
Ausschreibung im Bereich Chemie


Interdisciplinary Projects under the Reinhart Koselleck Programme

Deadline: 15. Oktober 2024

Interdisciplinary research is often particularly challenging and requires special efforts at newly emerging interfaces. In order to create an additional opportunity for interdisciplinary research and to make the achievements of scientists who conduct research at scientific boundaries more visible, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) launches an open call under the Reinhart Koselleck programme. The aim is to enable outstanding researchers with a proven scientific track record to pursue exceptionally interdisciplinary and innovative projects. 

Research proposals from all scientific disciplines dedicated to all research topics can be submitted that pursue an interdisciplinary approach. Proposals should meet the criteria of the Reinhart Koselleck programme described in the guidelines (DFG form 1.18). The most relevant requirements for proposals are a high degree of innovation and a high risk due to the interdisciplinary orientation of the research project. These aspects are central funding criteria in the review process and are going to be carefully considered. Applicants are thus asked to highlight the interdisciplinary nature of the proposed research as well as the related risks and their mitigation. 

Beside single applicant proposals, tandem proposals from two applicants are invited. The innovative and interdisciplinary character of the combination of the applicants’ expertise and their cooperation is accordingly a highly relevant criteria in the review process.

In accordance with the Reinhart Koselleck programme, the aim is to enable outstanding researchers with a proven outstanding scientific track record and a great scientific potential to pursue exceptionally innovative or interdisciplinary projects with a higher risk. 

The DFG strongly welcomes proposals from researchers of all genders and sexual identities, from different ethnic, cultural, religious, ideological or social backgrounds, from different career stages, types of universities and research institutions, and with disabilities or chronic illness. With regard to their underrepresentation in the Reinhart Koselleck programme, the DFG encourages female researchers in particular to submit proposals. 

Proposals must be written in English and submitted to the DFG by 15 October 2024. 

Further Information

Contact persons at the DFG Head Office:

General inquiries:
Kim Wind, phone +49 (228) 885-3296, kim.windspam prevention@dfg.de 

Scientific questions:
Dr.-Ing. Wieland Biedermann, Engineering Sciencesphone +49 228 885-2023, wieland.biedermannspam prevention@dfg.de 
Dr. Katja Hartig, Medicine, phone +49 228 885-2359, katja.hartigspam prevention@dfg.de 
Dr. Niklas Hebing, Humanities and Cultural Studies, phone +49 228 885-2949, niklas.hebingspam prevention@dfg.de 
Dr. Stefan Koch, Social and Behavioural Sciences, phone +49 228 885-2459, stefan.kochspam prevention@dfg.de 
Dr. Johanna Kowol-Santen, Physics and Chemistry, phone +49 228 885-2318, johanna.kowol-santenspam prevention@dfg.de 
Dr. Cosima Schuster, Engineering Sciences, phone +49 228 885-2271, cosima.schusterspam prevention@dfg.de 
