Dr. Michael Haylock

On June 01, 2022, Dr. Michael Haylock successfully completed his dissertation at the Chair of Managerial Accounting on the topic "Incentives, Sorting, and Prosocial Behavior in Organizations". His dissertation project was evaluated by Prof. Dr. Patrick Kampkötter (first examiner) and Prof. Dr. Valeria Merlo (second examiner). The dissertation committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Martin Biewen. After the PhD Dissertation Defense, a small celebration took place outside in the most beautiful weather.

Dr. Patrick Maier

On March 22, 2022, Dr. Patrick Maier successfully completed his dissertation at the Chair of Managerial Accounting on the topic "Performance Management, Broadband Technology, and Restructuring - Econometric Analyses using Linked-Employer-Employee Data". His dissertation project was evaluated by Prof. Dr. Patrick Kampkötter (first examiner) and Prof. Dr. Jan Riepe (second examiner). The dissertation committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Martin Ruf. After the PhD Dissertation Defense, a small reception took place in a festive atmosphere (in compliance with the Corona regulations). Unfortunately, first examiner Prof. Kampkötter had to join via Zoom.


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