
Population-Based Medicine - Master

Key data on study program

Medizinische Fakultät

Academic Degree

Restricted admission
Ja, im 1. Fachsemester

Regular duration of studies
4 semester

Is a combination subject required?

Application deadline 1st semester

Application deadline for Germans and EU citizens 
Winter semester: 15.04

Application deadline for non-EU citizens
Winter semester: 15.04

Gilt für alle Bewerber/innen mit deutscher oder EU-Hochschulzugangsberechtigung.

Program start
Winter semester

Language of instruction

Tuition and other fees

Apply now

Requirements and application

20 study places are available each year and will be awarded according to the applicant’s qualifications as well as their performance in a selection interview. From 2025 on, the program only starts in the winter semester and the application deadline is 15th April. There will be no intake in the summer semester 2025! To be admitted to the Master’s program, applicants must have completed a Bachelor’s Degree.

The selection process consists of two stages, a pre-selection and a selection interview.

1.    Pre-selection
A ranking list will be created based on the scores based on the final or provisional grades of the applicant’s first degree. Applicants with the highest scores will be invited to an online selection interview.

2.    Selection interview
The selection interview will focus on professional knowledge, aptitude, and motivation, as well as communication and analytical skills. English language skills and competencies in the areas of methods and statistics will also be part of the interview. The added scores from the pre-selection and selection interview will determine which applicants are admitted to the program.

The legally binding description of the selection process is set down in the “Auswahlsatzung" and the "Änderungssatzung zur Auswahlsatzung" (selection statutes and statutes concerning the change of selection statutes). The German version as well as an English translation can be found in the section "Program details", but note that only the German version is legally binding.

Application and admission take place via the central administration office of the university.

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Application requirements

  1. A completed Bachelor's Degree of at least six semesters in health sciences or an equivalent degree in a related field of study with a grade of 2.5 or better (German grading system)
  2. English language skills at B2 level CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

“Hochschulzugangsberechtigung” – school leaving certificate
Please note that for enrolling in the program you will also need your school leaving certificate or "Hochschulzugangsberechtigung" (HZB), i.e. your secondary school certificate.

Certificate of the Academic Evaluation Center (APS - Akademische Prüfstelle)

If you have obtained your university entrance qualification in China (except Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao), India, or Vietnam, you must submit a certificate from the respective Academic Evaluation Center with your application (APS – Akademische Prüfstelle). Also visit the FAQ for international students here

Important information for all documents
You can only hand in documents written in German or English. Documents in all other languages have to be accompanied by a translation into German or English by a sworn-in translator. Please always load up or present both - your original documents and their translations.

English language skills
English language skills at the B2 level must be verified by one of the following language certificates/proof of language:

  • TOEFL / TOEFL iBT / TOEFL Home edition with a score of at least 79, or an equivalent test as determined by TS/TOEFL with a corresponding score;
  • IELTS with at least level 6.5;
  • Cambridge University First Certificate in English (FCE), Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) with completed level B2 or higher;
  • a recognized university entrance qualification obtained in English and in a country whose official language is English;
  • "IB Diploma" according to the regulations of the "International Baccalaureate Organization", with English as the language of instruction;
  • a German “Hochschulzugangsberechtigung” with English as the subject of instruction from at least grade 8 up to the final class with a final grade of at least "good", if B2 is not already shown on the HZB;
  • a recognized university degree of at least two years' duration taken entirely in English.

First degrees
Subjects that could be considered as comparable to Health Sciences might be: Public Health, Epidemiology, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition, Pharmacy, Health Economics, Health Policy, Biostatistics, Psychology, Sports, Sociology, Cognitive Sciences. Make sure to include a Transcript of Records or similar documents which describe the contents of your Bachelor’s Degree in order to allow for assessment of the comparability of the field/subject. A final decision can only be made based on your complete application.

Statutes and regulations
The legally binding description of the application requirements are set down in the “Auswahlsatzung” and the “Studien- und Prüfungsordnung – Besonderer Teil” as well as the "Masterrahmenprüfungsordnung". You can find these documents together with their English translations on this page under "Program details/Exam regulations". See also the selection statute for the University of Tübingen. Note that only the German versions of all statutes are legally binding.

Advising and counseling
Additional information on the application process can be found here and here. Consulting on general application and admission topics can be provided by the Studierendensekretariat and by the Office for the Advising and Admission of International Students. Please set the language to English if needed on the linked webpages.

Measles vaccination protection
Please note that students of the Faculty of Medicine are required to prove sufficient vaccination protection against measles according to § 20 section 8-14 Infektionsschutzgesetz (Infection Protection Act). Students who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons must prove this with a medical certificate.


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The Population-Based Medicine program is conducted entirely in English. You will need to have knowledge of the English language at the B2 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and prove this when applying for a study place (see application requirements). Beyond that, there are no further language requirements in this program. You will not need German in the program itself. In Germany, however, the everyday language for shopping, in restaurants and on the street is German. We highly recommend you learn some German when you study here. You also might need German in case you would like to complete your practicum in a German organization where the main language is German.


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Program details

Population health sciences is the study of the conditions that shape distributions of health within and across populations, and of the mechanisms through which these conditions manifest in the health of individuals. Population health takes a broad, interdisciplinary approach and includes health outcomes as well as patterns of health determinants. Population-based medicine can be defined as population health science with a focus on medical conditions and patient populations, and refers to all aspects of community medical care, from primary prevention to tertiary care. Population-based medicine often works with big datasets and epidemiological and statistical methods to identify patterns in the diseases and health of large populations. Population-based medicine can be considered as the basic science of public health, much as biomedical research is the basic science of clinical medicine.

The Master’s Program Population-Based Medicine in Tübingen offers a challenging program at a competitive international level for which high individual effort and performance are required. We strive to prepare students to respond to both challenges and opportunities to improve health within and across populations. Our goal is to train future population health experts with outstanding methodological knowledge and interdisciplinary expertise to address the full range of factors influencing health and disease. This includes the designing, implementation and evaluation of intervention programs for health problems (e.g., lifestyle modification strategies and stress management), the development of prevention strategies at the population level (e.g., for diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and cancer), explaining the epidemiology of common diseases in the local, national, and global context, as well as the development of policy recommendations, health education and outreach at community and population level (e.g., digital health technologies).


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The Master's program in Population-Based Medicine is a consecutive, research-oriented pro-gram, which leads to a Master of Science (M. Sc.) degree. The program is offered by the Faculty of Medicine and Institute of Health Sciences. The number of students is limited to 20; therefore, seminars and small group work are possible in all modules. The program is characterized by the following crucial features:

  1. Interdisciplinary & interprofessional. We follow a comprehensive approach including behavioral, biological, social and mental factors of health and illness. You will study, learn and work in interprofessional groups.
  2. Research-oriented. We strongly focus on empirical and synthesis methods in population health research. Based on a combination of a rigorous research-oriented education and its application to real-world problems, students will be well equipped for a career in science, research, economy, policy, or industry.
  3. Mentorship. You will receive support and advice throughout the program by your individual mentor with whom you will be paired at the beginning of the program. They will guide your personal and professional development throughout your studies and provide support for the successful completion of the program and the practicum in the third semester in particular.
  4. Practicum/internship. In the third semester students will complete a 14-week full-time practicum/internship in a private or public organization (e.g., local planning and government offices, hospitals, NGOs) in Germany or abroad. In this practicum/internship students will apply their theoretical knowledge from the classroom to a real-world setting of their choice.


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The program lasts four semesters and comprises a total of 120 ECTS. The curriculum is divided into four parts: the first part focuses on methodological and analytical training including statistics, epidemiology, behavioral medicine, and research methods in population medicine, but also emphasizes methods employed in the social sciences (30 ETCS). The second part focuses on advanced research methods, behavioral factors, leadership skills, and public health related topics (30 ETCS). The mandatory 14 weeks practicum/internship in the third semester will allow students to apply what they have learned in the classroom. They will develop skills as a population health practitioner or researcher. Practicums can be completed nationally or internationally; an international practicum is strongly encouraged. The program will culminate in a Master’s thesis (30 ECTS) in the fourth semester, demonstrating evidence of original investigation and mastery of competencies of the program.

Please consult the module handbook for an extensive description of the program and its modules.


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The practicum/interhsip in the third semester is a well-suited opportunity to spend a semester abroad. Students can complete their practicum in an organization and country of their choice. Planning of the practicum should start early, students will be informed about all the necessary steps already in the first semester in a kick-off-meeting.


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Freiwilliger Auslandsaufenthalt
In jedem Studiengang ist ein freiwilliger Auslandsaufenthalt möglich. Mit der Planung sollte ca. ein bis eineinhalb Jahre vor der Abreise begonnen werden. 
Weitere Informationen und Beratung zum Auslandsstudium finden Sie auf der fachübergreifenden Seite Wege ins Ausland. Zudem bieten einige Fächer auch eigene Informationen zu Auslandsaufenthalten an. 

Facts and figures:
4-semester full-time study 120 ECTS 20 study places 14 weeks practicum

The module handbook describes the goals and the structure of a degree program. In the module handbook you will find details of the types of modules offered and their respective workloads as well as the classes, requirements and assessment. An ideal course plan is set out in the module handbook to help you plan your studies. The module handbook and the exam regulations help you to understand the framework and conditions of your program.

Module handbook


The exam regulations contain the legally binding regulations for a degree program. They set out, for instance, which modules must be taken and which assessment must be completed in order to successfully complete the degree program. The exam regulations also regulate how often exams may be repeated, which deadlines apply to assessment, and how the final grade is calculated. The exam regulations and the module handbook help you to understand the framework and conditions of your program.

Masterrahmenprüfungsordnung (General Provisions of the University of Tübingen exam regulations for Master’s degree programs) - English version (not legally binding)

Studien- und Prüfungsordnung - Besonderer Teil (Special Provisions of the exam regulations) in the German and English version (not legally binding) 

Auswahlsatzung (Selection statutes) in the German and English version (not legally binding). In July 2024 the selection statutes have changed - in addition to the statutes linked above, you also have to consider the Änderungssatzung zur Auswahlsatzung (currently only available in German). For your courtesy we provide a so-called "Lesefassung" (reading version) here (currently only available in German) - please note, however, that the "Lesefassung" is not legally binding.

Zulassungs- und Immatrikulationsordnung der Universität

Help with choosing a study program

Entscheidungshilfen für ein Erststudium

Die Universität bietet Hilfen zur Entscheidungsfindung an. Dazu gehören z.B. der Besuch von Lehrveranstaltungen, Orientierungsveranstaltungen zu Studienwahlthemen sowie verschiedene Beratungsangebote. Weitere Hinweise finden Sie auf den Seiten für Studieninteressierte.

Entscheidungshilfen für Masterstudiengänge

Bei der Studienwahlentscheidung für die Masterstudiengänge spielen Spezialisierung, Schwerpunktsetzung und forschungs- sowie berufsbezogene Kriterien eine Rolle. Für Interessierte an Masterstudiengängen gibt es eine Vielzahl an Orientierungshilfen wie z.B. den Besuch von Lehrveranstaltungen und spezielle Beratungs- sowie Informationsangebote (z.B. Zentrale Studienberatung, Studienfachberatung, Career Service). Nähere Informationen finden Sie unter Beratung und Information.

© Population-Based Medicine, University of Tübingen

The purpose of this program is to enable you to address health problems at a population level after graduation. These problems are severe in this day and age, such as obesity, diabetes, the mental health of society, smokin, CAD, etc.

One topic that is discussed a lot in the lectures is the unequal distribution of health. We discuss how to tackle these issues on every level, starting from the individual and going all the way to the global level.

Population-Based Medicine aims to resolve population health problems with various types of interventions to increase the quality of life.

Arman, Khyber Mashal, and Sini Heinolainen

After your studies

A Master’s Degree in Population-Based Medicine opens a variety of paths to pursue. You will have acquired skills and techniques in a wide range of health-related areas, as well as collaborative team working, communication and research methodology. Career options could include working at:

  • Local planning and government offices (e.g., Public Health Officer)
  • Hospitals (e.g., Health Promotion Specialist, Communication Officer)
  • Consulting companies (e.g., Health Policy Analyst)
  • Health insurance companies (e.g., Health Data Scientist)
  • National and international (health) organizations (e.g., Program Manager)
  • Pharmaceutical companies (e.g, Population Health Scientist)
  • Universities and research institutes (e.g., Research Coordinator)
  • Non-governmental organizations (e.g., Strategic Partnership Analyst).
  • Various companies (e.g., Occupational Health Manager)

The program also provides a solid foundation for PhD studies.


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Beratung und Praktika
Der Career Service der Universität berät bei der Berufsorientierung und beim Berufseinstieg. Praktika und Jobs finden Sie im Praxisportal.

Upon successful completion of the Master’s Program Population-Based Medicine, graduates may directly pursue a doctorate or PhD.

 All degree programs