Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung (ZDV) (data center)

Forgot password

If you have forgotten your central password, you can have it reset to your initial password.


Students can only have this done by the student administration. Please contact the person responsible for you there.

Employees and all other users

Please contact the ZDV user administration.

You have to come by personally with an official photo ID (e.g. your identity card). If required, you will can recieve the initial password again.

As a matter of principle, passwords are not sent by email, nor are they communicated by telephone. If you cannot come in person, please provide a representative with written authorization.

If you can provide the initial password, you can also call the ZDV's user administration and have your password reset to the initial password.

You should change the (reset) initial password immediately and set your own password, on the one hand for security reasons and on the other hand not all services can be used with the initial password.

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