Statistics, Econometrics and Quantitative Methods

S312/S322 Bachelor Thesis in Empirical Economics (BSc)


Prof. Dr. Martin Biewen
Prof. Dr. Joachim Grammig
Dr. Julie Schnaitmann

Jacqueline Gut
Alexander Reining

Henri Pfleiderer

Simon Zeller

Profiles:   B.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration
B.Sc. in International Economics
B.Sc. in International Business Administration

Applied Econometrics (or similar)

Language:   English (German possible)
Time and Place:   See timeline below
Exam:   1) Presentation of draft (20 min)
2) Bachelor thesis (20 pages)
3) Presentation of bachelor thesis (20 min)
Credits:   12 ECTS


until 13.10.2024, 11:55pmUpload transcript of records to the Ilias folder and fill out the survey 
until 18.10.2024Assignment to supervising chairvia email
until 25.10.2024Discussion of the chosen topic with assigned supervisor 
01.11.2024Start of working time 
06.12.2024Interim presentation and feedback 

until 10.01.2025, 11:55am



Deadline for submission of bachelor thesis (printed copy to office, pdf to supervisor) 
17.01.2025Presentation of final thesis
(mandatory participation in whole day seminar)
time and format tba

General information

Formal guidelines

Plagiarism and academic fraud

It is strictly forbidden to: i) copy/paste text from existing publications outside a regular quote, ii) copy essential thoughts or structures from existing work without acknowledging their sources, iii) use substantial external help in carrying out research or writing without acknowledging this, iv) produce fake research results. Any violations of these rules may lead to exmatriculation. Academic fraud may also destroy your career if discovered later in your life. We will use software to detect potential academic misconduct.

Use of generative AI-tools

You are allowed (and expected) to use generative AI-tools. The following rules apply when using generative AI-tools: i) It is your responsibility to fully check the validity of any output generated by AI-tools. ii) It is your responsibility to include references to the sources of knowledge used in generative AI-output, even if these sources are not named in the output. iii) Rules on plagiarism still apply. It is your responsibility to check whether the AI-generated output contains copied text. Reformulate if in doubt. iv) Given that the use of AI-tools saves time on low-level tasks, we expect you to substantially add to your work by spending more time on high-level tasks.




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