
Letter of Recommendation

If you would like us to write you a letter of recommendation please download and open the following application form with Adobe Reader. If you have completed the application form, please send your request via e-mail to economicsspam

Your e-mail should include the application form as well as:

  • An up-to-date transcript
  • A copy of your CV
  • An official statement of your grade point average (GPA) as well as a ranking provided by the examination office
  • A letter of motivation (for scholarship applications only)
  • A reference form (if any exists) with personal data already filled in


  • Incomplete applications will be returned or ignored!
  • The edition of a letter of recommendation may require some time, therefore please apply for it at least four weeks in advance of the respective deadline for your application(s)
  • If you need letters of recommendation for more than one institution, please make sure that you apply for them at the same time (separate applications for letters of recommendation may be ignored).

If you need the standardized "Letter of Recommendation" for the International Office (Dezernat für Internationale Angelegenheiten) for a semester or year abroad, please join this ILIAS module and follow the instructions there!

Credit accreditation from abroad

Credit accreditation from abroad is centrally organized for all courses related to the field of economics.

For further information please go to the teaching webpage for economics and join the Ilias group for credit accreditation from abroad that is linked at  "Important Links ⇒ Services".

If you have further questions, please contact Christian Manger.


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