Simge Hamaloğlu


Universität Tübingen
Angewandte Kognitionspsychologie
Schleichstr. 4
72076 Tübingen

Tel.: + 49 7071-2976112

E-Mail: Simge.hamalogluspam


Schleichstr. 4
Raum 4.613
72076 Tübingen


nach Vereinbarung

Ich promoviere im Bereich Angewandte Kognitionspsychologie an der Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen. Mein Schwerpunkt liegt darin zu erforschen, wie metakognitive Fähigkeiten unsere Informationswahrnehmung und -repräsentation beeinflussen. Meine Arbeit erfolgt im Rahmen des Projekts „Modal and amodal cognition: Functions and interactions“.


  • Hamaloğlu, S., Huff, M., Fleming, S., Papenmeier, F., & Said, N. (2024). Insights into Metacognitive Efficiency: Unraveling the Interplay between Accuracy and Confidence during Event Completion​. Talk at the A-Dok, Doktorand:innen-Workshop 2024, Heidelberg, Germany.

  • Aydin, T., Hamaloğlu, S., Nolasco, S., Said, N., Levin, D., & Huff M. (2024). Modal and Amodal Representations of Events: Grain Size in Abstraction Processes. Talk at the A-Dok, Doktorand:innen-Workshop 2024, Heidelberg, Germany.

  • Hamaloğlu, S., Huff, M., Fleming, S., Papenmeier, F., & Said, N. (2024). Unraveling the Relationship between Accuracy and Confidence: A meta-cognitive perspective within Event Perception. Poster at the International Workshop on Modal and Amodal Cognition, Tübingen, Germany.

  • Aydin, T., Hamaloğlu, S., Nolasco, S., Said, N., Levin, D.,  & Huff M. (2024). Grain size in modal and amodal event representations. Poster at the International Workshop on Modal and Amodal Cognition, Tübingen, Germany.

  • Hamaloğlu, S., Huff, M., Fleming, S., Anders, G., Papenmeier, F., & Said, N. (2024). Metacognition and the Event Completion Paradigm: The Role of Metacognitive Sensitivity During Event Perception. Poster at the Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP2024), Regensburg, Germany.

  • Aydin, T., Hamaloğlu, S., Nolasco, S., Said, N., & Huff M. (2024). Grain of Events Shape Modality of Their Representations: Fine Context Triggers Modal Representations. Poster at the Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP2024), Regensburg, Germany.