Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung (ZDV) (data center)

Location and opening hours of IT Center (ZDV)

The IT Center (ZDV) is a complex of buildings accessible from Wächterstrasse 76 and Wilhelmstrasse 106.

Additionally, the ZDV has rooms at the Morgenstelle Campus at "auf der Morgenstelle 10", building C, level 2.


Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung

Wächterstraße 76

72074 Tubingen, Germany

Phone +49-(0)7071-29-70201

Fax +49-(0)7071-29-5912

Wächterstraße 76

Here you will find the administration, application terminals, ZDV library, seminar room, course rooms 2 and 3, the Genius-Bar and video conferencing rooms.

Office hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

You must exit the building before 5pm!

Wilhelmstraße 106

Here you will find the computer pool, course room 1, the issuing office for printed posters and application terminals.

Building open: Mon - Sun 7:00am - 4:00am

You must exit the building before closing time!

Wilhelmstraße 113 Offices
Auf der Morgenstelle 10

Here you will find course room 4 (Room F07) and the issuing office for printed posters (Room A14).

Building open: Mon - Fri 7:00am - 8:00pm

Auf der Morgenstelle 24/1-3 Servers

Different opening hours may apply to other ZDV services.

Arriving by public transport

The nearest bus stop to the main entrance at Wächterstraße 76 is "Pauline-Krone-Heim". The secondary entrance at Wilhelmstraße 106 is closer to the bus stop "Landhausstraße". Catch the following buses:

The closest bus stop to our branch at Morgenstelle campus is called "BG Unfallklinik".

Bus timetables at: www.naldo.de

Street map

Building map

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