Institute of Education


Forschung / projects and third party funded | Prof. Dr. Karin Amos

Talent im Land - Schülerstipendien für begabte Zuwanderer aus Baden-Württemberg, student stipend program for talented migrants funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Baden-Württemberg Foundation. Link
Berufsqualifizierung und Berufsfeld im Umbruch: Institutionen und Akteure in der Ausbildungsphase der ErzieherInnen/KinderpflegerInnen (2010-2012), Professional Qualifying and the Transformation of Professions: Institutions and Actors in the Qualifying Stage of Educational Staff, in joint responsibility for the entire project with Rainer Treptow and in collaboration with professors Klaus Fröhlich-Gildhoff and Jo Jerg in Freiburg and Ludwigsburg; the project is funded by the Education Ministry of Baden-Württemberg and the Robert Bosch Foundation. Link
Member of Research Consortium: GOETE – Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe. Access, coping and relevance of education for young people in European knowledge societies in comparative perspective.
In European knowledge societies adequacy of education means a balance of individual, social and economic aspects. This is operationalised by exploring how educational institutions conceptualise and organise individual educational trajectories. The study covers the period from transition into lower secondary education to transition into upper secondary education/vocational education and training, i.e. the age group between 10 and 16 years. Comparative analysis will focus on the regulation of access to education, of support measures for coping with education and of securing the relevance of education for social integration and the labour market.