Chinese Studies

Doktor- und Masterarbeiten / PhD and MA theses supervised


Als Erstgutachterin:
JIANG Qingjun, "Reshaping Masculinity between China and Korea during the Ming-Qing transition (17th and 18th centuries)"
Patrick Aberle, "Woodland Economy and Forest Technology in late imperial China" (working title)
ZHAO Yawei, "The Interaction of Landscape Paintings between Qianlong 乾隆 and Cichen 詞臣".

Als Zweitgutachterin:
ZHANG Chi, "Threatened Unity without Disintegration: The Network of Political and Cultural Negotiation in the Late Tang (8-9th Centuries)"
Fabian Hiller, "Zhang Taiyan – A Rationalist’s Quest to Rebuild His Own Shattered Worldview and Save the Chinese Nation" (working title) 
ZHAO Junjun


GU Zilin, "Change of the Wine Consumer Class since late Qing dynasty: Observing the Popular Marketing Strategy of Zhangyu Company in Zhangyu Gongsi zhi 张裕公司志 (The history of Zhangyu Company, 1999)" (working title)
HOU Jianan, "The Consumption of Seafood in the Jiangnan Region in the Eighteenth Century" (working title)