


Special series of Sectio medical lecture with partners in the CIVIS alliance

The Sectio live lectures give a glimpse into doctors' work at the hospital.

In the digital lecture Sectio, renowned and experienced surgeons demonstrate typical surgical procedures of their specialist discipline using anatomical preparations. The interactive online format is produced by the Institute of Clinical Anatomy and Cell Analysis of the University of Tübingen This winter semester, Sectio takes an important step towards internationalisation by producing a new series in collaboration with partners in the CIVIS university alliance. CIVIS is a university initiative, formed by eight universities throughout Europe. CIVIS aims at promoting European integration as well as cultural and scientific exchange.

These aims correspond with the approach taken in the Sectio interactive live lecture: Each week specialists of different surgical disciplines demonstrate operation procedures performed on anatomic specimens, including anatomists, radiologists, and physical therapists. They all contribute their expertise and thus show the value of their particular disciplines to surgical operation. Thus, Sectio and CIVIS share the ideas of interprofessional, interdisciplinary and interuniversity exchange as well as  internationalisation. 

Therefore, we are very excited to present a bilingual CIVIS-edition of Sectio in German and English, which will run from November to December 2020. Seven surgical operations are streamed live to lecture halls of the CIVIS partner universities and a worldwide audience . The Institute of Clinical Anatomy and Cell Analysis hosts these streams and offers interactive features to further active participation and exchange between students. Lecturers, as well as students, from the CIVIS partner universities join each episode as guests. Institute director Professor Dr. Bernhard Hirt interviews them briefly about both surgical topics and the idea of the CIVIS and international exchange. Additionally, a media library with up to 15 didactic videos will be createdthat can also be used in future CIVIS collaboration projects, for example with universities in Africa. These videos show selected former episodes of Sectio chirurgica, didactically enhanced and translated into English. Further audio-streams in additional languages could also be added. The project is an outstanding example for establishing virtual mobilities by  the integration of a well-known innovative, digital model of medical teaching in the framework of CIVIS. Last not least, it also contributes to the topic of health, one of five focus areas in the university alliance, the CIVIS hubs.

Due to the content of the episodes access is limited to medical students and professionals. They can be watched on the institute’s own platform www.sectio.digital.

Selected episodes, however, are also available to everybody on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Sectiochirurgica

Charlien Wolf

CIVIS member universities:

  • Aix Marseille Université (France)
  • National and Kapodistrian University Athens (Greece)
  • University of Bucharest (Romania)
  • Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)
  • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
  • Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
  • Stockholms universitet (Sweden)
  • University of Tübingen (Germany)

For further information about CIVIS, see https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/148059 and civis.eu.
