Reduced course program and research sabbatical

Prof. Kampkötter was elected Dean of Studies of the School of Business and Economics (Studiendekan WiWi) and therefore has to reduce his course offerings. Additionally, Prof. Kampkötter has applied for a research sabbatical for the winter term 2025/26. Please note the changes to the following courses:

Bachelor level:

  • The Bachelor's seminar will take place with a reduced capacity of 12 slots
  • The courses B130 “Internes Rechnungswesen” and B330 “Accounting Information and Strategic Cost Management” will take place as usual

Master level:

  • For the course B432 "Organizational Economics", videos of the lecture will be provided on Ilias; the tutorials and the colloquium will take place as usual (in person)
  • The Master's course B430 “Managerial Accounting and Cost Analysis” will take place as usual in the winter term. NOTE: Prof. Kampkötter has applied for a research sabbatical in winter term 2025/26 and hence, the course B430 will not be offered in winter term 2025/26. You should therefore plan to attend the course either in winter term 2024/25 or in winter term 2026/27.
  • The Master's course B434 "Managerial Accounting: Control Systems, Top Executives, and Ethics" will no longer be offered until further notice
  • The Master's seminar will take place with a reduced capacity of 12 slots.
  • The supervision of master theses will take place as usual



Bachelor courses




Winter Term

Summer Term

B130 Internes Rechnungswesen
- Vorlesung

- Übung

6German  x
SQ902 Tutorenkolloquium
2German  x

B330A Accounting Information and Strategic Cost Management
- Lecture

- Tutorial

6English  x

B330B Accounting Information and Strategic Cost Management

Lecture, Tutorial and Colloquium
- Colloquium

9English  x
B332 Bachelorseminar in Managerial Accounting
Weitere Informationen ....
12Germanlimited to 12 x
SQ885 Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in Managerial Accounting German  x
Master courses




Winter Term

Summer Term

B430A Managerial Accounting and Cost Analysis
- Lecture
- Tutorial
6English x 
Case Studies in Managerial Accounting and Cost Analysis
(within the course Managerial Accounting and Cost Analysis) 
9English x 

B430B Accounting und Controlling mit SAP

(im Rahmen des Kurses Managerial Accounting and Cost Analysis)

- Colloquium

 GermanLehrauftrag von
Ernst & Young

B432A Organizational Economics
- Lecture

- Tutorial

6English  x

B432B Organizational Economics
Lecture, Tutorial and Colloquium

- Colloquium

9English  x

B434 Managerial Accounting: Control Systems, Top Executives, and Ethics

- Lecture
- Tutorial

6Englishno longer be offered 
until further notice
 (see top of page)


B433 Research Colloquium in Managerial Accounting English xx
B530 Master Seminar in Managerial Accounting (CM5_ Advanced topics)9English x 
ZB532 Academic Writing in Managerial Accounting English xx