Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung (ZDV) (data center)

1. Application portal

You will find the application portal under:

If you have technical questions or problems, please contact us at alma-support@uni-tuebingen.de

2. How do I get my login information for the alma portal?

The login information is the same as for your student e-mail address. You will receive your login information in a letter sent to the address that you have given in your online immatriculation. This letter will include your login id and your initial password.

3. What is my login id for the alma portal?

Your login id is the same as your university login id. You can use it for other web services such as the webmailer you can use for your student e-mails (see section 2).

You cannot change your login id.

4. How do I change my password?

You can change your password via the central  Passwortänderungsseite. Please note that the password will be changed for all the university's webservices (i.e. IT-Center Computer Pool, the software portal, webmail etc.).

5. Where do I find my matriculation number?

Your matriculation number is on the documents sent to you by the student administration office, on your student id card and on your confirmation of enrollment.

6. Where do I get a new password in case I forget my password?

If you have forgotten your password, please contact the student administration office. There, you will be given a new initial password. Please note that you will have to present yourself during the opening hours and have your student id card ready. For reasons of data protection the student administration office will not send a password by e-mail.

7. How can I register for classes in the alma portal?

If you are an Erasmus or exchange student, please contact the lecturer. If you are not sure which classes you want to take, please contact your Studienfachberater.

If you are an enrolled student, you can register for your classes via the alma portal. Please note that registering for a class means only that you wish to participate and not that you have been admitted. In order to register for a course you have to log in with your student login ID and password.

You can only register for courses during the registration period. The registration period is determined by the faculties and institutes and is noted in the detail view of the course. If there is no registration period noted please contact the organizing institute.

If you have questions about how to register or the registration periods please contact the organizing institute.

Please note: Not every course requires a registration in the alma portal. Please contact the organizing institute if a registration in the alma portal is required.

8. How will I know whether I was accepted to a course?

It depends on whether you are an Erasmus exchange student or a fully enrolled student.

Erasmus students will get an e-mail from the lecturer.

For fully enrolled students there are several ways to find your accepted courses.

Any news will be shown in the portlet "Meine Meldungen". You can also check the status under "My Studies" > "Show my Enrollments". If you are accepted to a course the status will change from "angemeldet" to "admission". You will find the status also in your schedule ("My Studies" > "Schedule").

9. Why do I have to register for exams after registering for my classes?

It depends on whether you are an Erasmus/exchange student or a fully enrolled student.

Erasmus/exchange students will have to contact the lecturer.

For fully enrolled students there are two different registration processes: one registration is for courses and one is for the exams. With the course registration you express your wish to take a class. With the registration for an exam you express the wish to take the required exams. In some cases, students only want to hear a lecture and not take the exam for it and that is why there are two separate processes. This will guarantee more flexilbility for your studies.

10. How can I register for my exams?

Erasmus/exchange students will have to contact the lecturer if they want to take the exam.

Fully enrolled students log onto the alma portal and select "My Studies" > "Planner Of Studies with module plan". The exams have a gold/silver star symbol. Click on the "apply st/wt [year]" button, read the notification, select "I accept" and click "next". You will then see that your registration was successful.


Important notes:

Please note that the admission to an exam via the system does not guarantee participation in the exam.

Please note that you can only register for exams in the exam registration period. You will find the exam registration period on the website of the Central Examination Office.

11. There is something wrong with my exam registration or my Transcript of Records. What can I do?

Please contact the Central Examination Office


12. I have been enrolled in the wrong course of studies. What can I do?

Please contact the Student Administration.

13. How can I change my e-mail address?

Under "My Studies" > "Student Service" > "Contact Data" you can only add an e-mail adress but cannot change your student e-mail address. Your student e-mail address will be used for all official digital correspondence.


14. Where can I get my Transcript of Records?

Erasmus/exchange students receive their transcript of records under "My Studies" > "My achievements". You select the "Transcript of Records for Exchange Students". More information on this website

Fully enrolled students find their Transcript of Records in the alma portal under "My Studies" > "My achievements". You can select the German or English version of your Transcript of Records.


15. The course catalog has errors. What can I do?

The faculties and departments are responsible for the content of the course catalog. Please contact four faculty or department if you notice any error.


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