Special Interest Group: Critical Thinking and Beyond - Normative Issues in Teacher Education
The continued existence of liberal and progressive forms of society and their reputation can no longer be taken for granted. This is one of the reasons why discussions are needed about the plurality, validity, justification and acceptance of values and norms. In our Special Interest Group, we want to bring to the foreground evaluative and normative, i.e. ultimately ethical questions of teacher education, which are often neglected in academic discourse. The SIG thus wants to investigate the question of how philosophical-ethical reflection can be developed and justified in the context of the recognition of values and norms.
The research group will facilitate debates with various actors in teacher training, make hidden issues and conflicts transparent and enter into a constructive exchange with colleagues in teacher training, also internationally. We are planning a workshop entitled "Quellen des Sinns - Fragen von Religiosität, Spiritualität und Ethik in Bildung und Unterricht" (05-06 October 2022).
- Dr. Uta Müller (Spokeswoman of SIG)
- Dr. Simon Meisch
funded by
cooperations at the University of Tübingen:
- Dr. Dominik Balg (Department of Philosophy)
- PD Dr. Dr. Martin Harant (Institute of Education)
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Küchler (Institute of English Languages and Literatures)
- Dr. Simon Meisch (IZEW, Ethics and Education)
- Dr. Uta Müller (IZEW, Ethics and Education)
- Dr. Wolfgang Polleichtner (Latin Didactics)
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Potthast (Ethics, Theory und History of the Life Sciences, spokesperson of the IZEW)
- PD Dr. Gabi Schlag (Institute of Political Science)