the Research Committee "Biography and Society" of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and a documentary filmmaker. So far I concluded 6 sociological documentary films, and right now I am working simultaneously in the production of 3 documentary films and 3 documentary series, among them "Black Heiresses", with 5 episodes. The first two episodes should be ready to screen by the end of next year.

Sofie Schiødt

Fellow Profile 

Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship
Affiliation: Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Host: Prof. Dr. Christian Leitz
Stay in Tübingen (from - until): October 2023 – October 2024
Research Project: "Drugs, Treatments, and Healers: The Practice of Medicine in Ancient Egypt"
Research Areas: Egyptology, philology, ancient Egyptian medicine and magic, history of science, social history
Publications: Recent Fellow publications are listed in our Mediathek
Contact: sofie.schiodtspam
Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture: "Medical Practice in Ancient Egypt: Who, What, and How?" (9. November 2022)
About: I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies, hosted by Prof. Dr. Christian Leitz. I obtained my PhD in 2021 from the University of Copenhagen with the dissertation Medical Science in Ancient Egypt: A Translation and Interpretation of Papyrus Louvre-Carlsberg (pLouvre E 32847 + pCarlsberg 917). The dissertation presented a preliminary text edition of a 6-meter-long papyrus—the second-longest medical text surviving from ancient Egypt—which I finalized for publication during a subsequent postdoc at the University of Copenhagen funded by the Carlsberg Foundation and Edubba Foundation. My main research interests lie in ancient Egyptian medicine and magic, science and technology, and social history. I am co-director of the international, interdisciplinary research project Scientific Papyri from Ancient Egypt in Cross-Cultural Perspective, which aims to advance the field of ancient science by publishing unedited textual sources and by facilitating advanced papyrological training of early career scholars. My background is primarily in philology, but I also have considerable archaeological and osteological training.

Masatake Shinohara
Oktober 2023

Fellow Profile

Research Areas: Contemporary Continental Philosophy, Environmental Humanities, Architecture, and Art

Publications: His publications include Kokyo Kukan no Seiji Riron [Political theory of public space] (Jimbun Shoin, 2007), Kukan no tame n i : Henzaika suru Suramuteki Shakai no Nakade [For spaces: In omnipresent slum-like world] (Ibunsha, 2011), Zen-Seikatsuron: Tenkeiki no Kokyo Kukan [All theories of living: public space in transformation] (Ibunsha, 2012), and Ikirareta Nyu Taun: Mirai Kukan no Tetsugaku [New town that would have survived: philosophy of future space] (Seidosha, 2015).

Activities at the College of Fellows: GIP Lecture "An Undecided Dimension of Depth: On the Question of the Place in the Thought of Kitaro Nishida"

Stay in Tübingen: 31. Oktober bis 3. November 2023

About: Masatake Shinohara was born in 1975 in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. After graduating from the Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University, he went on studying at the Graduate School of Human and Environment Studies of the same university for a doctoral program. He currently serves as a specially appointed associate professor at Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University. His publications include Kokyo Kukan no Seiji Riron [Political theory of public space] (Jimbun Shoin, 2007), Kukan no tame n i : Henzaika suru Suramuteki Shakai no Nakade [For spaces: In omnipresent slum-like world] (Ibunsha, 2011), Zen-Seikatsuron: Tenkeiki no Kokyo Kukan [All theories of living: public space in transformation] (Ibunsha, 2012), and Ikirareta Nyu Taun: Mirai Kukan no Tetsugaku [New town that would have survived: philosophy of future space] (Seidosha, 2015). In 2016, he participated in Venice biennale as a vice-curator of Japan pavilion. He contributed to formulate the main conception of “En”, and to become a mediator through which plural architects communicate and share the idea. 

Georg Stenger

Fellow Profile

Affiliation: Intercultural Fellow am College of Fellows - Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies 2008Universität Wien.

Francesco Valletta
Ältere Urgeschichte und Quartärökologie

Fellowship: Teach@Tübingen
Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, host: Prof. Nicholas Conard
Stay in Tübingen (from - until): 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024
Research Project: 3D-Morphometric analysis of Aurignacian burin-cores form Hohle Fels cave
Research Areas: Prehistory


  1. Centi, L, Valletta, F, Zaidner, Y. 2023. To err is human: Knapping expertise and technological variability at Nesher Ramla Upper Sequence (Israel), Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 30: 103-126. DOI:
  2. Grosman, L, Muller, A, Dag, I, Goldgeier, H, Harush, O, Herzlinger, G, Nebenhaus, K, Valletta, F, Yashuv, T and Dick, N. 2022. Artifact3-D: New software for accurate, objective and efficient 3D analysis and documentation of archaeological artifacts, Biehl, P.F. (ed.) PLoS ONE, 17(6): e0268401. DOI:
  3. Valletta, F, Dag, I and Grosman, L. 2021. Identifying Local Learning Communities During the Terminal Palaeolithic in the Southern Levant: Multi-scale 3-D Analysis of Flint Cores, Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, 4(1): 145. DOI:
  4. Valletta, F and Grosman, L. 2021. Local Technological Traditions in the Early and Middle Epipaleolithic of Ein Gev Area, Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 4(2): 10. DOI:
  5. Pedergnana, A, Cristiani, E, Munro, N, Valletta, F and Sharon, G. 2021. Early line and hook fishing at the Epipaleolithic site of Jordan River Dureijat (Northern Israel), PLoS ONE, 16(10): e0257710. DOI: doi.org
  6. Valletta, F, Smilansky, U, Goring-Morris, A N and Grosman, L. 2020. On measuring the mean edge angle of lithic tools based on 3-D models – a case study from the southern Levantine Epipalaeolithic, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 12(2): 49. DOI:
  7. Sharon, G, Grosman, L, Allué, E, Barash, A, Bar-Yosef Mayer, D E, Biton, R, Bunin, E J, Langgut, D, Melamed, Y, Mischke, S, Valletta, F and Munro, N D. 2020. Jordan River Dureijat: 10,000 Years of Intermittent Epipaleolithic Activity on the Shore of Paleolake Hula, PaleoAnthropology, 2020: 34–64. DOI:
  8. Grosman, L, Shaham, D, Valletta, F, Abadi, I, Goldgeier, H, Klein, N, Dubreuil, L and Munro, N D. 2017. A human face carved on a pebble from the Late Natufian site of Nahal Ein Gev II, Antiquity, 91(358): e2. DOI:
  9. Valletta, F, Fontana, F, Bertola, S and Guerreschi, A. 2016. The Mesolithic lithic assemblage of site VF1-sector III of Mondeval de Sora (Belluno, Italy). Economy, technology and typology, Preistoria Alpina, 48: 73–81
  10. Berto, C, Luzi, E, Guerreschi, A, Fontana, F and Valletta, F. 2016. Small mammals from Mondeval de Sora (San Vito di Cadore, Belluno): paleoenvironmental differences between early and late Holocene, Preistoria Alpina, 48: 69–7
  11. Fontana, F, Thun Hohenstein, U, Bertola, S, Guerreschi, A, Petrucci, G, Ziggiotti, S, Rinaldi, G, Turrini, M C and Valletta, F. 2012. The Early Mesolithic Occupation of Mondeval De Sora (Belluno, Dolomites): a residential site or a hunting camp?, Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale, 85(1): 80–84. DOI:
Contact: francesco.vallettaspam
Activities at the College of Fellows: T@T Fellow Workshop 10 April 2024 - 'Is it a tool: a 3D-morphometrical approach to Aurignacian burin-cores'


I obtained my BA and MA degrees in Prehistoric Archaeology at Ferrara University (ITALY) with theses focusing on the lithic assemblages of the high-elevation Mesolithic site of Mondeval de Sora.
In 2021 I got my PhD in Archaeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (ISRAEL), conducting my doctora project at the Computational Archaeology Laboratory, the Institute of Archaeology. My dissertation focused on the development of a series of 3D-based digital tools for quantitatively analyzing lithic artifacts and their application for tracking the transmission of specific cultural traits during the Epipalaeolithic of the Southern Levant.
Subsequently I participated in research projects focusing on different prehistoric contexts in Europe and the Levant, in which I further developed the set of tools that I introduced during my PhD project and applied them to a wide array of different research questions.
I'm currently teaching and conducting my research at the Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, where I have the opportunity of studying the artifact from the Hohle Fels cave, a key-site for investigating (among other topics) the earliest population of anatomically and behaviorally modern humans in Europe.

Personal Website: /
Fellow Profile

Ritu Vij
Soziale Theorie
Mai 2023

Fellow Profile 

Research Areas: Social theory; International Political Economy; Social Policy and Civil Society; Affect and Political Subjectivity.

Publications: Precarity and International Relations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020); Hegelian Encounters: Subjects to International Relations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014); Globalization and Welfare: A Critical Reader (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007); Japanese Modernity and Welfare: State, Civil Society and Self in Contemporary Japan (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007).

Activities at the College of Fellows: Global Encounters Lecture "De-Pathologizing Precarity" (4. Mai 2023)

Stay in Tübingen: Mai 2023

About: Ritu Vij joined the Department of Politics and International Relations in 2006, after completing a two-year fellowship at Keio Univerity (Tokyo) as the recipient of a Fellowship awarded jointly by the Social Science Research Council (USA) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Her doctoral degree is from the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS), at the University of Denver, USA. She has been affiliated with several universities in Japan including, Kobe, Meiji Gakuin, Meiji, Ritsumeikan and Tokyo Universities. In the UK, her research has been funded by the British Academy, the Carnegie Trust of Scotland, the British International Studies Association and the University of Aberdeen.

Havva Sinem Uğurlu
Global Encounters

Fellowship: Global Encounters Fellowship
Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Faculty of Protestant Theology, host: Prof. Dr. Birgit Weyel
Stay in Tübingen (from - until): November 2023 – October 2024
Research Project: The Source of Knowledge in Practical Theology (in terms of Christian and Islamic Perspective)
Research Areas: Philosophy of religious education, pedagogy, and didactics of formal and non-formal Islamic religious education 


  1. Uğurlu H.S. (2021). Specialization Training in Higher Religious Education: A Perspective Focused Consideration Through Examples of Religious Counseling Education from Different Countries, İslami Araştırmalar Dergisi (Islamic Researches Journal) 32(2), 387-409.
  2. Uğurlu H.S. & Çalal A. (2019).  Opinions of The Divinity Faculty Students on Religious Knowledge: A Case Study of Ankara University Divinity Faculty.  Dini Araştırmalar (Religious Researches Journal) 22(56), 327-352., Doi:
  3. Uğurlu, H.S. (2024). “Religious Knowledge in Preaching Between Institutionalism and Individuality: The Turkish Experience”. in Rationalities of Preaching Contemporary Practices of Religious Speech. Ed. Weyel, B.; Kretzschmar, G.; Stetter, M., De Gruyter in press
  4. Ege, R. & Uğurlu, H.S.  (2022). “The Social Work Function of the Mosque in Intercultural Settings and Being a Bridge of Religious Officials”, in Moschee 2.0 - Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Zukunftsperspektiven, Ed. Behr H.H.; Karakoç, B., Waxmann;
  5. Uğurlu, H.S. &Tosun, C. (2021). “Listening to the Needs of Immigrants: A Qualitative Research in Turkey”, in Care, Healing and Human Well-Being within the Interreligious Discourse, Weis, H.; Lootens, D. Breadvick, L., SIPCC.
  6. Tosun, C & Uğurlu, H.S. (2018). “Islamic Pastoral Care and Counseling with Migrants in Turkey”. in Where are we? Pastoral Environments and Care for Migrants. Ed: Schipani, D., Walton, M., Lootens, D., SIPCC.
Contact: sugurluspam
Activities at the College of Fellows: T@T Fellow Workshop 10 April 2024 - 'Is it a tool: a 3D-morphometrical approach to Aurignacian burin-cores'


Havva Sinem Uğurlu holds a PhD in Religious Education from Ankara University in Türkiye. She has been working in Ankara University Divinity Faculty, Department of Religious Education as an Assistant Professor for two years. Between 2011 and 2022 she also worked as a research assistant at this department. During the 2021-2022 academic year, she conducted/started her postdoctoral research under Teach@Tübingen Fellowship at the University of Tübingen. While she was conducting her project, she also taught lectures at the Center of Islamic Theology of the University of Tübingen. She specializes in the field of higher religious education, pedagogy, and didactics of formal and non-formal Islamic religious education. Currently, Dr. Uğurlu continues the second part of her postdoctoral project as a Global Encounters Platform fellow at the Tübingen University Faculty of Protestant Theology.

Personal Website:
Fellow Profile

Eduardo Viveiros de Castro
September 2023

Fellow Profile 

Research Areas: Anthropology, Perspectivism, Multinaturalism

Activities at the College of Fellows: Masterclass "Anthropology of Perspectivism"; Public Lecture "Indigenous Multinaturalism from a Cosmopolitical Point of View"

Stay in Tübingen: September 2023

About: Eduardo Viveiros de Castro is an internationally renowned Brazilian anthropologist whose work focuses on the ethnography of indigenous peoples of the Amazon and on the development of a decolonial anthropology through concepts such as "controlled equivocation", "perspectivism" and "multinaturalism". He has published numerous books and articles at the forefront of Americanist ethnology, among them: "From the Enemy’s Point of View: Humanity and Divinity in an Amazonian Society" (1992); "Cosmological Deixis and Amerindian Perspectivism" (1998); "Exchanging Perspectives: The Transformation of Objects into Subjects in Amerindian Ontologies" (2004); "Perspectival Anthropology and the Method of Controlled Equivocation" (2004); "The Inconstancy of the Indian Soul: The Encounter of Catholics and Cannibals in Sixteenth-century Brazil" (2011); "Cosmological Perspectivism in Amazonia and Elsewhere" (2012); and "The Ends of the World" (with philosopher Déborah Danowski, 2016). 
Viveiros de Castro is Professor of Anthropology at the National Museum of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He has previously taught at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, the University of Chicago, and at the University of Cambridge. 

Janet Ward
Moderne deutsche und jüdische Kultur
April 2023

Fellow Profile 

Research Areas: Modern German and Jewish cultural and intellectual history; Holocaust studies; modernism and visual culture; urban and architectural history; border studies; human rights and migration; memory studies; Weimar Germany, Nazism, World War II, and Cold War Europe.

Publications: Author of over 35 peer-reviewed articles and essays; and author/coeditor of eight books: Sites of Holocaust Memory (forthcoming); Fascism in America: Past and Present (forthcoming); Transnationalism and the German City (2014); Walls, Borders, Boundaries: Spatial and Cultural Practices in Europe (2012); Post-Wall Berlin: Borders, Space and Identity (2011); Weimar Surfaces: Urban Visual Culture in 1920s Germany (2001); German Studies in the Post-Holocaust Age: The Politics of Memory, Identity, and Ethnicity (2000); and Agonistics: Arenas of Creative Contest (1997). Editor of a special issue on “Confronting Hatred: Neo-Nazism, Antisemitism, and Holocaust Studies Today” for The Journal of Holocaust Research (2021); and coeditor of a special issue (“Terror, Trauma, Memory”) on the Oklahoma City bombing for the journal Social Science Quarterly (2016).

Activities at the College of Fellows: American Council on Education Fellows visit. Roundtable participant, Podiumsdiskussion Leadership in Higher Education: A Transatlantic Dialogue (27. April 2023), hosted by the German American Institute (DAI) and College of Fellows.

Stay in Tübingen: April 2023

About: Janet Ward, Brammer Presidential Professor of History and Faculty Fellow for Strategic Initiatives (DFCAS) at the University of Oklahoma, is an American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow with Yale University, working on global engagement and affiliated with Yale’s Office of International Affairs. She is a member of the American Council of Learned Societies’ Leadership Institute for a New Academy (LINA) funded by the Mellon Foundation. Prof. Dr. Ward recently served as the University of Oklahoma’s inaugural Faculty Director of the Arts and Humanities Forum, and as Senior Associate Vice President for Research and Partnerships. She has received awards from the ACLS, DAAD, Fulbright, Getty Research Institute, NEH, Summer Institute for Israel Studies, and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Her professional service includes the immediate past Presidency of the German Studies Association (2021 and 2022) which has members from over 40 countries. Prof. Dr. Ward received her Ph.D. from the University of Virginia, her M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, and her B.A. (First Class Combined Hons.) from the University of London. As an undergraduate Janet spent a transformative year abroad as a DAAD-Stipendiatin at the University of Tübingen, and she is always delighted to return to Swabia. 

Daniel Weiss
Protestantische Theologie

Fellowship: Humboldt research Fellowship

Affiliation: Faculty of Protestant Theology

Stay in Tübingen: August - November 2022; May - July 2023

Research Project: 'Jesus-followers and Non-minim in Tannaitic Literature'

Research Areas: Jewish Studies, Inter-religious Relations, Philosophy of Religion

- Modern Jewish Philosophy and the Politics of Divine Violence (forthcoming 2023, Cambridge University Press);

- Tsimtsum and Modernity: Lurianic Heritage in Modern Philosophy and Theology (co-edited, 2021, De Gruyter);

- Scripture and Violence (co-edited, 2020, Routledge);

- Interpreting Interreligious Relations with Wittgenstein: Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies (co-edited, 2019, Brill);

- Purity and Danger Now: New Perspectives (co-edited, 2016, Routledge);

- Paradox and the Prophets: Hermann Cohen and the Indirect Communication of Religion (Oxford University Press, 2012).  

A full list of publications can be found here.

Contact: dhw27spam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture "Revisiting Early Jewish-Christian Relations" (9 November 2022)

About: Daniel H. Weiss is Polonsky-Coexist Senior Lecturer in Jewish Studies, Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge. He is author of Paradox and the Prophets: Hermann Cohen and the Indirect Communication of Religion (2012) and Modern Jewish Philosophy and the Politics of Divine Violence (forthcoming 2023), among other publications, and co-editor of multiple books, including Scripture and Violence (2020). Actively involved in the Cambridge Interfaith Programme, he is a recent recipient of a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers.

Personal Websites:

Hora Zabarjadi Sar

Fellow Profile

Affiliation: Intercultural Fellow am College of Fellows - Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies 2020/21

Research Project: To Which Home Do We Belong? Phenomenology of Interculturality and the Problematic of 'Belonging'

Research Areas: Western Philosophy, Phenomenology

Publications: Recent Fellow publications are listed in our Mediathek


Activities at the College of Fellows: Member of the CoF Focus Groups 'Belonging' and 'Intercultural Studies'; Section Moderation at GIP Annual Conference 2021

About Hora: Dr. Hora Zabarjadi Sar completed her PhD at the University of Queensland in Australia in 2020 with the thesis "The Other at the Threshold: A Husserlian Analysis of Ethics and Violence in the Home/AlienEncounter." In her current research project, "To Which Home do We Belong? Phenomenology of Interculturality and the Problematic of 'Belonging'" she works from a phenomenological perspective in engagement with postcolonial theory on the 'culturally other'.

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