International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Dr. Simon Meisch

Ethics and Education

Dr. Simon Meisch works at the department »Ethics and Education« and is responsible for coordinating the interdisciplinary ethics teaching at the IZEW. He studied political science and modern German liter­a­ture at the Universities of Tübingen and Edinburgh (Scot­land) and wrote his doctorate in political science. After graduating, he worked at the IZEW, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS, Potsdam) and the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (Universitetet i Bergen, Norway) on ethical and epistemological research questions.

Areas of Expertise

  • Approaches and methods of Application-oriented Ethics

  • Concepts and conceptions of sustainable development

  • Didactics of ethics, education for sustainable development, peace education

  • Post-normal Science

  • The role of the humanities in the discourse on sustainable development; environmental humanities

  • Water ethics, ethics in water research and water governance

  • Conceptions of water security; fair water security


March 2021-February 2022 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow am Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities der Universität Bergen
Since 2020

IZEW, Department “Ethics and Education”


Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Potsdam


IZEW, Head of Junior Research Group “Ethics of Science in the Research for Sustainable Development”


PhD in Political Science, University of Tuebingen

Winter term 2010/2011

IZEW: Scientific Coordinator (Stand-In for Thomas Potthast)


IZEW, Project “Value Isobars. The Landscape and Isobars of European Values in Relation to Science and New Technology”


IZEW, Project: “Verantwortung wahrnehmen”


IZEW, Managing Office


State Postgraduate Scholarship Programme, Baden-Württemberg


IZEW, Project: “State-wide Academic Supplementary Programme for the Introduction of the EPG”


DAAD annual scholarship, University of Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)


Study of Political Science and Modern German Literature at the University of Tuebingen


Publications (selection)

A) Monography

  • Meisch, S. (2014): Devolution in Schottland. Institutionelle Entwicklung zwischen Pfadabhängigkeit und graduellem Wandel (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 274 S.

B) Editorship

  • Meisch, S., Brand, C., Müller, U. (eds., 2022): Ethik in Serie – Staffel 2 (Tübingen: Tübingen Library Publishing), 220 pp.

  • Bossert, L., Voget-Kleschin, L., Meisch, S. (eds., 2020): Damit gutes Leben mit der Natur einfacher wird. Suffizienzpolitik für Naturbewahrung (Marburg: Metropolis), 280 pp.

  • Meisch, S., Jäger, U.; Nielebock, T. (eds., 2018): Erziehung zur Friedensliebe. Annäherungen an ein Ziel aus der Landesverfassung Baden-Württemberg (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 330 pp.

  • Meisch, S., Hofer-Krucker Valderrama, S. (eds., 2018): Extremwetter. Konstellationen des Klimawandels in der Literatur der frühen Neuzeit (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 160 pp.

  • Nielebock, T., Meisch, S., Harms, V. (eds., 2012): Zivilklauseln in Forschung, Lehre und Studium. Hochschulen zum Frieden verpflichtet (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 344 pp.

C) Publikations with peer review

D) Publikations without Peer-Review

Current Teachings

Summer Term 2024:
  • »Applied Ethics in Public Policy«. Course. University of Tuebingen, Institute of Political Science.
  • »Bees, Sustainability and Society«. Course. Universität Tübingen, Tübingen International & European Studies (T-IES) Summer School.
  • »Alter(n) in Ethik, Kunst und Wissenschaft« (Team Teaching: Dr. Uta Müller). Course. University of Tuebingen, Education Science Studies.
  • »Auftrag zur Friedensliebe: Herausforderungen für Universitäten und Schulen« (Team teaching: Dr. Julia Hagen, Landeszentrale für politische Bildung). Course. University of Tuebingen, Education Science Studies.
  • »Bienen und die ökologischen Krisen« (Team teaching: Marco Elischer). Course. University of Tuebingen, Education Science Studies.
  • »Nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Kulturlandschaft erfahren« (Team Teaching: Carina Betz). Course. University of Tuebingen, TRACS: Studium Oecologicum.