All existing Zoom licenses are available to you for a further 24 months until mid-October 2023; no further action is necessary here.
Zoom for employees
Licenses for employees are assigned via reports from the deaneries. For urgent inquiries, contact zoom-admin @uni-tuebingen.de
Large meetings and webinars
For special events, special zoom licenses can be assigned in individual cases for a limited period of time:
- Meetings up to 500 (instead of 300) participants
- Webinars up to 1,000 participants
All that is required for this is the Zoom account (work email address) of the organizer.
If required, send an email to zoom-admin. @uni-tuebingen.de
Data protection and end-to-end encryption
Since November 2020, Zoom has been offering end-to-end encryption of the entire content (E2EE) on request. Please note the information on data protection for the use of video conferences in general.
See the Zoom Help Center for detailed instructions. Please also note the Zoom Security Guide.